900字范文 > 金融发展水平 financial development level英语短句 例句大全

金融发展水平 financial development level英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-04 22:51:26


金融发展水平 financial development level英语短句 例句大全

金融发展水平,financial development level

1)financial development level金融发展水平


1.The Analysis of Financial Development Level and Financial Structure in Chinese Rural Area;中国农村金融发展水平及其金融结构分析

2.The Empirical Study on the Relationship between Financial Development and Income Distribution in China;中国金融发展水平与收入分配关系的实证研究

3.The Evaluation and Empirical Study on Regional Financial Development Level in China;中国地区金融发展水平的评价与实证分析

4.Changing Characteristics of Financial Disparities among Four Economic Regionsin China四大经济区域金融发展水平的变动特征

5.Influence of Foreign Banks to Chinese Banking Industry--Whether There is Relationship between the Development Level of Finance and Competition Level of Banking Industry;外资银行进入对我国银行业的影响——与金融发展水平和银行业竞争程度有关吗

6.Electronic construction and service innovation have developed rapidly, which has enhanced the financial service level significantly.金融电子化建设和金融业务创新快速发展,金融服务水平明显提高。

7.Legality,Local Government Intervention and Financial Development;法治水平、地方政府干预行为与金融发展

8.Financial Development and Endogenous Growth with Horizontal Innovation;金融发展与基于水平创新的内生增长模型

9.Coordination Analysis of Financial Development and Economic Development--Based on Jiangsu Province"s Data金融发展与经济发展的协调水平测度研究——基于江苏的实证

10.Financial Liberalization, Financial Supervision and Financial Development;金融自由化、金融再规范与金融发展

11.Financial Innovation, Financial Engineering and Financial Sustainable Development;金融创新、金融工程与金融可持续发展

12.Industry Investment Fund:financial innovation of water conservancy development;产业投资基金:促进水利发展的金融创新

13.From Global Imbalance to Global Crisis从全球不平衡走向全球金融危机——金融发展驱动力视角的分析

14.The Evolvement of the Meaning of "Financial Development" in Financial Development Theory;金融发展理论中“金融发展”涵义的演进

15.They can weigh overall level and ripeness of financial circles development.这两个指标可以很直观地衡量一国金融业发展的总体水平和成熟程度。

16.The robust performance of the banking sector promoted the economic development.金融的平稳运行,促进了国民经济的发展。

17.Financial Markets Development Project [PECC]金融市场发展研究计划〔太平洋经济合作议会〕

18.The Study of the Nexus between the Unequal Financial Development and Urban-rural Income Disparity;金融发展不平衡与城乡收入差距关系研究


Finance development金融发展

1.Finance Development and Economy Growth: the case study of Changsanjiao;金融发展与经济增长:以长三角为例进行实证研究

2.The Influence of Guangxi Finance Development Towards Economics Growth Based on Empirical Research;广西金融发展对经济增长影响的实证研究

3)financial development金融发展

1.An Empirical Study of the Dynamic Correlation between China s Financial Development and Economic Growth;中国金融发展和经济增长动态相关性检验

2.The Statistical Descriptive on Regional Financial Development in China;中国各地区金融发展的统计学描述

3.Financial Development and Capital Freedom Index for China s Provinces:1999-;中国各地区金融发展与资本自由度指数:1999—

4)economic growth金融发展

1.The Empirical Analysis on the Functions of Financial Development to Shaanxi s Economic Growth;金融发展对陕西经济增长作用的实证分析

2.This paper firstly discusses the relationship among money,real interest rate andeconomic growth of China.在分析了中国货币、实际利率与经济增长之间相关关系的基础上 ,运用双向变量的格兰杰因果检验法 ,实证分析了金融发展与经济增长的因果关系 ,得出了中国更多地表现为经济增长带动金融发展的结

3.Therefore, this article attempts to validate whether there exists a causal relationship between Financial Development and Economic Growth in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.关于金融发展和经济增长关系的探讨,从早期的古典经济学算起,已经研究了近三百年的历史,总结起来主要有两种观点,一种观点是“金融无关论”认为金融发展对实体经济增长不会产生实质性的影响或影响很小。

5)concept of financial development金融发展观

6)the development of financial Industry金融业发展


