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民族理论 national theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-22 14:36:32


民族理论 national theory英语短句 例句大全

民族理论,national theory

1)national theory民族理论

1.Zhou Enlai is one of the founders ofnational theory of the CPC.周恩来是中国共产党民族理论的奠基人之一。

2.He spred systematically thenational theory and policies of the Soviet Union of 1920s and 30s and used the Marxism to study and explore the national problems.他不但较系统地传播了上世纪二三十年代苏联的民族理论及民族政策,而且努力运用马克思主义理论研究、探索民族问题,并将其与中国民族问题的实际结合起来。

3.As a part of Mao zedong thought, the party snational theory was be able to be constantly developed and improved during the war of againsting Japan.作为毛泽东思想重要组成部分的党的民族理论,在抗战时期得以不断发展和完善。


1.On Theories about Nationalities with Chinese Characteristics and Social Development;论中国特色民族理论与民族社会发展

2.On A General Introduction to Ethno-theory;民族理论学科的珍贵宝典——评《民族理论通论》

3.Marxist Nationality Theory and Chinese Nationality Identification;马克思主义民族理论与中国民族识别

4.LUO Jia-lun and Study of Theory on Ethnology in Modern China--Focued on Nation,Nationality and Nation-state;罗家伦与近代中国民族理论研究——以民族、民族性、民族国家为中心

5.About the National Theory,The National Policy,National Question Theory"s Several Ponder关于民族理论、民族政策、民族问题理论的几点思考

6.The Development and Change of Theories of Ethnicity and Their Relation with National Theories;族群理论的流变及其与民族理论的关系

7.An Analysis of the Social Function from Course of "Ethnic Theory and Policy";“民族理论与民族政策”课程的社会功能解析

8.A Study of the Ethnic Culture Education in the Teaching of Ethnic Theory;民族理论教学中的民族文化教育问题研究

9.On Marxist and Engels Ethnic Theory and Ethnic Issues in the 20th Century;马克思、恩格斯的民族理论与20世纪的民族问题

10.Keeping Pace with the Times in Teaching and Researching into Theories and Policies about Nationalities;民族理论与民族政策的教学和研究要与时俱进

11.Features of the Southwest Ethnic Groups and the Fundamentals of Deng Xiaoping s Nationality Theory;西南民族问题特征与邓小平民族理论基础

12.Probe into Jiang Zeming’s Theories of Building National Spirit And National Nature;学习江泽民“民族性格、民族精神塑造理论”

13.The Nationalization of Ecumenical Ethics and The Cumenicalization of National Ethics;论普世伦理的民族化和民族伦理的普世化

14.Factors That Influence National Relations--Research V on Theories of National Relations;民族关系影响因素——民族关系理论研究之五

15.Central Problems of Ethnic Relations--Research VI on Theories of Ethnic Relations;民族关系核心问题——民族关系理论研究之四

16.Essential Features of Ethnic Relations--Research III on Theories of National Relations;民族关系本质特征——民族关系理论研究之三

17.Laws of Development in Ethnic Relations--Research VI on Theories of Ethnic Relations;民族关系发展规律——民族关系理论研究之六

18.On the Relationship between the Ethnic Eco-Ethics and the Ethnic Living Surroundings;论民族生态伦理与民族生存环境的关系


ethnic theory民族理论

1.Marxist Ethnic Theory: the Theoretical Guidance to the Settlement of the Ethnic Issues in China;马克思主义民族理论是解决中国民族问题惟一正确的指导思想

2.Summarization of the Studies on Deng Xiaoping sEthnic Theory across the 20~(th)-21~(th) Centuries;世纪之交邓小平民族理论研究综述

3.Hisethnic theory is rich in content and profound in meaning.在乌兰夫民族观的形成和发展过程中,列宁的民族理论对他产生了重要而深远的影响。

3)nationality theory民族理论

1.There are three forms of thenationality theory and policy, Russian, China and Yugoslavia form.二战以后形成了社会主义阵营,其民族理论和政策分化为以苏联、中国和南斯拉夫为代表的三种模式。

2.After its introduction into China in the early 20th century, Marxist theory of nationality was spread and accepted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and then acquired great development in China and became the theoretical source of the Chinese discipline ofnationality theory.马克思主义民族理论是由马克思、恩格斯在 19世纪创立的科学理论 ,后由列宁、斯大林继承和发展。

3.Deng Xiaoping snationality theory is the new developing stage of Marxist snationality theory.邓小平民族理论是马列主义民族理论在中国发展的新阶段。

4)ethnic theories民族理论

1.Li Weihan pointed out a different set ofethnic theories suited to China and ethnic policies based on them through intergrating the ethnic theory of Marxism with the practice of China.李维汉将马克思主义民族理论同中国民族问题的实际相结合,完全突破了苏联共产党的民族理论,提出了一套适合中国民族情况的民族理论,制定实施了一整套适合中国实际的民族政策,在走具有中国特色的解决民族问题的道路方面做出了重大贡献。

2.In the more than fifty years since the founding of new China,Chinese Communist Party,guided by Marxismethnic theories,has established a new socialist ethn.建国五十多年来,中国共产党坚持以马克思主义民族理论为指导,在我国建立了平等、团结、互助的社会主义新型民族关系,创立并成功地实行了民族区域自治制度。

5)the national theory民族理论

1.Theory & Policy about Developing Ethnic Minorities and National Regional Social Cause of the Third Leading Group of CCP——No.10 ofthe national theory study of the third leading group of CCP;中国共产党第三代领导集体关于发展少数民族和民族地区事业的理论与政策——中国共产党第三代领导集体民族理论研究之十

2.Theory & Policy about Cultivating and Selecting National Cadre of the Third Leading Group of CCP——No.9 ofthe national theory study of the third leading group of CCP;中国共产党第三代领导集体关于培养和选拔少数民族干部的理论与政策——中国共产党第三代领导集体民族理论研究之九

6)ethnological theory民族学理论


中国民族理论研究会研究马克思主义民族理论的群众性学术团体。是中国民族研究团体联合会的成员。于1979年中国社会科学院召开的全国民族研究工作规划会议上宣告成立。研究会设有理事会,选出了理事长、副理事长和秘书长,以及理事71人,其中有16个少数民族成分的理事38人。全国现有个人会员451人,其中有28个少数民族成分的会员227人。 中国民族理论研究会贯彻中国共产党的"百花齐放、百家争鸣"的方针,提倡解放思想。根据需要召开年会或学术讨论会,讨论全国少数民族地区社会主义现代化建设中提出的重大理论问题。会址设在北京。云南等省也成立了民族理论研究会。
