900字范文 > 教学示范中心 teaching demonstration center英语短句 例句大全

教学示范中心 teaching demonstration center英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-03 06:57:32


教学示范中心 teaching demonstration center英语短句 例句大全

教学示范中心,teaching demonstration center

1)teaching demonstration center教学示范中心

1.This article elaborated the practice experience and significance in construction of the experimentalteaching demonstration center of Journalism and Communication in Wuhan University.介绍了武汉大学新闻传播学实验教学示范中心建设的实践经验及其显著成效,阐述了实验中心以创新的教学理念为先导,在构建实验教学与实践密切结合的教学体系中所凸现的应用型与创新人才培养模式的鲜明特色。


1.Practice and Thoughts on the Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center Construction;实验教学示范中心建设的实践与思考

2.Construction of the State Demonstration Center of Experimental Teaching Based on the Assessment System;国家级实验教学示范中心建设的探讨

3.Construction of UESTC National Electronic Experimental Education Demonstration Center;国家级电子实验教学示范中心的建设

4.Theory and practice of the construction for experiment demonstrative center;实验教学示范中心建设的思路与探索

5.Resource Organization and Utilization of Experimental Teaching Center;实验教学示范中心的资源组织与利用

6.The thinking and practice of construction for experimental teaching demonstration center;实验教学示范中心建设的思考与实践

7.The Practice of Building an Advanced Experimental Teaching Demontration center;创建高水平实验教学示范中心的实践

8.Exploration and Practice in Constructing the Demonstration Centre of Experimental Teaching;实验教学示范中心建设的探索与实践

9.Practice and Exploration on Constructing the Demonstration Centre of Experimental Teaching;实验教学示范中心建设的实践与探索

10.Construction and Practice of the Mechanical Laboratory Demonstration Center机械基础实验教学示范中心建设实践

11.Research on teaching resources construction for experimental teaching demonstrative center;实验教学示范中心的教学资源建设研究

12.Attaching importance to practice teaching,vigorously pushing on the construction of teaching demonstrative center;注重实践教学,积极推进教学示范中心建设工作

13.Informationization of Education Resource of Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center;实验教学示范中心教学资源信息化研究

14.Developing College Engineering Training by Laboratory Demonstration Center依托实验教学示范中心 开展大学工程教育

15.The research and practice of constructing national experiment teaching demonstration center and its radiation function;创建国家级实验教学示范中心及其辐射示范作用的研究与实践

16.Practice and innovation of experiment teaching demonstration center construction in Wuhan university;武汉大学实验教学示范中心建设的实践与创新

17.Exploration on the construction of experimental teaching demonstration centre for preventive medicine;创建预防医学实验教学示范中心的探讨

18.Construction of Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Management Subject in Engineering Colleges;工科院校管理学科实验教学示范中心建设


Teaching example center material教学示范中心教材

3)experimental demonstration center实验教学示范中心

1.Through the practice of scientific construction and managerial mode for medicalexperimental demonstration center in our university,this paper expounds how the center can get its excellent resources shared;how the center itself makes the best in talents development,thus enhancing the experimental teaching quality and the overall educational level.通过对我校医学实验教学示范中心的科学建设与管理模式的实践,阐述了如何使医学实验教学示范中心的优质资源得到共享,在实践能力与创新能力的人才培养中发挥最大功效,从而全面提高高校实验教学质量和整体办学水平。

2.Based on the construction and practice of the universityexperimental demonstration center of Jiangsu province,this article proposed the university must deal with the four relations very well.结合江苏省高校实验教学示范中心的建设实践,从超前规划、均衡发展、改革创新、联合共享等四个方面,提出当前高校实验教学示范中心建设应该处理好的四个关系,并对实验教学示范中心改革与建设的模式进行了探讨。

3.This article analyzed the situation of construction of national-levelexperimental demonstration center,and also proposed the four main characteristics of the demonstration center,as well as some issues that must be concerned.总结国家级实验教学示范中心的建设情况,分析、提出示范中心建设的4个主要特点以及下一阶段需要重点关注的几个问题。

4)experimental teaching demonstration center实验教学示范中心

1.This paper described the construction of electricexperimental teaching demonstration center according to the core of the reform of teaching contents and curricular system.文章介绍了电工实验教学示范中心的建设,以教学内容和课程体系改革为核心。

2.Basicexperimental teaching demonstration center is built and teach.在调研分析国内重点高校实验中心建设和实验教学改革的基础上,结合本校的客观情况和现代社会对人才的创新能力的需求,构建了普通高校机械设计基础实验“综合、设计、创新能力培养为中心”的实验教学新体系,并进行实验教学示范中心建设和教学改革的探索与实践,已初见成效,取得标志性成果。

3.In the process of constructing university sexperimental teaching demonstration center for basic course,it was focused on the constructing a teaching platform to develop and form students innovation abilities.在高等学校基础课实验教学示范中心建设过程中,以为大学生建立一有利于其创新能力发展和形成的实践教学平台为主线,从建设理念、实践教学体系、实验教学平台、实验教学队伍和实验室信息管理平台等方面入手,探讨了"一体化"设计与构建"开放式"生物学基础课实验教学示范中心建设模式的方法和步骤。

5)the demonstrating center for the teaching of engineerin g practice工程实践教学示范中心

6)experiment teaching demonstration center实验教学示范中心

1.The research and practice of constructing nationalexperiment teaching demonstration center and its radiation function;创建国家级实验教学示范中心及其辐射示范作用的研究与实践

2.This article defines the concept of the e-business experiment,then analyzes the necessity to establish E-businessexperiment teaching demonstration center.该文从电子商务专业教学的角度,明确了电子商务实验的概念、作用,从而深入分析建设电子商务实验教学示范中心的必要性,结合华中师范大学信息管理系电子商务实验教学示范中心的建设实践,重点对实验教学示范中心的建设框架、实验教学改革进行了讨论。

3.The Basic Experiment Teaching Demonstration Center of the Electronic Information Technology of Yunnan University has been rated as the provincialexperiment teaching demonstration center.云南大学电子信息技术基础实验中心被评为省级实验教学示范中心。


