900字范文 > 电气自动化专业 electrical automation英语短句 例句大全

电气自动化专业 electrical automation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-31 21:00:49


电气自动化专业 electrical automation英语短句 例句大全

电气自动化专业,electrical automation

1)electrical automation电气自动化专业

1.Practice and teaching innovation ofelectrical automation specialty;电气自动化专业实践教学改革与实践


1.Discussion on the Construction of Training Rooms about Chemical Electric Automation化工电气自动化专业实训室建设探讨

2.Practice and teaching innovation of electrical automation specialty;电气自动化专业实践教学改革与实践

3.Practice of Establishment of Electric Automation in Vocational Education;高职教育电气自动化专业建设的实践

4.Relying on Electric Power Industry to Build Electrical Automation Technology Major Which of Weak-current Combined with Heavy-current依托行业建设强弱电结合的电气自动化专业

5.Exploration of Electric Engineering And Automation Specialty on "Duo-Certificate Integration,Production-and-Study Combination";电气自动化专业实施“双证融通,产学合作”的探索

6.The Construction of Vocational Education Teacher Training Model in the Specialty of New Electric Automation新型电气自动化专业职教师资培养模式的构建

7.The Fulfillment and Research on the Synthetic Practice of Electronic Technology in Electrification and Automation Speciality;电气自动化专业电子技术综合实践环节的实施及探索

8.On Cultivation of Manufacturing-Oriented Majors in Electrical Automation in Technical Colleges;面向制造业的高职电气自动化专业人才培养体系初探

9.University degree, major in electrical automatic.大学本科,工业自动化或相关电气专业。

10.Educational Mode and Course System of Electrical Engineering and Automation Speciality;电气工程及其自动化专业建设的探讨

11.Electrical Engineering and Automation Specialized Localization;我校“电气工程及其自动化”专业的定位

12.Construction and Practice of the Speciality ofElectrical Engineering and Automation;电气工程及其自动化专业建设与实践


14.On the construction of a new EEA curriculum system电气工程及其自动化专业课程体系探讨

15.University degree in Electric and Automatization,etc.大学本科以上学历,电气,自动化等相关专业。

16.On the Construction and Reform of Electrical Automation Major;电气自动化技术国家示范专业建设与改革

17.Exploration About the Reform of Electronic Engineering & Automation Specialty Practice Teaching;“电气工程及其自动化”专业实践教学改革探索

18.Contemplation and exploration in the construction of electrical engineering and automation majors;电气工程与自动化专业建设的思考与探索


chemical electrical automation化工电气自动化专业

1.According to the basic ideas and objectives of training room and the actual construction of training rooms aboutchemical electrical automation,practical training projects was designed,series of multi - service functions training rooms were established,and curriculums to achieve a true combination of theory and practice of teaching were reformed.根据高职院校实训室的建设的基本思路和目标,结合学院化工电气自动化专业实训室建设的实际情况,设计了工学结合模式的实训体系,建立了一系列具有多种服务功能的实训室,并按照化工生产任务进行课程改革,实现了真正的理论与实践相结合的教学。

3)electrical engineering and automation specialty电气工程及自动化专业

4)electric automatization电气自动化技术专业

1.This essay is mainly discussing the idea on building two -year program ofelectric automatization in higher vocational teaching.主要探讨“二年制”高职电气自动化技术专业建设的思路、专业建设的特色,提出了与“五年制”、“三年制”高职电气自动化技术专业建设相对应的改革方向。

5)electric automation specialty establishement电气自动化专业建设

6)the major of electric automatization engineering电气自动化工程专业

1.Also,in the light of specific conditions in the institute,it studies basic idea of the teaching reform inthe major of electric automatization engineering according to professional and regional requirements for higher educational talents who specialize in automatization technology.本文分析了自动化技术的发展状况 ,依据行业和地区对自动化技术高职人材的需求 ,结合学院的具体情况 ,研究了学院电气自动化工程专业教学改革的基本思路 ,提出了一套完整、实用并符合当前高职人才培养要求的教学体


