900字范文 > 高效栽培 high efficient cultivation英语短句 例句大全

高效栽培 high efficient cultivation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-08 13:33:54


高效栽培 high efficient cultivation英语短句 例句大全

高效栽培,high efficient cultivation

1)high efficient cultivation高效栽培


1.Study on Cultivation Techniques to High Yield and High Benefit for the New Hybrid Cotton Gangza-8冈杂棉8号F_1高产高效栽培技术研究

2."Melon-rice-vegetables" Cropping Technology of High Productivity and High Efficiency“甜瓜——粳稻——蔬菜”高产高效栽培技术

3.Highly effective cultivation technology of red string on Oct.1“十·一”串红的高效栽培技术应用

4.A Preliminary Studies on Simplified Cultivation of Brassica Napus for High Production Efficiency in Nanjing Region;南京地区油菜简化高效栽培初步研究

5.Technical Research on Efficient Planting of Plearotus Using Various Materials杏鲍菇不同培养料高效栽培技术的研究

6.Biological Characteristics for High-yielded and Efficient Production of Cotton Transplants from Floating Nursing Seedling in Nutrient Water-bed营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉高产与高效栽培的生物学特性分析

7.The Companied Technique Research & Demonstration of the High Yield, High Quality and High Efficiency Cultivation of Chinese Angelica;当归高产优质高效栽培配套技术研究与示范

8.Research on High-yield and High-efficiency Production Techniques of Strong Gluten Wheat in an Yang City;安阳市优质强筋小麦高产高效栽培技术研究

9.The Study on High Yield and Efficient Cultural Technique of Cumunum Cyminum L. in Hexi Corridor;河西走廊孜然芹高产高效栽培技术研究

10.High-yield and High-efficiency Cultivation Model of Pest-resistant Transgenic Hybrid Cotton(PTHC);转基因抗虫杂交棉高产高效栽培模型的研究

11.Study on Grape Cultivation Techniques of High Qualities and Great Economy in the Area of High Air Temperature and Humidity;高温多雨地区葡萄优质高效栽培新技术研究

12.Yearly High Yield Culture Pattern of Three Vegetable Species in Non-growing Season;春茄子—秋黄瓜—冬莴苣周年高产高效栽培模式

13.Study on the High Productive and Benefit Cultivation Technique of Wheat;川西平原小麦免耕覆草高产高效栽培技术研究

14.Study on Cultivation Techniques of Carrot in High-altitude Cold Area高海拔冷凉气候区胡萝卜高效栽培技术研究

15.Research on the high-yielding and high-profitable cultivation techniques of Longshu No.1 in hills and dry areas龙薯1号在丘陵山地高产高效栽培技术研究

16.Study on mathematical model of optimum fertilizer application to Pinellia ternate cultivation半夏高产高效栽培最佳施肥数学模型研究

17.Theories and Techniques of High-yield and High-efficiency Cultivation in Planting Sweet Potato Covered with Plastic Film甘薯地膜覆盖高产高效栽培理论与技术

18.Studies on Taishan Chestnut (Castanea Mallissima Blume) Breeding and Cultivated Technology泰山板栗良种选育及高效栽培技术研究


high yield and benefit高产高效栽培

1.The modeling study ofhigh yield and benefit on main cultural factors according to the compact hybird corn;紧凑型杂交玉米高产高效栽培模式研究

3)high-yield and high-benefit cultivation高产高效益栽培

4)high-effective culture technique高效栽培技术

1.This paper introduces thehigh-effective culture technique of sunlight greenhouse Elisabeth melon, including its variety choice, crop sequence arrangement, seeding culture, inarching, management after inarching, cultivation, and pest control and prevention, etc.详细介绍了日光温室伊丽沙白甜瓜高效栽培技术,包括其品种选择、茬口安排、育苗、嫁接、嫁接后的管理、栽培以及病虫害的防治等。

5)High efficiency and high quality cultivation优质高效栽培

6)very early mature早熟高效栽培


