900字范文 > 多品牌战略 multi-brand strategy英语短句 例句大全

多品牌战略 multi-brand strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-25 13:53:19


多品牌战略 multi-brand strategy英语短句 例句大全

多品牌战略,multi-brand strategy

1)multi-brand strategy多品牌战略

1.On Internal Coordination Mechanisms of Multi-brand Strategy Enterprises;浅议多品牌战略企业内部协同机制

2.Research on the Decision Mode of Multi-brand Strategy;企业多品牌战略决策模式研究

3.This paper analyzes on themulti-brand strategy of Swiss watch producer,Swatch Group,from aspects of the strategic motivation,strategic feasibility,and strategic contents,etc.从战略动机、战略可行性和战略内容等方面,分析了瑞士手表制造商斯沃琪集团实行的多品牌战略。


1.The Study of Multi-brands Strategy Patterns of Native Apparel Corporation;国内服装企业多品牌战略模式的研究

2.The Strategy of the Marketing Channel Flattening and Multi-brand for IT Distributior;IT分销企业营销渠道扁平化及多品牌战略

parative Research on the Multiple-Brand Strategy and Brand Extension Strategy of the Hotel Group:Taking Accor and Hyatt for an Example酒店集团多品牌战略与品牌延伸战略之比较研究——以雅高集团与凯悦集团为例

4.The Stretch Analysis of Chinese Brand Based on Diversified Strategy基于多元化战略的我国品牌延伸研究

5.Countermeasure Analysis of China s SMEs Implement Brand Diversification Strategy;我国中小企业实施品牌多元化战略的对策分析

6.The Rational Consideration of Implementing Multilayer Brand Strategy in Zhejiang Private Enterprises;浙江民营企业实施多层次品牌战略的理性思考

7.A Study on Brand Externalities and Their Strategy Choices of the Enterprises Brand;浅析品牌外部性及企业品牌战略选择

8.Brand Alliance--Effecient Way to Promote Brand Stralegy Competiveness;品牌联盟——提升品牌战略竞争力的利器

9.New ideas to brand management:the strategies of brand life cycle;品牌管理的新思路:品牌生命周期战略

10.Study of the change of brand logo and the brand building strategy;品牌标识(LOGO)更换与品牌塑造战略研究

11.The supernormal developmental stratagem,the stratagem of developing ecotourism product by multilevel and diversification,and the brand stratagem should be applied.要实施超常规发展战略,多层次、多样化开发生态旅游产品战略和品牌战略。

12.Discussing Brand Strategies of Pharmaceutical Manufacture Enterprises from Enterprise Brands and Product Brands;从企业品牌与产品品牌的角度谈药品生产企业的品牌战略

13.Researches on Brand Value and Brand Strategic Management of China s Agricultural Products;我国农产品品牌价值及品牌战略管理研究

14.A Summary of Brand Theory and the Brand Strategy Theory of Farm Product;品牌理论及农产品品牌化战略理论综述

15.Research on Strategy and Tactic of Brand Growth in High-Tech Enterprise;高技术企业品牌成长战略及策略研究

16.On the Establishment and Strategies of the Educational Brand in Higher Vocational Colleges;试论高职院校教育品牌的打造与品牌战略

17.Displacement of Corporate Brand:Strategic Paths to Upgrading Corporate Brand;企业品牌位移:实现品牌升级的战略路径

18.On the Brand Life Cycle and Marketing Strategy of Brand at Different Stages;论品牌生命周期及各阶段的品牌营销战略


multilayer brand strategy多层次品牌战略

3)multiple brands development strategy多品牌发展战略

4)A Research on Multi-brands Stratagem多品牌战略分析

5)Strategy of cosmetic multi-brand玩转多品牌战略

6)Discuss the strategy of the brand more simply浅议多品牌战略


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