900字范文 > 局部热处理 local heat treatment英语短句 例句大全

局部热处理 local heat treatment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-24 12:59:37


局部热处理 local heat treatment英语短句 例句大全

局部热处理,local heat treatment

1)local heat treatment局部热处理

1.Effect of heated region on stress relief ratio oflocal heat treatment on spherical tanks;加热面积对球罐局部热处理应力消除效果的影响

2.Effects oflocal heat treatment by electron beam on microstructure and properties of TC4 titanium alloy welded joint;电子束局部热处理对TC4钛合金焊接接头组织和性能的影响

3.Numerical analysis of electron beam welding andlocal heat treatment combination technology;电子束焊接及局部热处理复合技术的数值分析


1.The Application of Partial Heat Treatment for Large-scale Spindle;局部热处理工艺在大型主轴中的应用

2.Part Heat Treatment of Stainless Steel Pipeline Welding Joints in Russia俄罗斯不锈钢管道焊接接头的局部热处理

3.Partial heating to solve clogging of the main heat exchanger associated with 350m~3/h ASU“350”空分热交换器堵塞局部加温处理

4.Analysis and Measures for Local Overheat in Steam Generator Liner转化炉蒸汽发生器衬里局部过热分析及处理

5.Large-scale Electrical Conductive Connection with Partial Heat Treatment Failure大型电机导电带联接局部发热故障处理

6.Solution Treatment of the Part of Austenitic Stainless Steel U-pipe奥氏体不锈钢U形换热管局部固溶处理

7.Cause Analysis and Treatment for Partial Excess Temperature of GIS TAGIS电流互感器局部过热原因分析及处理

8.A Study on the Mechanism and Efficiency Evaluation of Local Stress-relief Heat Treatment on Spherical Tanks;球形储罐局部消应力热处理的机理与效果评价研究

9.Sandberg process碳钢局部索氏体化处理

10.If they are not handled well, " the politically cold and economically warm situation" will gradually turn into "the both politically and economically cold situation" , and even enter the state of a cold local war.处理不好,“政冷经热”会逐渐走向“政冷经冷”,甚至走向局部冷战。

11.The Experimental Research on Local Heat Preconditioning in Preventing Achilles Tendon s Enthesiopathy;局部热休克预处理预防跟腱末端病的实验性研究

12.Protective Effects of Local Heat Preconditioning on Hepatic Ischemia Reperfusion Injury;局部热应激预处理对肝脏缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用的机制

13.antifrosting process防霜花处理,防局部脱色处理

14.We must balance overall and local interests.必须坚持处理好全局和局部的关系。

15.Application of Deep Mixing Method in Foundation Local Treatment深层搅拌法在局部地基处理中的应用

16.preheat and hot spot system预热与局部加热系统

17.Local and Global Almost Sure Central Limit Theorems on Extremes;极值的局部及整体几乎处处中心极限定理

18.Theoretic Research and Signal Disposal on Partial Discharge of Power Cable;电力电缆局部放电信号理论及处理研究


local post weld heat treatment局部焊后热处理

1.Optimum heating conditions forlocal post weld heat treatment(PWHT) of Cr-Mo steel pipe were discussed from the point of view of residual stress using thermal-visco-elastic-plastic finite element method(FEM).给出了焊接残余应力与局部焊后热处理应力的试验结果与模拟结果的对比。

3)local postweld heat treatment (PWHT)焊后局部热处理

4)partial treatment局部处理

1.The article probes into the drill exploring inspecting trough and thepartial treatment method of subgrage.该文就钎探验槽和地基的局部处理方法作了探讨。

5)electron beam local heat treatment电子束局部热处理

1.After electron beam welding,electron beam local heat treatment was applied in GH4133 superalloy as the turbine disk material in this paper.针对涡轮盘材料GH4133合金,在电子束焊后采用新颖的电子束局部热处理工艺对接头进行热处理。

bined with numerical calculatoin results,the effects of differentelectron beam local heat treatment process and different parameters,such as heating width and heating time,on the distribution of welding residual stresses have been analyzed.利用三维有限元分析软件 ,模拟了BT2 0钛合金薄板焊态和焊后电子束局部热处理的实际焊接温度场以及残余应力的分布。

6)Local PWHT for circumferential joints环缝局部电加热处理

1.Local PWHT for circumferential joints of hydroreactor afer undertake site rewelded was introduced.介绍了在用加氢反应器现场焊接修理后的消除焊接残余应力的工艺方法之一———环缝局部电加热处理 ,记述了环缝局部电加热处理的工艺过程 ,并指出了需要注意的事


