900字范文 > 农产品/食品品质 Products/food quality英语短句 例句大全

农产品/食品品质 Products/food quality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-31 13:26:13


农产品/食品品质 Products/food quality英语短句 例句大全

农产品/食品品质,Products/food quality

1)Products/food quality农产品/食品品质


1.Progress in Application of Near Infrared Spectroscopy to Nondestructive On-line Detection of Products/Food Quality近红外光谱分析技术在农产品/食品品质在线无损检测中的应用研究进展

anic Food, Green Food and Pollution-Free Agriculture Products有机食品、绿色食品和无公害农产品

3.Analysis on the Management Benefit of Agricultural Products from the View of Food Safety基于食品质量安全视角的农产品经营效益分析

4.On safety of edible agricultural products and process control;食用农产品质量安全问题及全程控制

5.Differentiation of Non-pollution Agricultural Product,Green Food and Organic Food;无公害农产品·绿色食品和有机食品辨析

6.They live off the land.他们以农产品为食。

7.Strengthening the control of quality and safety of agricultural products and enhancing their quality;加强农产品质量安全管理,提升农产品品质

8.Product strategies of farm produce marketing in sub-foodstuff base;产品策略在副食品基地农产品销售中的运用

9.Quality Condition of Trade and Quality Risk Control of Agrifood Trade;质量贸易条件与农产食品贸易的质量风险控制

10.Discussion on the Conception between Agricultural Product and Food;“农产品”和“食品”概念界定的探讨

11.Food Safety and Organizational Modes of Agricultural Products" Supply Chain农产品供应链的组织模式与食品安全

12.We will also develop organic foodstuffs, and improve the system of the safe production of food agricultural produce.发展有机食品,完善食用农产品安全生产体系。

13.Study on Types of Brand Matching with Types of Agricultural product农业产业化经营品牌类型与农产品类型匹配研究——基于食品质量安全的视角

14.Analysis of Quality-cost on Food Agricultural Products and Discussions on its Development;食用农产品的质量成本分析及发展思路探讨

15.A discussion on quality and safety of edible agro-products in China;对我国食用农产品质量安全问题的探讨

16.Safety of agi-products in Jiangsu: status quo and strategies;江苏省食用农产品的质量安全现状及保障对策

17.Research on Product Quality Management Improving of YR Food Corporation;YR食品公司产品质量管理改进研究

18.Considerable improvement in the quality of farm produce.农产品质量明显提高。



1.Quality Condition of Trade and Quality Risk Control ofAgrifood Trade;质量贸易条件与农产食品贸易的质量风险控制

3)Quality of agricultural product农产品品质

1.Non-destructive test for the quality of agricultural product;农产品品质的无损检测技术

2.Current research status on application of hyper-spectral image technology in the quality of agricultural product and food safety as well as its application in non-destructive detection is reviewed.综述了高光谱图像技术在农产品品质和食用安全性检测方面的研究现状及其在无损检测中的应用进展。

4)food and agricultural products食品及农产品

5)agricultural product and food农产品与食品

1.BZThis article simply introduces the cause,frame,basic principles and basic practising process of HACCP,elucidates the importance of paying attention to theagricultural product and food safe problem,and emphasizes that we should promote HACCP positively.文章简要地介绍了HACCP的由来、框架、基本原理与计划实施的基本过程,以此说明关注农产品与食品安全问题的重要性,并强调要积极推行HACCP。

6)edible agricultural product食用农产品

1.On safety ofedible agricultural products and process control;食用农产品质量安全问题及全程控制


农产1.指农业生产。 2.指农产品。
