900字范文 > 法学实践性教学 the practical teaching of Law英语短句 例句大全

法学实践性教学 the practical teaching of Law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-25 19:12:08


法学实践性教学 the practical teaching of Law英语短句 例句大全

法学实践性教学,the practical teaching of Law

1)the practical teaching of Law法学实践性教学


1.Reflection on the Legal Practical Teaching with the Concept of the Scientific Development科学发展观指引下对法学实践性教学的再思考

2.Higher professional legal science education practical teaching model;高等职业法学教育的实践性教学模式

3.Exploration and Practice of Practice-based Teaching Mode for Medical Science of Law医事法学专业实践性教学模式的探索与实践

4.The Use of the Practical Teaching "Five-part-in-one" in Law Teaching“五位一体”实践性教学法在法学教学中的运用

5.Study on Teaching Practice and Method of Designed and Comprehensive Experiment;设计性、综合性实验的教学实践与教学方法研究

6.Practical Teaching of and Approaches for Public Pedagogy in Normal Colleges;高师公共教育学实践性教学及方法路径

7.Thoughts on practicality teaching for law science undergraduates in China;对我国法学本科教育实践性教学的思考

8.Training Method of Practical Teaching of Legal Professional Skills法律职业技能的实践性教学培养方式

9.Restructuring and Implementing Innovative Practice Teaching Plan to Law Majors创新性法学实践教学方案的重构与实施

10.Reflections on Practical Teaching Step--Course Practice Step of Law Major in Open Education对开放教育法学专业实践性教学环节——课程实践环节的思考

11.Reforming the Model of Law Education and Strengthening the Practice Teaching of Law;革新法学教育模式 强化法学实践教学

12.The Key to Improving the Legal Quality of University Students is to Strengthen Practical Legal Education;加强实践性法律教学 提升大学生法律素养

13.An Experimental Research on Practice Teaching--A Case Study of Distance Education Program at Legal Science;选择性教学的实证研究——以广东电大法学专业实践性教学为个案

14.Exploration of Practice Instructional Implementation Method of Civil Architecture Major in Distance Education of Yunnan TV University;开放教育土建类专业实践性教学实施方法探讨

15.Way of Practicing IT Teaching in Middle School;加强中学信息技术教材教法课程实践性的做法

16.The Research and Practice on a New and Interesting Teaching Method in Mathematics;数学教学中“新趣教学法”的研究与实践

17.Practice of PBL Teaching Method in Clinic Medical TeachingPBL教学法在临床医学教学的实践

18.The Mode Constructing and Practice Exploring on the Self-determinative Mathematic Teaching Approach of the Senior Middle School;高中数学主体性教学法的模式构建与实践探索


the practical teaching method实践性教学方法

1.The author tries to introducethe practical teaching method into the classroom of law science of domestic relations, gives an emphasis on students initiative and interaction, encourages students to discuss and query and study with questions, .作者尝试着将实践性教学方法引进亲属法学的课堂内 ,强调学生在学习中的主动性和互动性 ,鼓励讨论、质疑、带着问题学习的学习方式 ,启发学生思考问题的能力 ,培养和训练学生实际解决问题的能力 ,从而掌握本学科的基本理论和专业知识 ,具备运用所学知识认识和处理相关问题的技能。

3)practicality legal education实践性法学教育

1.On thepracticality legal education论实践性法学教育的价值

4)practice teaching实践教学法

1.Constitution traditional courses in the practical application of teaching practice in many problems,may consider wideningpractice teaching courses in constitutional channels,and the introduction of community clinics investigation of the Education Act.宪法实践教学法是指宪法学课堂教学之外,通过一定的实践工作为载体,以培养学生的实践工作能力为直接目的的教学方法。

2.Four new teaching methods are proposed: case teaching,diagram teaching,bilingual teaching andpractice teaching.论述了国际私法教学中现存的矛盾,提出了案例教学法、图表教学法、双语教学法和实践教学法四种创新方法。

5)Practical teaching实践性教学

1.The innovative research about practical teaching model of the hotel management specialty in higher vocational school;高职酒店管理专业实践性教学模式的创新研究

2.Higher professional technical institute accountantcomputerization practical teaching exploration;高职会计专业会计电算化实践性教学的探索

3.Probe into practical teaching of civil engineering specialty in local undergraduate university;地方院校土木工程专业实践性教学改革的思考

6)practice teaching实践性教学

1.Reflections onpractice teaching of criminal law course at higher vocational college;高职高专刑法课程实践性教学构想

2.In this paper, the author summarizes the experience gained in the optional courses teaching by reformingpractice teaching for three years.总结了作者3年来在公共选修课中进行实践性教学环节改革的经验,详细阐述了实践性教学的设计及教学管理方法。

3.Summarizing the gains of yield fieldwork in the summer harvest, analyzing the position and function ofpractice teaching in mechanics of farming, testifying thatpractice teaching is a valid channel in culturing modernization engineers.农业机械学的实践性教学从实际动手出发,培养学生在复杂多变的实际工作中解决工程实际问题的能力和意识。


