900字范文 > 电工电子技术实验 experiment of electrical engineering and electronics英语短句 例句大全

电工电子技术实验 experiment of electrical engineering and electronics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-22 11:08:05


电工电子技术实验 experiment of electrical engineering and electronics英语短句 例句大全

电工电子技术实验,experiment of electrical engineering and electronics

1)experiment of electrical engineering and electronics电工电子技术实验

1.An actual simulation software served as an example, this article introduces the application of a new virtual electronics workbench in theexperiment of electrical engineering and electronics.通过一个实际的仿真软件 ,介绍虚拟电子实验台在电工电子技术实验中的应用 。

2)virtual electrotechnics and electronics experiment technology虚拟电工电子实验技术

3)electrotechnics and electronics experiment电工与电子技术实验

1.This paper aimed at writing the play book ofelectrotechnics and electronics experiment CAI courseware, and introduced writing thoughts and amprehension.文章针对电工与电子技术实验 CAI课件稿本 ,谈了编写思路与体会。

4)electronic technique experiment电子技术实验

1.Internet-based intelligent test and evaluation system forelectronic technique experiment;电子技术实验网络智能测评系统

2.In order to change the unity of the traditional experiment teaching model,to improve the quality of the experiment teaching and to strengthen the innovation education,electric and electronic laboratory of experiment teaching department and specialty laboratory of faulty of automation reforms the teaching mode ofelectronic technique experiment.为了改变传统实验教学模式的单一性,提高实验教学质量,强化创新教育,我校实验教学部的电工电子实验中心联合自动化学院的专业实验室采用多元化的教学模式对电子技术实验课程的教学内容、教学手段和考核制度进行了改革。


1.EWB Simulation Technology in Electric Technology Experiment ApplicationEWB仿真技术在电子技术实验中的应用

2.Reform and Practice of Experimental Teaching in Electronic Technology Laboratories;电子技术实验室的实验教学改革与实践

3.The Developing of National Excellent Course of Modem Electronic Technology Experiment;国家精品课程“现代电子技术实验”建设

4.Courseware-making based on Flash of digital electronic technology experiment;基于Flash的数字电子技术实验课件制作

5.The Application of Multisim2001 Software in Electronic Technology Experiment;Multisi m2001软件在电子技术实验中的应用

6.Application of EWB as auxiliary teaching in the electronic technology experiment course;EWB在电子技术实验中的辅助教学应用

7.Exploration on Reform of Experimental Instruction of Electronic Technology Based on EDA;基于EDA的电子技术实验教学改革探讨

8.The Application of the Protel DXP in the Experiment Teaching of the Electronic Technique;Protel DXP在电子技术实验教学中的应用

9.Reforming Electronic Technology Experiment With EDA;电子技术实验教学改革中EDA的应用

10.Application of PSPICE in Analog Electronic Technology Experiments;PSPICE在模拟电子技术实验中的运用

11.The Application of EWB Emulated Software in the Electronic Experiment;EWB仿真软件在电子技术实验中的应用

12.Discussion about How Computer Assists Teaching with Experiments in Electronic Technology;计算机辅助电子技术实验教学的探讨

13.Application of MultiSIM Software in the Electronic Experiment Teaching;MultiSIM在电子技术实验教学中应用的研究

14.Introduction on the Textbook of Electronic Experiment and Course Design;《电子技术实验与课程设计》教材介绍

15.Application of EWB Software in the Course of Electronic Technique Experiment谈EWB软件在电子技术实验课中的应用

16.Basic Electronic Technology & Experiment电子技术基础与实验

17.The Integration of EDA Technology and Electronic Circuit Experiment Teaching;EDA技术与电子电路实验教学的整合

18.The Constraction and Research on Textbooks in Electric and Electronic Experimental Technique“电工电子实验技术”教材的建设与研究


virtual electrotechnics and electronics experiment technology虚拟电工电子实验技术

3)electrotechnics and electronics experiment电工与电子技术实验

1.This paper aimed at writing the play book ofelectrotechnics and electronics experiment CAI courseware, and introduced writing thoughts and amprehension.文章针对电工与电子技术实验 CAI课件稿本 ,谈了编写思路与体会。

4)electronic technique experiment电子技术实验

1.Internet-based intelligent test and evaluation system forelectronic technique experiment;电子技术实验网络智能测评系统

2.In order to change the unity of the traditional experiment teaching model,to improve the quality of the experiment teaching and to strengthen the innovation education,electric and electronic laboratory of experiment teaching department and specialty laboratory of faulty of automation reforms the teaching mode ofelectronic technique experiment.为了改变传统实验教学模式的单一性,提高实验教学质量,强化创新教育,我校实验教学部的电工电子实验中心联合自动化学院的专业实验室采用多元化的教学模式对电子技术实验课程的教学内容、教学手段和考核制度进行了改革。

5)electronic technology experiment电子技术实验

1.The Application of EWB in Electronic Technology Experiments;EWB在电子技术实验中的应用

6)electronic experiment电子技术实验

1.This paper introduced the fundamental contents of constructivism theory and emphasized that students should be the core ofelectronic experiment teaching ,but teachers only play a helpful and promoting role.本文论述了建构主义教学理论的基本内容,强调在电子技术实验教学中应以学生为中心,学生是知识意义的主动建构者,教师只是起帮助和促进作用。

2.In view of the existing problems in traditional experimental teaching,this paper put forward some reform measures ofelectronic experiment teaching starting from following aspects:the improvement of experiment teaching,the compilation of experimental guiding books,the reform of experimental teaching method,the experimental teaching mode and the experimental assessment system.本文针对传统实验教学中存在的问题,从提高实验教学地位、编写实验指导书、改革实验教学方法、实验教学模式和实验考核体系出发,提出了电子技术实验教学的改革措施。


电工电子产品基本环境试验规程电工电子产品基本环境试验规程basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic productsd心叩的9 dianzi ehanPin]i比n huanling sh叩n guieheng电工电子产品墓本环境试验规程(basiC envi-~tal testingp联记~for electrie and elec-加‘cp耐ucts)将电工、电子产品或材料暴露到自然或人工环境中,从而对他们在实际上可能遇到的储存、运输和使用条件下的性能作出评价而规定的试验程序。该试验规程包括总则、名词术语、试验方法和试验导则4个部分,这里所包括的试验方法为人工环境的试验方法。环境试验方法具有下列用途:①作为评定电工、电子产品或材料在实际储存、运输和使用条件下适应性的依据,可用于定型试验、批量抽样试验、质t检查试验等类型的试验;②作为对电工、电子产品或材料的环境适应性的比较试验,或用来作为自然条件下基露或现场运行试验的结果作验证对比试验;③只有通过环境试验规程的有关要求的电工、电子产品或材料,才具备生产、销售和使用的基本条件。环境试验规程的内容包括:低温试验方法、高温试验方法、冲击试验方法、盐雾试验方法等30种具体试验方法;又针对热对流、热辐射、热传导、冲击、碰撞、自由跌落、弹跳、大气腐蚀等具体环境条件制定了18个试验导则。为了使试验方法和试验导则具有科学性、通用性、准确性并与国际接轨,参照国际有关标准,制定了相应的国家标准:《电工电子产品环境试验术语》(GBIT加公一1男5)、《电工、电子产品基本环境试验规程》(G别T公粗3系列标准GBIT24对系列标准)。这些规范化试验规程的发布,对提高中国电工、电子产品质量和增强中国电工、电子产品国际市场竞争力具有重要和深远意义。(陈志田)
