900字范文 > 电脑下乡 computer gong to the countryside英语短句 例句大全

电脑下乡 computer gong to the countryside英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-22 07:22:25


电脑下乡 computer gong to the countryside英语短句 例句大全

电脑下乡,computer gong to the countryside

1)computer gong to the countryside电脑下乡

1.This paper analyzed the restrict factors ofcomputer gong to the countryside,and explored the countermeasures for promoting computer going to the countryside and agricultural information service under the network environment as well.本文分析了电脑下乡的制约因素,探索了促进电脑下乡和网络环境下农业信息服务工作的对策。

2)TV to rural areas电视下乡


1.TV to Rural Areas:An Empirical Study on Mass Media and Rural Community;电视下乡:大众媒介与乡村社会相关性的实证研究

2.The Bottleneck and Countermeasures of the Household Appliances to the Countryside that on Account of "Customer Delivered Value"家电下乡的瓶颈与对策分析——基于“顾客让渡价值”的视角

3.On the China s Country Industrialization from the View of the Relation Harmony in the Urban and Rural;城乡关系协调视角下的中国乡村工业化

4.Relationship Between Urban and Rural Areas From the View of Institution Justice;城乡制度公正视野下的城乡关系与“三农”问题

5.Study on Rural-tourism Planning Model in Chongqing under the Urban and Rural Overall Development城乡统筹视角下重庆乡村旅游规划模式研究

6.Urban-Rural Sports Development in Chinese Ethnic Minority Regions against the Backdrop of Urban-Rural Overall Planning城乡统筹视野下我国民族地区的城乡体育发展

7.A Study on the Influence of Television on the Change of Rural Life Style电视对乡村生活方式变迁的影响研究

8.Design and Debugging of CATV Return Link in Xinxiang新乡有线电视回传链路的设计和调试

9.The Wired Broadcasting of the Chinese Country at the Background of Political Dissemination;政治传播视角下的中国乡村有线广播

10.Research on the Village-Finance-Supervised-by-County Reform from the Perspective of Institution Innovation;制度创新视角下的“乡财县管”改革研究

11.The Research on Rural Governing from the Perspective of Social Capital;社会资本视角下的乡村治理问题研究

12.The Study on Performance of Countryside and Township Governments under the View of "Green" GDP;绿色GDP视野下乡镇政府绩效研究

13.Under Rural Public Services Perspective of Township Institution Reform;农村公共服务视角下的乡镇机构改革

14.The Research on Chinese Country Governance from the Public Service Aspect;公共服务视角下的中国乡村治理研究

15.Urban and Rural Development under the Vision of Building a Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会视野下的城乡统筹发展

16.Countryside Governance in China from the View of Social Capital;社会资本视角下的中国乡村治理研究

17.Changing the functions of township government in view of land circulation;土地流转视角下的乡镇政府职能转变

18.Chinese urban and rural social security system in the view of justice;公正视野下的中国城乡社会保障制度


TV to rural areas电视下乡

3)home appliances to the countryside家电下乡

1.The policy of "home appliances to the countryside" is a policy to support and benefit agriculture,rural areas and farmers being carried out from the end of to now.家电下乡政策是国家从底至今仍在推行的一项惠农政策,这项政策不仅给农民带来了实惠,更重要的是,在当前全球金融危机形势下,实施"家电下乡"对于扩大内需特别是农村市场需求,激活农村消费,缓解家电行业困境,实现中国"保增长"任务目标都具有极为重要的意义。

2.The policy of "home appliances to the countryside" is not only an important way to expand domestic demand,but also an innovation for financial policies and trade policies."家电下乡"是深入贯彻落实科学发展、积极扩大内需的重要举措,是财政和贸易政策的创新突破。

4)Home appliances going to the countryside家电下乡

1.Home appliances going to the countryside has expanded to nationwide since 1st February,.从2月1日起,家电下乡开始向全国推广。

2.The policy of home appliances going to the countryside has brought golden opportunities for household appliance manufacturers.家电下乡政策给家电生产企业带来了良好的发展机会,面对潜力巨大而又疲软的农村市场,家电企业应根据农村的实际需求,制定可行的营销策略。

5)intelligent beam underwater水下电脑灯

1.With the development of modern technology and city beautification, Intelligent Beam Underwater (IBU), a lantern device integrated with optics, mechatronics, electronics and computer science, is being brought forward.随着现代科学技术的发展和城市美化建设的需要,水下电脑灯及其控制系统正被提出和加以研究。

6)household appliances to the countryside家电下乡政策


