900字范文 > 科技计划 science and technology program英语短句 例句大全

科技计划 science and technology program英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-13 09:42:20


科技计划 science and technology program英语短句 例句大全

科技计划,science and technology program

1)science and technology program科技计划

1.Analysis of the theory foundation and patterns of performance evaluation on the government sscience and technology program;政府科技计划绩效评价理论基础与模式比较

2.Methods and practices of thescience and technology program evaluation;科技计划的评估方法及其应用研究

3.This paper analyzes the stage and the field which agriculturalscience and technology program focuses on.对有关农业科技计划侧重的阶段和领域进行分析,认为我国科技计划注重科技创新阶段的研究,对于最后阶段的农业技术推广涉及较少,而在农业各个领域中作物生产领域受到较多的资助。


1.Design and implementation of management information system for "sicence and technology plan item"科技计划项目管理系统的设计与实现

2.Application of Regional S&T Plan to the Integration of S&T Resources Respectively Belonged to Central Government and Regional Government;区域科技计划中的中央与地方科技资源整合

3.The Functions of S&T Programme on the Integration of Scientific and Technological Resources and the Ways of Realization;科技计划在科技资源整合中的作用及实现方式

4.The Decision pattern of Science and Technology Plan in the US and Its Enlightenment to Formulation of Chinese Medium and Long-term Science & Technology Plan;美国科技计划决策模式及其对我国制定中长期科技规划的启示

5.The connection between scientific and technical development program and scientific and technical projects--taking Hunan province "eleventh five-year plan" scientific and technical development program as the example;科技发展规划与科技计划的衔接——以湖南省“十一五”科技发展规划为例

6.Actuality, Problems and Improvement of Chinese Management of Technology Program;我国科技计划管理的现状、问题和改进

7.Research on the Evaluation System of S&T Plan Project Approving in Guizhou;贵州科技计划项目立项评估体系研究

8.Evaluation of science&technology program and governmental organi zations in Korea;韩国的科技计划评估和研究机构评估

9.Talking about the Development of Online Declaration System of Sci-tech Plan of Changzhi City长治市科技计划网上申报系统的开发

10.Analysis on the performance of Tianjin sci -tech projects during the period of the 10th Five-Year Plan“十五”天津市科技计划项目绩效分析

11.school-based IT plan校本信息科技教育计划;以学校为本位的信息科技教育计划

12.Work was begun to implement projects under the March 1986 High-Tech Program for the Tenth Five-Year Plan period, the program for tackling key problems in science and technology and the program for basic research in key areas.新的"863计划"科技攻关计划和重点基础研究计划开始实施。

13.Tenth Five-Year Plan" for the Development of Railway Science and Technology;铁路科技发展“十五”计划和长期规划纲要

14.Project Assurance Team [PAT][Information Technology Services Department]计划保证小组〔资讯科技署〕

15.New Technology Training Scheme [NTTS] [Vocational Training Council]新科技培训计划〔职业训练局〕

16.articulate a science program for all grades统一制订各年级的科技教学计划

17.space in the incubation units [Hong Kong Industrial Technology Centre]供培育计划使用的地方〔工业科技中心〕

18.Several questions in the planning and design of scientific and technological garden of the university大学科技园区规划设计中的几个问题


S&T plan科技计划

1.Analysis on information ofS&T plan projects declaring and accepting;科技计划项目申报受理信息分析

2.Research on the Evaluation System of S&T Plan Project Approving in Guizhou;贵州科技计划项目立项评估体系研究

3.Research on Evaluation Theory and Method of S&T Plan Project;科技计划项目评估理论与方法研究

3)S&T program科技计划

1.The characteristics of different stages in industry cluster life cycle are analyzed,and the method to judge which stage the cluster belongs to is designed,as well as theS&T program supporting tactics and related suggestions are put forward.通过科技计划引导与支持,实现高新技术产业集群科技创新资源的优化配置,是提高产业集群科技创新能力的一条有效途径。

2.It s greately significant to the exertion ofS&T programs that governments manage the projects ofS&T programs effectively.政府对科技计划项目进行有效的管理,对于科技计划作用的发挥具有重大意义。

3.Keeping progress in the 10th five-year plan and achieving purpose of 11th five-year plan, it is very important that Tianjin government have to build up effectiveS&T program system.合理的科技计划体系及其项目管理模式对于促进一个国家和地区的科技、经济的发展具有不可忽视的影响和作用。

4)science and technology plan科技计划

1.Nationalscience and technology plan and wind power development国家科技计划与风电发展

2.First,the basic aim that should be held in the budget evaluation of a project belong to the localscience and technology plan(PLSTP) was analyzed and expatiated,moreover the characteristics and the principals of the budget evaluation of PLSTP were analyzed and summarized.阐述了地方科技计划课题预算评审应坚持的基本宗旨,总结了地方科技计划课题预算评审的特点和原则,研究了影响地方科技计划课题预算评审质量的相关主体及其目标职能,提出了地方科技计划课题预算评审质量控制的原理、程序和方法,对地方科技计划课题预算评审质量控制的动态管理进行了展望。

3.Therefore, the enhancement governmentscience and technology planned project management has the extremely important strategic and practical significance for pushing the development of our.因此,加强政府科技计划项目管理对于推动我国科技发展具有非常重要的战略和实际意义。

5)science and technology科技计划

1.With the increasingly intens competition of modernscience and technology ,IPR management of nationalscience and technology projects has become more and more important to exploit international market ,advancescience and technology as well as economic development .随着现代科技、经济竞争的日益激烈,依靠科技提高市场竞争力、发展国民经济已逐步成为各国的共同选择,作为开拓国际市场、加速科技进步和促进经济发展有力武器,政府科技计划项目知识产权管理政策更是受到前所未有的关注。

6)scientific and technological projects科技计划项目

1.The main problems in currentscientific and technological projects management were analyzed.针对我国当前科技计划项目管理中信息资源分散,以及管理监控功能和决策支持不足等问题,提出了构建一站式的科技综合信息服务与知识共享平台的必要性。


国家社会发展科技计划为贯彻实施%26#8220;科教兴国%26#8221;和可持续发展战略,我国于1995年制定了国家社会发展科技计划。其宗旨是,以提高人民的生活质量与自身素质为中心,为改善人民的生存环境,调整人与自然之间的关系,促进社 会事业及相关产业的科技进步,推动经济与社 会相互协调和可持续发展而开展的科学技术活动。%26#8220;九五%26#8221;期间重点从以下四个方面开展工作:(1)围绕提高人民生活质量,重点安排创新 药物开发、人口控制与健康、住宅建设和减灾防灾等方面的科技工作。(2)围绕清洁生产能源体系的建立,重点开发水资源和水处理、烟气脱硫、资源循环与再生 综合利用等技术。(3)围绕我国可持续发展的资源支持问题,重点安排矿产勘查。海洋资源和西部开发等方面的科技工作。(4)加强社会发展科技领域基础工作。
