900字范文 > 径向误差 radial error英语短句 例句大全

径向误差 radial error英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-07 19:47:05


径向误差 radial error英语短句 例句大全

径向误差,radial error

1)radial error径向误差

1.To meet the requirement of 100% on-line inspection of gears in mass production in automotive and motorcycle industry, the two-flank principle is used to check the gearradial errors(thickness, radial composite error, run-out and error burs)and the gear axial errors(mean helix error, helix error and taper error)to realize the quick on-line inspection of gear machining flaws.针对汽车、摩托车齿轮生产企业大批量齿轮生产现场,实现在线100%快速检测需要,本项目采用双面啮合原理测量齿轮的径向误差(齿厚、径向综合偏差、径向跳动、毛刺等)和轴向误差(平均齿向偏差、齿向偏差、锥度误差),实现齿轮的制造缺陷的现场快速检测。

2.This paper analyzes the reason forradial error and tangential error in the course of gears rolling.分析了滚齿过程中,齿轮的径向误差和切向误差产生的原因,径向误差是指滚齿时出现几何偏心,使所切齿轮的轮齿发生径向位移而引起的齿轮累积误差,切向误差,是由于机床的工作台不等速旋转,使所切齿的轮齿沿切间发生位移所引起的齿距累积误差,两种误差产生的原因不一样,但对齿轮传动的精度有很大的影响。

3.The paper analyzes the reason of track shape error and the phenomenon ofradial error propagation.本文分析了自伺服过程中产生轨道形状偏差的原因及其带来的径向误差传递现象。


1.Research on a Radial Error Separation Method about Gyre Movement;一种回转基准径向误差分离方法研究

2.The Calculation of Largest Radial Error for Cutting Force on the Long Axis Parts切削力对长轴类零件产生最大径向误差的计算

3.A Novel Method Containing the Radial Error Propagation in Self-Servowriting in Hard Disk一种抑制硬盘自伺服刻写中径向误差传播的方法

4.Dynamic measurement technology of the spindle motion error of high speed spindle机床主轴径向回转误差的测试与研究

5.Preliminary Discussion on the Effects of the Pure Radial Jumpiness Errer in Principal Axes on the Error Shape in Formed Workpiece;主轴纯径向跳动误差对加工工件形成误差形状浅析

6.Analyzing Rotor Rotating Error Using Fractional Brownian Motion基于分数布朗运动的转轴径向回转误差分析

C Machine Spindle Radial Motion Error On-line Measurement数控机床主轴径向运动误差在线高精度检测

8.The Radial Rotation Error Analysis and Three-dimension Simulation of Precision Sliding;精密轴的径向回转误差分析与三维仿真

9.Radial Run-out Measuring System Improvement and Error Compensation of Cylindrical Gear;圆柱齿轮径向跳动检测系统改进及误差补偿

10.Application of RBF Collocation Method and Its Error Estimate;径向基函数配点法的应用及其误差估计

11.Research of Gear Radial Composite Deviation Measure System Based on PC;基于PC的齿轮径向综合误差测量系统的研究

12.Local Error Estimates for Radial Basis Function Interpolation流形上径向基函数插值的局部误差估计

13.On Spindle Motion Error Separation Based on Virtual-position Reading基于虚位数据法的主轴径向回转误差分离研究

14.Research on MEMS IMU Error Modeling Based on Time Series and Radial Basis Function Neuron Network Modeling Method时间序列和径向基网络的MEMS IMU误差建模研究

15.Measurement Technology of the Rotor Rotating Error of Motorized Spindle Based on LabVIEW基于LabVIEW的电主轴径向回转误差测量技术

16.Analysis of Kinematical and Error on Rotational Cutting of Radial Slots径向槽回转切削运动学及加工误差分析

17.Study on Mechanism and Software Compensation for Radial Motion Errors of NC Mach ine Tools数控机床径向运动误差的形成机理及补偿方法研究

18.Research on the Spindle Radial Motion Error of the Numerical Machine Tools Based on Laser Displacement Sensor;基于激光位移传感器的数控机床主轴径向运动误差测试方法研究


radial rotating error径向回转误差

3)diametrical dimension error径向尺寸误差

4)Integrated radial error径向综合误差△f

5)radical circular run out error径向圆跳动误差

6)radical continuous run-out error径向全跳动误差

1.In this paper,a new algorithm of evaluation of theradical continuous run-out error with respect to a common datum axis is presented.介绍了一种评定公共基准径向全跳动误差的新算法 ,通过所建立的数学模型 ,可快速、准确地求得符合其定义的误差


锻压:径向锻造 专门加工实心或空心长轴类零件的旋转锻造方法。锻造时﹐分布在棒料圆周方向的锤头(2~8个)对工件快速和同步锻打。如工件为圆截面﹐则一面低速旋转﹐一面轴向进给移动﹔如工件为非圆截面﹐则只轴向进给而不旋转。径向锻造的特点是不需要专用模具﹐能按预定程序锻出精密的轴类零件。径向锻造每次压缩量小﹐每分鐘锻打次数高﹐一般为240~1800次/分﹐能提高金属的塑性。这种方法可用於热锻或冷锻。图径向锻造件 为常见的径向锻造件形式。锻件的精度﹕热锻的外径±0.5毫米﹐内径±0.1毫米﹔冷锻的外径±0.1毫米﹐内径±0.01毫米。 径向锻造所用设备分精锻机和轮转锻机两类。用精锻机锻造时﹐工件一面轴向送进一面旋转﹐锤头径向锻打。这类机器多用程序控制﹑数字控制或微处理控制系统自动操作﹐生產效率高﹐用以建立热锻火车轴等自动生產线和冷锻枪管来复线等。精锻机有立式和卧式之分。还有一种设备锻造时﹐工件只送进﹐不旋转﹐多用於钢厂﹐将钢锭直接锻成方钢﹑扁钢等。轮转锻机有2或4个锤头﹐锤头一面围绕工件转动﹐一面对準工件径向锻打﹐工件只轴向送进。轮转锻机结构简单﹐价格低﹐但自动化程度低﹐噪音大。
