900字范文 > 工控 Industrial control英语短句 例句大全

工控 Industrial control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-05 18:03:41


工控 Industrial control英语短句 例句大全

工控,Industrial control

1)Industrial control工控

1.It is used to solve the problems properly that appears in serial communication mechanism used in industrial control.集成了TCP/IP协议子集的单片机具有较高的应用价值,较好地解决了工控单片机使用串行通讯机制时存在的问题。

2.This paper reviews the development history of industrial control software and discusses development trend of it.回顾了工控软件的发展历史,讨论了今后的发展趋势。

3.The paper discusses the application of the computer data collection system constructed by the productions of industrial control computer.介绍采用工控产品构建的计算机数据采集系统 ,实现对锅炉的计算机监控管理。


1.I"d like to keep it on manual control for a while.没关系!我先用人工控制

2.control system for hest power engineering in thermal power plant火电厂热工控制系统

3.Toolbars and Toolbar Controls工具栏和工具栏控件

4.On the Combination of NC Processing Technique with Traditional Processing Technique;数控加工工艺与传统加工工艺相结合

puter-aided technology control计算机辅助工艺控制

C electrical discharge machine数控电火花加工机床

7.engineering control of air pollution空气污染的工程控制

8.fixed penalty prosecution定额罚款的检控工作

9.NC universal electrolytic cutter and tool grinder数控万能电解工具磨床

10.NC universal tool milling-boring machine数控万能工具铣-镗床

11.process monitoring alarm system工艺过程监控报警系统

12.IPCC(industrial process control computer)工业过程控制计算机

13.engineering departmental interface control technique工程部接口控制技术

14.wood working dust-control system木材加工灰尘控制系统

15.NC optical profile grinding machine数控光学工具曲线磨床

puter-aided control engineering计算机辅助控制工程

17.Numerical Control Centre for Metalworking金属加工数字控制中心

18.Remote radio switch inoperative.遥控收音机开关不工作。


industry control工控

1.The Application of Process faced Compiler and Interpreter in Industry Control Configuration Software;面向过程的编译和解释环境在工控组态软件系统中的应用

2.Application of ICP family acquisition module andindustry control PC in large scale telecom power supply and environment centralized supervision system is described,theory and methods of distributed acquisition system are clarified.介绍利用威达系列采集模块及工控机在铁路大规模通信电源及环境集中监控的应用 ,阐明了分布式采集系统的组成原理和方法。

3)IPC control工控机控制

4)NC machining数控加工

1.The mold design andNC machining for faceplate of automobile sounder;汽车音响面板模具设计与数控加工

2.Mould design andNC machining based on Pro/E & mastercam;基于Pro/E和Mastercam的模具设计与数控加工

3.Development and Application of CNC Machining Process Template for Automotive Panel Stamping Dies;汽车覆盖件模具数控加工工艺模板开发及应用

5)process control工艺控制

1.Productionprocess control of barrel nickel plating of steel battery shell;电池钢壳滚镀镍生产工艺控制

2.Technical progress in copper electrolysisprocess control;云铜铜电解生产工艺控制的技术进步

3.Constructionprocess control of concrete;浅析混凝土施工工艺控制要点

6)Technology control工艺控制

1.The productive technology control of the light curing laminated safety glass;光固化安全夹层玻璃生产工艺控制

2.Through cross experiment,dynamic observing and single factor optimization experiment, a new variety of iron system crystallization glaze was studied, its forming mechanism was researched in detail and the reasonable technology control condition of the glaze was in hand.采用正交试验、动态观察及单因素优化试验的方法研制出了铁系结晶釉之一的幽邃银星装饰釉,对其形成机理进行了详细研究,并掌握了其合理的生产工艺控制条件。

3.It was pointed out that leakage problems of alkaline Zn MnO2 battery could be solved through technology design and technology control.从偶然因素和系统因素阐述了碱性锌锰电池几种可能产生漏液的类型,对产生漏液的原因进行了详细分析;指出可从工艺设计、工艺控制两方面着手解决碱性锌锰电池漏液问题;认为可从5个方面开展工作来降低碱性锌锰电池漏液比例。


PC总线工控机分子式:CAS号:性质:PC-bus industrial computer 在普通IBM-PC基础上采取了适应工业现场环境的一系列提高可靠性的加固措施、同时在其内部采用了PC/AT标准总线(ISA)的一种工业控制机。由于从系统原理到操作与普通PC机相同,用户极易掌握,并具有通用性好,软件丰富,通信功能强,灵活性好,模板资源丰富,扩展性好,价格便宜等优点。
