900字范文 > 国际软件外包 International Software Outsourcing英语短句 例句大全

国际软件外包 International Software Outsourcing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-21 07:23:19


国际软件外包 International Software Outsourcing英语短句 例句大全

国际软件外包,International Software Outsourcing

1)International Software Outsourcing国际软件外包

1.Technology Spillover Effects by UndertakingInternational Software Outsourcing in China;承接国际软件外包的技术外溢效应研究

2.Based on a great of enterprise research,the paper summarizes the international software outsourcing undertaking models in Beijing and the contributions it has made to the development of local economy.本文深入分析北京承接国际软件外包发展的现状,在对大量企业调研的基础上,归纳出北京承接国际软件外包的模式以及因此给地方经济发展带来的贡献。

3.Through the introduction to the experience for running the software industry in Utah of USA and India,this paper analyzes that the western China has the interior conditions for developing the software industry and becoming the market for international software outsourcing.通过介绍美国犹他州和印度发展软件业的经验,分析了我国西部已经完全具备发展软件产业、成为国际软件外包服务市场的内部条件。


1.The Implementation of CMM/CMMI in the Management of International Software Outsourcing;论CMM/CMMI在国际软件外包管理中的应用

2.Research on Relation Marketing of an International Enterprise INTASECT Relating to Software Outsourcing;国际软件外包承包企业INTASECT公司关系营销研究

3.Technology Spillover Effects by Undertaking International Software Outsourcing in China;承接国际软件外包的技术外溢效应研究

4.A Study on the Formation of International Software Outsourcing and Its Development in China;国际软件外包形成及在我国的发展研究

5.Factors Influencing the Undertaking of International Software Outsourcing in China;影响我国承接国际软件外包的因素研究

6.The Status Analysis and Policy Recommendations of the Undertaking of International Software Outsourcing in Beijing;北京承接国际软件外包的现状分析和政策建议

7.The International Value of Software Industry and Software Outsourcing;试论软件产业的国际价值与软件外包

8.Study on International Competitiveness of China"s Software Industry Impacted by Outsourcing外包对我国软件产业国际竞争力影响研究

9.Econometric Analysis of Outsource"s Impact to China Software Industry"s International Competitiveness外包对中国软件业国际竞争力影响的计量分析

10.Developing Japan s Software Outsourcing in China and Promoting the International Competitiveness of Software Industry;发展对日软件外包 提升中国软件产业国际竞争力

11.Analyze network relation s influence on internationalization from software enterprise outsourcing business;从软件企业外包业务分析网络关系对国际化的影响

12.The Discussion of the International Bandwidth and Network Security Status of Enterprise Broadband Network in Software Park软件和信息服务外包国际通信需求解决方案的探讨

13.China Offshore Software Outsourcing Industrial Strategy Analysis;中国软件出口欧美暨离岸软件外包产业研究

14.The Innovation and Development of Chinese Software Industry Based on Software Outsourcing;从软件外包看中国软件企业的发展与创新

15.The Correctness and Faults between Software Industry in China and CMM;论中国软件外包产业与CMM的是与非

16.A Study on the Business Models Innovation of Software Outsourcing in China我国软件外包企业商务模式创新初探

17.Studing on the Development of China"s Software Outsourcing from the Perspects of Theory and Practice从理论和实践视角看我国软件外包的发展

18.An Empirical Research on the Regional Competitiveness for China Software Outsourcing Industry我国软件外包产业的区域竞争力实证分析


International Enterprise Relating to Software国际软件外包承包企业

3)International Outsourcing国际外包

1.Research on Alternative Relations betweenInternational Outsourcing and Foreign Direct Investment;国际外包与对外直接投资的替代关系研究

2.However since then international outsourcing is becoming more and more common in manufacture industry due to its strategic flexibility and cost advantage.之后,国际外包在企业经营战略方面所表现出的灵活性与成本优势,使其越来越受到制造业企业的青睐。

3.International outsourcing provides a good opportunity for developing countries to enter into global production-specialization system and promote industrial upgrading.国际外包为发展中国家融入全球生产分工体系,促进产业升级提供了难得的机遇。

4)software outsourcing软件外包

1.Relational Contract Governance and Performance of Outsourcing Collaboration:An Empirical Study of Off-shoring Software Outsourcing from Japan;关系契约治理与外包合作绩效——对日离岸软件外包项目的实证研究

2.The International Value of Software Industry and Software Outsourcing;试论软件产业的国际价值与软件外包

3.Study on Software Outsourcing Project Total Process Risk Management;软件外包项目全过程风险管理研究

5)Outsourcing Project外包软件

1.The Research and Application of Schedule Control onOutsourcing Project Based on CMM Software Process Improvement;基于CMM过程改进的外包软件项目进度管理研究

6)foreign software国外软件


