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对象设计 object design英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-25 16:18:45


对象设计 object design英语短句 例句大全

对象设计,object design

1)object design对象设计


1.Practical Object-Oriented Design With UML Examination System;面向对象设计UML技术在考试系统设计中的实践

2.Dependency inversion principle in the OOD面向对象设计中的DIP原则及其应用

3.On Object Hierarchy in Object-Oriented Programming面向对象程序设计中的对象层次问题

4.The Design of Remote Education System about Object Oriented Program Design“面向对象程序设计”远程教学系统设计

5.MCGS Simulation for PLC Controlling Object;应用MCGS组态对PLC控制对象仿真设计

6.A Better Understanding of Object in C++ Programming Language对C++程序设计语言中对象的深入认识

7.Application of OOP to Design of Foundation Pit面向对象程序设计思想在基坑设计中的应用

8.Effects of Functional Factors and Symbolic Factors on Web Brands;网站的功能设计与形象设计对网络品牌的影响

9.Use the Method of Procedure Design Facing the Object to Design the System of Teaching Evaluation;用面向对象的程序设计方法设计教学评估系统

10.Use this stencil to design object-relational databases.使用该模具设计对象关系数据库。

11."The 1995 revision, called Ada 95, supports object-oriented programming. "1995年版(Ada 95)支持对象导向设计的方法。

12.Denotation of object-oriented programming in C++ languageC++语言中面向对象程序设计的表示法

13.Objects cannot be programmatically deleted from the Class Designer.对象无法从类设计器中通过编程删除。

14.What is Object Oriented Programming?何为面向对象的程序设计

15.The Design and Implementation of Orient-Object Embedded GUI;面向对象嵌入式GUI的设计与实现

16.The Research of Distributed Object-Oriented System Performance Design;分布式面向对象系统的性能设计研究

17.Object-Oriented Analysis and Design of the L2CAP Protocol;采用面向对象技术设计和实现L2CAP协议

18.The Design and Implementation of Object-Oriented Parallel Vector Library;面向对象的并行向量库的设计与实现


design object设计对象

1.Different from the method which merely fuse the complicated knowledge representation language into product model, it taken full advantages of the interactive environment of CAD systems, and fused the knowledge in form of knowledge item anddesign object.与单纯融入知识语言的KBE方法不同 ,它充分利用CAD的交互式设计环境 ,将知识以知识项和设计对象的形式融入产品模型之中。

2.This paper discusses the features of mechanical design process, analyses the usage of knowledge in design, then proposes an unified model to represent all of the design knowledge, including those ofdesign object and design process, an object oriented and group based model to organize the el.本文讨论了机械设计过程的特点,分析了设计对象中知识的不同使用目的,提出用统一的方式来表示设计知识和设计过程知识,并用面向对象和分组组织的方法来组织和管理知识库。

3)design object class设计对象类

4)class / object program design类/对象设计

5)object-oriented design对象化设计


1.Method ofOOD Based on UML;基于UML的面向对象设计

2.Dependency inversion principle in theOOD;面向对象设计中的DIP原则及其应用

3.In the software design,technologies ofOOD and Win32 multi-threading are introduced to encapsulate API functions and receiver parameters,modularizing the whole functions of the receiver.在软件设计中,使用了面向对象设计和Win32多线程技术,对接口API函数和接收机参数进行了封装,使接收机的各种功能模块化;内存通道和多功能的扫描技术更增强了接收机控制软件的功能,满足了特定用户的需求。


面向对象的程序设计(见程序设计方法)面向对象的程序设计(见程序设计方法)object-oriented programmingm一onx一ong dujx一ong de ehengx日$he]}面向对象的程序设计(objeet一oriented pro-gramming)见程序设计。
