900字范文 > 高架轻轨 elevated light rail英语短句 例句大全

高架轻轨 elevated light rail英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-16 22:03:16


高架轻轨 elevated light rail英语短句 例句大全

高架轻轨,elevated light rail

1)elevated light rail高架轻轨

1.Based on the principle of the statistical energy analysis (SEA), a theoretical model of SEA applied to the prediction of the noise ofelevated light rail transit has been set up.运用统计能量分析方法SEA(statisticalenergyanalysis)建立了高架轻轨噪声预测理论模型 ,并在分析车轮、钢轨、支垫层和桥梁构件的噪声辐射状况的基础上 ,根据振动与辐射声能的关系 ,进行仿真计算 ,得出其辐射噪声声级 。

2.Theelevated light rail eases the traffic congestion, but also has brought a certain degree of negative impact to the urban landscape.高架轻轨在缓解城市交通拥挤现象的同时,也给城市景观带来了一定的负面影响。


1.Investigation of Launching Technique for the PC Beam of the Overhead Light Railway in Chongqing City;重庆城市高架轻轨PC梁架设技术研究

2.Structural design of light railway station supported by tree-shaped colonnade with long cantilever单排树形大悬臂墩柱高架轻轨车站结构设计

3.A Research into Effect on Landscape Caused by Elevated Light Rail--With An Example of the No.1 Light Rail Line in Wuhan高架轻轨对城市景观的影响研究——以武汉市轻轨一号线一期工程为例

4.(4) Elevated light railway in Chongqing (phase I of light trunk from Jiaochangkou to Xinshancun)4.重庆市高架轻轨交通(较场口-新山村线路一期工程)

5.Urban Elevated Railway,LRT System and Construction of Passenger Traffic Terminal城市高架铁路、轻轨运输系统和客运枢纽建设

6.Type selection and design of the elevated section bridge in the third stage project of Changchun light rail长春轻轨三期工程高架区间桥梁的选型及设计

7.With No. 1 Metro Station, Hu Min overhead road and Elevated Railway, it lines in a convenient traffic net.附近有地铁1号线、沪闵高架、内环线高架、轻轨,周边交通十分便捷。

8.Seismic Response Analysis and Isolation Investigation for Elevated Bridges and Station-Bridge Structural Systems of Light Railways;轻轨高架桥梁与站桥结构体系地震反应分析与隔震研究

9.Development and Application of Carrying and Erecting Device of PC Track Beam in Chongqing Light Rail重庆轻轨PC轨道梁架运设备的研制和应用

10.Modal Analysis of the Bogie 100% Light-floor Vehicle;100%低地板轻轨车转向架模态分析

11.Finite Element Analysis of the Light Rail Inspection Vehicle Based on COSMOS基于COSMOS技术的轻轨巡检车车架的有限元分析

12.Study on the Vibration Performance of Elevated Station and Track Structure in Urban Rail Transit;城市轨道交通高架车站—轨道结构振动特性研究

13.The Study of the Vibration Property of Ballastless Track of Urban Mass Transit on Bridge;城市高架轨道交通无砟轨道振动特性研究

14.Study on Track upon Vibration-noise Controls in Viaduct Rail Transit System;高架轨道交通轨道结构减振降噪性能研究

15.Study on Floating Slab Track upon Vibration-noise Controls in Viaduct Rail Transit System;高架轨道交通浮置板轨道减振降噪性能研究

16.Track-laying scheme cost analysis of main line viaducts of rail transit;轨道交通正线高架桥铺轨方案及费用分析

17.Some Advice on Installing Guiding Rail on the Viaduct of Urban Rail Transit Systems关于城市轨道高架桥上安装护轮轨的建议

18.Alweg supported monorail阿尔威克式高架跨行单轨铁路


light rail viaduct轻轨高架桥

1.Contrast analysis of two computing results of a certainlight rail viaduct;某轻轨高架桥两种计算结果的对比分析

3)elevated light railway轻轨高架铁路

4)viaduct rail transit高架轨道

1.The application of vibration attenuation mechanism in urbanviaduct rail transit;减振原理在城市高架轨道交通中的应用

5)overhead monorail高架单轨

6)Light rail bridge in Shanghai上海轻轨桥架


