900字范文 > 青饲玉米 Green forage maize英语短句 例句大全

青饲玉米 Green forage maize英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-06 02:21:34


青饲玉米 Green forage maize英语短句 例句大全

青饲玉米,Green forage maize

1)Green forage maize青饲玉米


1.Study on the Effect of Balanced Fertilizer Application for Forage Maize in the Northwest Plateau of Hebei Province;冀西北高原旱砂地青饲玉米平衡施肥效应研究

2.Climatic Adaptability Analysis of Silage Corn in Northern Ningxia银北灌区发展青饲玉米的气候适宜性分析

3.Effects of Photoperiod on Nutrient Uptake and Utilization in Ensilage Corn光周期对青饲玉米养分吸收及利用的影响

4.Evaluation on the Quality of Silage Corn Feed in Luoyang Cattle Farms洛阳市奶牛场青贮玉米饲料质量评价

5.Analysis of corn straw and 4 silage nutritional value玉米秸秆和4种玉米青贮饲料的营养差异性分析

6.The effect of nitrogenous fertilizer on nitrate content of corn silages施肥对玉米青贮饲料硝酸盐含量的影响

7.Research about Cattle and Sheep Forage Grass Production Model of "Triticale+Silage-corn"“小黑麦+青贮玉米”牛羊饲草生产模式研究

8.Effect of Nitrogen on Yield and Quality of Forage Green Maize in the Northwest of Hebei Province氮对冀西北饲用青玉米产量及品质的影响

9.Effect of mixed planting on grow, yield and feed value of silage corn混播对青贮玉米生长、产量和饲用品质的影响

10.Variation Law of Corn Straw Silage Nutritional Quality in Different Storage Periods玉米秸秆青贮饲料贮存期的营养品质变化规律

11.Effect of Corn Silage Prepared with FP4 Bacteria on the Finishing Beef CattleFP4菌袋装青贮玉米秸饲喂肉牛效果试验

12.Study on the Production Properties of Quality Silage Maize Xinsiyu 5 (Xinshiduo 2);优质青贮玉米新饲玉5号(新实多2号)生产性能研究

parative Study on the Effect of Dairy Cows Fed Diets Differing in Corn Silage and Rice Straw Silage Concentrate-to-forage Ratios;不同精粗比玉米青贮和水稻秸青贮饲喂奶牛效果比较研究

14.Corn is used as animal feed.玉米被用作牲口饲料。

15.Studies on Silage of Straw Mixed Cornstalk with Grassiness and Cow Feeding Value;稻草与玉米秸秆或象草混合青贮及其对奶牛饲用价值研究

16.The Effects of Microbial Inoculants on the Fermentation Process and Quality of Corn Silage;微生物接种剂对玉米青贮饲料发酵进程及其品质的影响

17.The Crop Coefficient Approach for Estimating Evapotranspiration of Maize Harvested Green in the Forage Base;计算饲草料基地青贮玉米腾发速率的作物系数法

18.Effects of Silage Yields and Quality Development and Regulation on Foodstuff Maize;粮饲兼用型玉米青贮产量和品质形成及调控研究


forage green maize饲用青玉米


4)corn for green forage and storage青饲青贮玉米

5)silage maize青贮饲用玉米

1.Study of "corn—Italian ryegrass"grassland agricultural system——Effect of different densities on the production effect ofsilage maize;“饲用玉米—黑麦草”草地农业系统的研究——不同密度对青贮饲用玉米生产效果的影响

6)whole-plant corn silage玉米青贮饲料

1.Variation law ofwhole-plant corn silage nutritional quality under different storage periods全株玉米青贮饲料在贮存期营养品质的变化规律


玉米朊,玉米醇溶蛋白CAS:9010-66-6 中文名称: 玉米朊;玉米朊,玉米醇溶蛋白 英文名称: zein;zeins
