900字范文 > 森林重庆 forest Chongqing英语短句 例句大全

森林重庆 forest Chongqing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-14 05:01:47


森林重庆 forest Chongqing英语短句 例句大全

森林重庆,forest Chongqing

1)forest Chongqing森林重庆


1.Build "Forest of Chongqing" Strive to Become Ecological Civilization Area in the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze建设“森林重庆” 打造长江上游生态文明区

2.I have Chungking Express an d Happy Togethr in my top 20 netflix.正在加紧找《重庆森林》和《春光乍泄》。

3.Colin: I loved the Wong Kar-wai film called Chungking Express.科林:我喜欢王家卫那部叫《重庆森林》的电影。

4.I have since seen him in Chunking Express, In the Mood For Love and Hero and so on.”然后我已经看了《重庆森林》、花样年华》和《英雄》等等。

5.Edna: Did you know that he made Chungking Express in 1994?埃德娜:你知不知道他是在1994年拍摄的《重庆森林》?

6.The Forest Health and the Technique of Limestone Improvement on Acid Soil in Tieshanping, ChongQing;重庆铁山坪的森林健康及石灰改良作用

7.The Effects of Fire Disturbance on the Vegetation and Soil of Subtropical Forest in Chongqing;火干扰对重庆亚热带森林植被及土壤的影响

8.A Study on the Technology of Helth Monitoring and Regulation of the Forests under Acid Deposition in Tieshanping, Chongqing酸沉降条件下的重庆铁山坪森林健康监测及调控技术研究

9.Male, USA, First saw him in Chungking Express, Great actor.男,美国,第一部电影是《重庆森林》。他是一个非常棒的演员。

10.Study on the Forest Ecosystem Services Valuation and Ecosystem Management in Qianjiang District, Chongqing Municipality;重庆黔江区森林生态系统服务价值评估及其生态系统管理研究

11.A Study on the Valuation of Water and Soil Conservation Service Function of Forest Ecosystem in the Three Gorges Reservoir area of Chongqing;三峡库区(重庆段)森林水土保持服务功能价值研究


13.The non-point source pollution control function of four forest communities in Simian Mountains,Chongqing重庆市四面山4种森林群落面源污染控制功能分析

14.Consideration about the Establishment of Forest Ecology Network System in Anqing City安庆市森林生态网络体系建设的思考

15.Preliminary Analysis on Tourist Forest Resource in Beilingshan State Forest Farm of Zhaoqing City;肇庆市国有北岭山林场森林旅游资源开发初探

16.Study on Evaluation for Forest Ecological System Service Function of Public Welfare Forests in Qingyuan County庆元县公益林森林生态系统服务功能评价研究

17.Carbon Sequestration Potential of Forest Stands Under GGP in Chongqing Municipality重庆市退耕还林工程林固碳潜力估算

18.Forest Fire:an Important Aspect of Forest Culture;林火文化:森林文化的一个重要方面


Chongqing forest重庆市森林

1.The flora ofChongqing forest gymnosperms is composed of 44 species,belonging to 7 families and 26 genera and their life forms include 35 species of evergreen tree,4 species of deciduous tree and 5 species of evergreen shrub.重庆市森林裸子植物区系有7科26属44种。

3)Chongqing gardens重庆园林

1.Chongqing gardens the modern times comes into being in such complicated history period , the characteristic forming its unique style: method and principle having inherited original tradition gardens s on one hand, follow the natural world , disregard formalities, Adapt to the Chongqing geographical feature , the climate environment,the nature forming the unique sum are harmonious th.本文通过文献的收集整理,结合实地调研,从园林发展历程上入手,从近代私家园林、近代公园、近代书院园林、寺庙园林、纪念性园林等几个方面观察,从园林要素如择址、布局、叠石堆山、理水、动植物配置、色彩、装饰和精神风格各方面去分析总结,力图挖掘出建在真山真水中的近代重庆园林是如何在传统和现代两种力量中寻找到平衡,是怎样在继承了优秀传统的基础上,积极的探索,融入到那个时代之中的。

4)rehabilitated forest重建森林

1.Relationships of soil moisture content with precipitation and evaporation inrehabilitated forests in degraded limestone red-soil region of Jiangxi Province;江西省退化石灰岩红壤区重建森林土壤水分与降水量和蒸发量的关系

2.In this paper geostatistical theory and methods are used to study the spatial variability and the spatial distributing characters of soil moisture of different models ofrehabilitated forest in dry season in Taihe county,Jiangxi province.采用地统计学的方法,研究了江西泰和退化红壤区不同模式重建森林在高温干旱季节土壤水分空间变异规律及其分布格局。

3.Therehabilitated forest of age 10 in different models in degraded red soil region located in Taihe County and Yiyang County of Jiangxi Province was taken as the object of the study.以地处江西弋阳县和泰和县退化红壤区上不同模式重建的森林为对象,调查分析不同模式重建森林第的林下植被状况及土壤物理性状、化学性状及微生物性状指标。

5)rehabilitating forest重建森林

1.In this study,soil nitrogen availability and its mineralization process were examined by the methods of in situ closed-top PVC tube incubation under the differentrehabilitating forest in degraded red soil in Taihe county,Jiangxi province.采用PVC顶盖埋管法,在江西省泰和县退化红壤区开展不同模式重建森林土壤N素有效性及矿化特征的研究,结果表明:(1)不同模式重建森林土壤有效N差异极显著(P<0。

2.In this study,soil nitrogen mineralization process and its availability were examined by themethod of in situ closed-top PVC tube incubation under differentrehabilitating forests in degraded red soil.深入开展生态系统N平衡的研究有利于更好地评价重建森林的功能。

6)recoverable forest可重构森林


森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resourcessen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。
