900字范文 > 稳定性裕度 Stability margin英语短句 例句大全

稳定性裕度 Stability margin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-16 04:46:28


稳定性裕度 Stability margin英语短句 例句大全

稳定性裕度,Stability margin

1)Stability margin稳定性裕度

1.Influence of inlet dynamic total pressure flow field on gas-turbine engine stability margin进口动态总压流场对燃机稳定性裕度影响

2.Finally, a new algorithm for computing a lower bound for the stability margin of t.最后 ,提出了一种求该类系统的稳定性裕度下界的方法 ,并指出了利用该方法得到的稳定性裕度的下界大于原有文献中给出的下界 。


1.Influence of inlet dynamic total pressure flow field on gas-turbine engine stability margin进口动态总压流场对燃机稳定性裕度影响

2.The Decoupling Control Study and Stability Margin Evaluation of Multivariable Uncertain Systems;不确定性系统的解耦控制与稳定裕度分析

3.Voltage Stability Margin Index Base on Operating Characteristics of Alternating Current Circuit基于交流电路运行特性的电压稳定裕度指标

4.A new tuning method which based on gain margin and phase margin is showed. And the stability of the controller is discussed.介绍了基于增益裕度和相位裕度的整定方法,同时对其稳定性进行了讨论。

5.Static Voltage Stability Margin Analysis Considering Uncertainty of Load Variation;考虑负荷变化不确定性的静态电压稳定裕度分析

6.Robust Controller Design for Airplane and Research on Stability Margins;飞机鲁棒控制器设计及稳定裕度研究

7.Reactive Power Optimization with Constraints of Static Voltage Stability Margin含静态电压稳定裕度约束的无功优化

8.Identification of Ill-conditioned FEP and Correction of Stability Margin病态最远点的识别及稳定裕度的修正

9.Multi-objective Voltage-VAR Planning with Static Voltage Stability Margin;考虑静态电压稳定裕度的多目标电压—无功规划

10.Research on On-line Calculation of Power System Steady-state Stability Margin;电力系统静态稳定裕度的在线计算研究

11.Stability Margin Monitoring for Distributed Power Systems Based on ESAC Criterion基于ESAC标准的分布式电源系统稳定裕度监控

12.A Practical Curve Tracing Method of Delay Stability Margin of Power System一种电力系统实用时滞稳定裕度曲线追踪方法

13.Online Voltage Stability Margin Evaluation Based on Phasor Measurement基于相量测量的电压稳定裕度在线评估

14.Effect of Nodal Injection Power Mode on Voltage Stability Margin节点注入功率模式对电压稳定裕度的影响

15.Monitoring and Analyzing on Yuxi Landslide Stability of Longyou-Lishui Expressway龙丽高速公路裕溪滑坡稳定性监测分析

16.Optimal Power Flow with Transient Stability Constraints Based on Sensitivity of Transient Energy Margin;基于能量裕度灵敏度下的含暂态稳定约束的优化潮流计算

17.The highest adiabatic efficiency is increased by7.4% and the stability operation margin also has a notable increase.最高绝热效率提高了7.4个百分点,稳定工作裕度也有了显著的增加。

18.The highest adiabatic efficiency is increased by 7 4% and the stability operation margin also has a notable increase.最高绝热效率提高了7.4 个百分点,稳定工作裕度也有了显著的增加


Energy margin稳定性裕度

1.So, the thought for the simulation design was put forward based on energy margin and temperature margin, the arithmetic of simulation design of CICC configuration was deduced, and the model of the simulation was built.而工程上CICC导体的设计是一个多次尝试和优化的烦琐过程,为此,提出了基于稳定性裕度、温度裕度的导体设计思想,推导了关于CICC导体结构矩阵参数的算法,建立了导体数值模拟的基本设计模型,同时进行了仿真设计,并将数值模拟设计情况与工程设计值进行了比较和分析,结果证明二者吻合的较好。

3)stability margin稳定裕度

1.Quadratic stability andstability margin analysisof discrete interval systems;离散区间系统的二次稳定性及其稳定裕度分析

2.The characteristics of mine power system,voltage stability and systemstability margin were analyzed and the measures of preventing vlotage stability from destruction were set forth.分析了矿山供电系统的特点,对电压稳定性、系统的稳定裕度及防止发生电压稳定破坏的措施进行了阐述。

4)stable margin稳定裕度

1.And the testing criteria are discussed,for example,stable margins, performance index,and controller fragility.针对飞机鲁棒控制器设计中的检验问题,介绍了系统检验标准,讨论了系统检验的重要性,重点阐述了对系统进行稳定裕度检验、性能指标检验以及控制器脆弱性检验的方法。

2.Based on the time domain simulation, the calculation method for single machine acceleration area and deceleration area,stable margin and unstable margin, critical machine equal area criterion (SMEAC) are proposed.结合时域仿真 ,提出了多机系统中单机加速面积 ,减速面积计算方法 ,稳定判据 ,稳定裕度 ,不稳定裕度。

3.Thestable margin is defined.结合时域仿真 ,提出了多机系统中单机加速面积、减速面积计算方法、临界机组群单机等面积定则第一摇摆稳定判据、稳定裕度计算方法等。

5)pitching static margin静稳定裕度

1.Research on the definition ofpitching static margin for flight vehicle;飞行器静稳定裕度定义方法研究

6)unstable margin不稳定裕度

1.Based on the time domain simulation, the calculation method for single machine acceleration area and deceleration area, stable margin andunstable margin, critical machine equal area criterion (SMEAC) are proposed.结合时域仿真 ,提出了多机系统中单机加速面积 ,减速面积计算方法 ,稳定判据 ,稳定裕度 ,不稳定裕度。


