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数字证书 digital certificate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-29 16:38:37


数字证书 digital certificate英语短句 例句大全

数字证书,digital certificate

1)digital certificate数字证书

1.Thedigital certificate of contemporary medical equipment;现代医疗设备中的数字证书技术

2.The Information safety technology centered ondigital certificate;数字证书为核心的信息安全技术

3.A scheme of authorized devices accessible streaming media services based ondigital certificate;一个基于数字证书的流媒体可接入设备方案


1.Certificate based identity authentication in remote login linux system基于数字证书的linux远程登录身份认证

2.Design of supporting ECC digital certificate in IKEv2 authentication支持ECC数字证书的IKEv2认证设计

3.The Application of CA Digital Certificate and Organizational Code Certificate;论CA数字证书与组织机构代码证书的协同应用

4.Research of Trans-CA Certificate Retrieval Technology Based on Certificate Gateway基于证书网关的数字证书跨CA查取技术研究

5.Using Digital Certificate to Realize Digital Signature and Encipher of E-mail利用数字证书实现电子邮件的数字签名和加密

6.A Digital Certificate Authentication-based Electric Power Safe Dialing Authentication System基于数字证书认证的电力安全拨号认证系统

7.The stickiest issue is building a directory of digital certificates.最困难的问题是建立数字证书目录。

8.Analysis and Design of Digital Certificate Center Based on Apache;基于Apache的数字证书中心分析与设计

9.The Research and Design of Digital Certificate Management System;数字证书管理系统DCMS的研究与设计

10.The Study of Secure Certificated-based Roaming on Wireless LANs;基于数字证书的WLAN安全漫游研究

11.Sensitive Content Protection in Digital Certificate Based on Bit Commitment基于位承诺的数字证书敏感信息保护

12.The Design and Implementation of the Certificate Validation Service Based on RCA;基于根CA的数字证书验证服务的设计与实现

13.The Design and Implementation of user authentication System based on digital certification;基于数字证书X.509的身份认证系统的研究

14.A Digital Certificate Authentication Technique Based on Challenge for VoIP一种基于挑战码的VoIP数字证书认证技术

15.Research on the Wireless Network Identity Certification Based on Digital Certification基于数字证书的无线网络身份认证研究

16.Research of Safe Data Exchange in Digital Certificate Center Based on XML and SPKM;基于XML和SPKM的数字证书中心安全数据交换研究

17.Design and Implementation of Digital Certificate Center Data Exchange Based on XML基于XML的数字证书中心数据交换设计与实现

18.Identification authentication server provides password authentication and digital certificate authentication.身份认证服务器提供口令认证和数字证书认证两种方式。


digital certification数字证书

1.The identification authentication of online payment based on SETdigital certification;基于SET数字证书的在线支付身份认证方案

2.And thendigital certification based USB Key authentication mode and its limitation were studied.在研究USBKey数字证书认证模式的基础上,提出了一个新的认证协议,该认证协议吸取挑战/应答方式的优点,在原来的静态认证模式中引进动态因素,并结合时间戳技术防止重放攻击,通过判断挑战发出和应答返回的时间差来解决分布式系统中维持时钟同步困难的问题,从而加强身份认证的正确性和时效性,具有很高的安全强度和实用价值。

3.This paper introducs the PKI(public key Infrastructure),digital certification and RSA arithmetic to implement the double people or multi people digital signature,which can guarantee the safety of the data correspondence on Internet , the legality identity of the net users , the safety of the using of EC and electrical government affair为了保障网络中数据通信的安全、网上用户身份的识别和电子商务、电子政务中网上交易的安全 ,介绍了公开密钥加密体系 (PKI)和数字证书 (DC) ,以及RSA算法实现数字签名和多人签名技术的实施 ,并介绍了多种有效的数字签名方法 ,包括一对一签名、多重数字签


1.Application of PKI Digital Certificate in Web System;PKI数字证书在WEB系统中的安全应用

2.Analysis and Utilization of X.509v3certificate;X.509v3数字证书分析与利用

3.Research and Implement of Advanced Authentication System Based on Digital Certificate Technology;基于数字证书的增强型身份认证系统模型的研究与实现

4)digital certificates数字证书

1.Application ofdigital certificates based on PKI in time stamp service system;数字证书在时间戳服务系统中的应用研究

2.Digital Certificates Experiment of Generality of Electronic Commerce;《电子商务概论》的数字证书实验

3.Based on the secure requirement of open Internet,this paper introduced the cryptography principles ofdigital certificates and its specific application in the E-government affairs system.基于对开放互联网环境下的安全性要求,介绍了数字证书的密码学原理及其在电子政务系统中的具体应用,并详细阐述了对称密钥算法、非对称密钥算法和公开密钥数字签名算法。


1.PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) which manage public keys by digital certificates issued by a trusted third-party agency -Certification Authority (CA) which binds the user\"s public key and identification information together, is currently the main technology that people use to solve this problem.应用数字证书管理公钥,通过第三方的可信任机构—认证中心CA,把用户的公钥和用户的其他标识信息捆绑在一起,在互联网上验证用户的身份的PKI技术是目前世界各国为解决身份认证采用的主要技术。

6)X509 digital certificateX509数字证书


