900字范文 > 全球基金项目 Global Malaria Fund英语短句 例句大全

全球基金项目 Global Malaria Fund英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-06 02:23:36


全球基金项目 Global Malaria Fund英语短句 例句大全

全球基金项目,Global Malaria Fund

1)Global Malaria Fund全球基金项目


1.Role of Global Fund Program in promoting AIDS prevention and control in Henan Province全球基金项目在推进河南艾滋病防治工作中的作用

2.Global Sustainable Development Fund Project全球可持续发展基金项目

3.The Study on the Selection of GEF Land Degradation Combating Projects;全球环境基金土地退化防治项目立项选择研究

4.Discussion on Pattern of Global Fund Malaria Control Project in Sichuan Province四川省全球基金疟疾项目管理效果分析

5.Evaluation of the implementation of a malaria control project in Guangdong in round one of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS,Tuberculosis,and Malaria第一轮全球基金广东疟疾项目实施效果评价

6.Analysis on Indicators of the Global Fund AIDS Program in Anhui Province,~安徽省~全球基金艾滋病项目指标分析

7.Evaluation on implementation of the first round global fund tuberculosis project in Fujian province福建省全球基金结核病控制项目效果评价

8.Analysis of effects of Global Malaria Control Program in Yunnan Province云南省全球基金疟疾防治项目效果分析

9.Analysis of results of first round Hainan Provincial Global Fund Tuberculosis Program海南省第一轮全球基金结核病项目结果分析

10.Evaluation of status of anti-retroviral treatment for HIV/AIDS patients in four Global Fund AIDS Program counties in Hubei Province湖北省全球基金艾滋病项目四项目县抗病毒治疗状况比较分析

11.Multi-sectoral activities supported by the Global Fund AIDS Project in Anhui Province安徽省全球基金艾滋病项目多部门合作项目执行状况分析

12.The application of duty-free policy and monitoring about import equipment and material for International aid projects (Global Fund);国际援助项目(全球基金)进口物资设备的免税及监管

13.NGOs participation in Guangxi Project of China Global AIDS Round 6第六轮全球基金艾滋病广西项目NGO参与艾滋病防治现况调查分析

14.An Analysis of the Result of Multi-sectoral Participation in AIDS Prevention Project of the Global Fund in Hubei Province湖北省全球基金艾滋病项目防治多部门参与活动成果分析

15.Analysis on effect of AIDS control and prevention in program areas in Anhui安徽省全球基金艾滋病项目地区艾滋病防治效果分析

16.Analysis on the results of the special survey on Henan Global Fund Round 3 AIDS Program河南省第三轮全球基金艾滋病项目专题调查结果分析

17.Evaluation of effects of the behavior intervention on CSWs in the Global Fund AIDS Program counties in Shaanxi Province陕西省全球基金艾滋病项目县暗娼人群行为干预效果评价

18.Evaluation on Implementation Effect of Global Fund Tuberculosis Controls Project Round 1 in Guzhen County固镇县全球基金第一轮结核病控制项目实施效果评价


globe Fund 3 CARES progam第3轮全球基金项目

3)volleyball fund project排球基金项目

1.Based on documentation,mathematical statistics and other research methods to investigate and researchvolleyball fund projects papers in 24 PE periodicals,summarizesvolleyball fund projects thesis development,analyzes focus,difficulty,status and developing trend of fund projects papers,providing a useful theoretical basis for scientific research.本文采用文献资料、数理统计等研究方法对国内公开发行的24种体育期刊近十年排球基金项目科研论文进行研究总结,了解排球基金项目论文的发展现状,分析基金项目排球论文所关注的焦点、难点,排球科研现状及发展趋势,为科研工作者提供有益的理论参考依据。

4)The first round of the Global Fund Malaria control Project第一轮全球基金疟疾项目

5)funded project基金项目

1.This paper makes the statistical analysis on a serial of data about the funded theses published in "Social Science in China" from 1999 to , and analyzes on the situation of the authors and cooperation of the funded theses and the relevant information of thefunded projects.对《中国社会科学》1999—间刊发的基金论文的一系列数据进行了统计,对基金论文的作者及合作情况、基金项目相关信息等作了分析。

6)foundation project基金项目

1.Standardization of expressions offoundation projects in sci-tech periodicals;科技期刊论文基金项目表达形式的规范化


全球基金全球基金 Global Fund


