900字范文 > 盐碱地造林 reforestation in saline-alkali soil英语短句 例句大全

盐碱地造林 reforestation in saline-alkali soil英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-29 19:24:26


盐碱地造林 reforestation in saline-alkali soil英语短句 例句大全

盐碱地造林,reforestation in saline-alkali soil

1)reforestation in saline-alkali soil盐碱地造林


1.Effects of Afforestation on Secondary Salinization Sites in the Yellow River Delta黄河三角洲盐碱地造林抑盐效应分析

2.Study on the Afforestation Model and Wet and Salt Movement in Coastal Saline-alkaline Soil;滨海盐碱地造林模式及土壤水盐运动规律研究

3.Study on Application of Microbiological Fertilizer Afforestation on Songnen Plain Saline Alkali Land微生物肥料在松嫩平原盐碱地造林中的应用研究

4.Study on Green Afforestation Techniques in Zhoushan City for Saline Soil;舟山市海滨盐碱地绿化造林技术初探

5.Ameliorate Low-lying Saline Alkali Land To Savageness And Shrubbery Herding造林改良基本废弃低洼盐碱地实现天然长草同灌木林牧地

6.Study on Seed-base Method for Afforestation in Saline Land in Hebei and Rocky Mountainous Area in Beijing河北滨海盐碱地和北京土石山区基盘法造林技术研究

7.Study on Growth Decline Mechanism of Black Locust on Coastal Saline-alkali Soil滨海盐碱地刺槐林生长衰退机理研究

8.Study on Soil Salinization in the Western Plain of Jilin Province Based on GIS;GIS支持下的吉林西部平原土地盐碱化研究

9.Strategic Reflections on Rice Development in Saline and Alkaline Area in West Jilin;关于吉林省西部盐碱地水稻发展的战略思考

10.Landscape Plant"s Choice and Engineering Application in the Coastal Saline-alkali Soil滨海盐碱地园林植物的选择和工程应用

11.lobeline hydrochloride盐酸洛贝林(山梗菜碱)

12.Study on Soil Salinization Spatial Distribution Based on the LUCC in Typical County of Western Jilin Province;基于LUCC的吉林西部典型县域土地盐碱化空间分布规律研究

13.Investigation of Diseases and Insect Pests Categary and Its Controling Technique on Garden Plants in Seashore Saline-Alkali Region;滨海盐碱地园林植物病虫害种类调查及防治技术研究

14.Great Project of Land Development and Consolidation in the West of Jilin Province and Engineering Improvement of Soda-saline Soil吉林省西部土地开发整理重大工程与苏打盐碱土工程改良

15.Studies on the Water Transpiration of Two Main Afforesting Plants on Sandy Land in Yanchi盐池沙地两种主要造林树种耗水特性研究

16.A study of soil improving in the process of making plant sceneries in saline;盐碱地区植物景观营造过程中土壤改良措施的研究

17.Application of the salt tolerance arbor on Saline and Alkali Soil耐盐碱乔木在盐碱地环境中的应用概况

18.Characteristics of Soil Chemical Components and Their Impacts upon Growth of Apocynum Venetum L. in the West of Jilin Province;吉林西部土壤盐碱成分特征及其盐碱胁迫对罗布麻生长的影响


salinization land reclaimed盐碱地改造

3)Suaeda salsa L盐地碱蓬

1.Study on Remediation Effects ofSuaeda salsa L. Planting on Coastal Saline Soil;种植盐地碱蓬修复滨海盐渍土效果的研究

2.The effects ofSuaeda salsa L.planting on the soil microflora in coastal saline soil;种植盐地碱蓬改良滨海盐渍土对土壤微生物区系的影响

parison of the Stress Effects of NaCl and Na_2CO_3 onSuaeda salsa L.;NaCl和Na_2CO_3对盐地碱蓬胁迫效应的比较

4)saline-alkali land盐碱地

1.Progress of improvement and utilization ofsaline-alkali land;盐碱地改良利用研究进展

2.A report on planting trial ofsaline-alkali land in Da an City, Jilin, China;大安市盐碱地造林试验初报

3.A research on Ephedra cultivation insaline-alkali land;盐碱地种植麻黄试验研究

5)saline land盐碱地

1.Research on the net-cage culture of Paralichthys lethostigma in low salinity water pond forsaline land;盐碱地低盐水池塘网箱套养漠斑牙鲆技术研究

2.Primary study on vegetation succession ofsaline land in the bird island of Qinghai Lake;青海湖鸟岛盐碱地植被演替的初步研究

3.Research progress of development and control ofsaline land;盐碱地开发治理研究进展

6)saline soil盐碱地

1.Experimental investigation on the effects of saline water drip irrigation on water use efficiency and quality of watermelons grown insaline soils;微咸水滴灌对盐碱地西瓜产量品质及土壤盐渍度的影响

2.Progress of the study on salt transport insaline soil under drip irrigation condition in shallow groundwater area;地下水浅埋区盐碱地滴灌条件下土壤盐分运移研究

3.Effect of microelement complex fertilizer on the growth and yield of wheat grown insaline soil;复合微肥对盐碱地小麦生长及产量的效应


盐碱地盐碱地saline-alkali landyoniiandi盐碱地(saline一砒aliland)土壤表层积聚过多盐碱成分,对农作物有危害的土地。是盐地、碱地、盐化土地、碱化土地的统称。在土壤学中,把这类土地的土壤称为盐渍土或盐碱土。土壤中的盐碱成分,主要由钾、钠、钙、镁等阳离子与氯、硫酸根、碳酸根、重碳酸根等阴离子结合成多种盐组成,其中氯盐和硫酸盐类为中性盐,碳酸钠(苏打)和重碳酸钠(小苏打)为碱性盐。气候和水文地质条件是形成盐碱土的主要因素。降雨量少,蒸发量大,使土壤和地下水中残留比较多的盐分;地下水排泄不杨,水位高,潜水蒸发量大,溶解在地下水中的盐分,在蒸发作用下向表土层集积,因而产生盐碱化现象。在中国,内陆盐碱土主要分布在温带干早、半干早气候区;滨海盐土是因滨海土地受海水浸渍,土壤盐分以抓化钠为主;青藏高原的寒原盐土,主要分布在寒带、亚寒带干早、半干旱气候区的湖积物上。盐碱土对农作物根直接产生毒害,并提高土壤溶液的浓度,使作物吸收不到所需的水分,生长受到抑制,土壤有机质和养分含量低,土壤结构和物理性能不良,水、肥、气、热失调,是一种低产土壤。中国盐碱土地约有2仅进1.7万公顷,据1卯2年水利统计资料,中国盐碱耕地面积为763 .3万公顷,占耕地总面积8%。主要分布在黄淮海平原、东北的西部平原、黄河河套平原和西北内陆干早区。中华人民共和国建立以来,中国盐碱地改良取得长足进展。例如,黄淮海平原盐碱地采取“排、灌、平、肥、林、种、管”等综合措施治理,取得明显成效,农作物单产大幅度提高,并创造了曲周、陵县、封丘等试验区典型,可供借鉴。(梁佩谦)
