900字范文 > 测土施肥化验室 Fertilizer and soil testing laboratory英语短句 例句大全

测土施肥化验室 Fertilizer and soil testing laboratory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-20 10:30:23


测土施肥化验室 Fertilizer and soil testing laboratory英语短句 例句大全

测土施肥化验室,Fertilizer and soil testing laboratory

1)Fertilizer and soil testing laboratory测土施肥化验室


1.Problems and Suggestions in Building Fertilizer Soil Laboratory at the County Level县级测土施肥化验室建设中存在的问题与建议

2.The Research on Expert System of Detection Technology Consultation in the Soil and Fertilizer Laboratory土壤肥料化验室检测技术咨询系统研究

3.Soil test based recommendation of "3414" fertilizer in lotus farming莲藕测土配方施肥“3414”肥效试验研究

4.Effect of Formula Fertilization on Corn in Wafangdian City瓦房店市玉米测土配方施肥肥效试验

5.Changing the Traditional Analysis Model to Improve Soil Testing Efficiency改变传统化验操作模式,提高测土配方施肥效率

6.Fertilization of Potato in Drought Area Based on Soil Testing干旱区马铃薯测土配方施肥试验研究

7.Study on Fertilizer Response and Optimum Fertilizer Rate by Soil Testing and Fertilizer Recommendation Experiments;基于测土配方施肥试验的肥料效应与最佳施肥量研究

8.Study on Formula Application by Soil Testing of Corn and Model Simulations in Tongliang County铜梁县玉米测土配方施肥试验及模型拟合研究

9.Study on testing soil and rational blend fertilization of rice by utilizing "3414" experiment design利用“3414”试验设计进行水稻测土配方施肥研究

10.Selection and Treatment for Experimental Field Plot for Soil-test-fertilization测土施肥田间试验地块的选择与处理技术

11.Experience Summary on Soil Testing and Fertilizer Recommendation in Dongling District东陵区开展测土配方施肥工作的经验总结

12.Establishing phosphorus and potassium fertilization recommendation index based on the"3414"field experiments应用“3414”试验建立冬小麦测土配方施肥指标体系

13.Effects of Organic Manure and Inorganic Fertilizer Combination on Increasing Fertility of Black Soil有机肥与化肥配施对黑土肥力的影响

14.Research on Fertilization of Soil Testing and NPK Fertilizer Development and Production of Dedicated测土施肥研究及NPK专用肥开发生产

bination effects of nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium and organic manure on winter wheat in dryland of the Loess Plateau黄土高原旱地小麦氮磷钾与有机肥优化配施试验

16.A Study of Fertilization and Nitrous Oxide Losses on Loess Soil;黄土性土壤施肥与氧化亚氮排放研究

17.Change Law of the Phosphorus under Long-term Fertilization in Cinnamon Soil长期施肥褐土土壤磷素变化规律研究

18.Investigation on Situation of Fertilizer Application and Monitoring of Soil Fertility in Farmland in Shaanxi Province;陕西省施肥状况调查及农田土壤肥力监测


Soil testing and fertilizer recommendation测土施肥

1.This paper systematically deals with seven parameters for the optimization of soil testing and fertilizer recommendation in cotton culture with high yiem, good quality at low cost,i.系统报道了棉花高产、优质、低耗优化测土施肥中七大参数:每形成50kg皮棉所需养分量、土壤供氮率(校正系数)。

3)formula fertilization by soil testing测土配方施肥

1.Effect offormula fertilization by soil testing on growth and yield of rice;测土配方施肥对水稻植株生长及产量的影响

2.Achievement and prospect offormula fertilization by soil testing测土配方施肥成效与展望

3.Discussion onformula fertilization by soil testing in China我国测土配方施肥中的问题探讨

4)soil testing and fertilizer recommendations测土配方施肥

1.Research ofsoil testing and fertilizer recommendations at county level by GIS;基于GIS的县域耕地测土配方施肥技术研究

2.With the project ofsoil testing and fertilizer recommendations from Ministry of Agriculture,thec ounties obtained mass data through the sampling tests and field experiments in Anhui province.随着农业部测土配方施肥项目的开展,安徽省各项目县通过采样化验、布置试验等,获得了大量数据。

5)soil testing and fertilizer recommendation测土推荐施肥

6)soil testing and formulated fertilization测土配方施肥

1.Research on component-oriented decision-making support platform ofsoil testing and formulated fertilization;测土配方施肥辅助决策平台的研究与应用

2.In order to better guide the farmers to carry outsoil testing and formulated fertilization,a group of rice "3414" test was conducted.为了更好地指导农民开展测土配方施肥,通过对一组水稻"3414"肥料效应试验结果的分析,对应城市水稻土壤的养分丰缺指标和水稻作物肥料养分施用指标进行了初步修订。


白土,纯白生石膏,白色软粘土,制管土CAS:10101-41-4分子式:O4S·Ca·2H2O分子质量:172.16中文名称:二水硫酸钙;二水合硫酸钙;石膏;硫酸钙晶须;硫酸钙,二水;雪花石膏;石膏粉;纤维石(方解石,霰石或石膏的变种);亚硒酸盐,透石膏;白土,纯白生石膏,白色软粘土,制管土英文名称:Calcium sulfate dihydrate;Sulfuric acid calcium salt , dihydrate;calcium(ii) sulfate, dihydrate (1:1:2);alabaster;annaline;ci 77231;ci pigment white 25;compactrol;gypse;gypsum stone;land plaster;light spar
