900字范文 > 中小城市 small and medium-sized cities英语短句 例句大全

中小城市 small and medium-sized cities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-17 04:40:21


中小城市 small and medium-sized cities英语短句 例句大全

中小城市,small and medium-sized cities

1)small and medium-sized cities中小城市

1.Thoughts on Rural Tourism Exploitation and Development Measures in Small and Medium-Sized Cities;中小城市乡村旅游开发与发展对策思考——以三明市为例

2.On Conference and Exhibition Economy in Small and Medium-Sized Cities-——Take Wenzhou for Example;中小城市发展会展经济的探讨——以温州为例

3.The comparison to government function ofsmall and medium-sized cities between China and western countries;中西方中小城市政府职能比较



2.Analysis on the continuous Development of the creation for the small and Medium-sized Cities;浅析中小城市旧城改造的可持续发展

3.Study on Eco-city Building in Small and Medium-sized Cities with Medium-developed;中等发达中小城市生态城市规划建设研究

4.Considerations on the Principal Position of Small and Medium Cities in the Course of China"s Urbanization and City Efficiency Research对中小城市在城市化过程中的主体地位及城市效率研究的思考

5.Countermeasure of activating the real estate consumption market of middle and small cities;中小城市房地产消费市场启动的对策

6.Constructional Land Index of Medium-sized and Small Cities in High-speed Urbanization Area;快速城市化地区中小城市建设用地指标探讨

7.Study on the Development of the Small-and-Medium-SizedCities around Megacities;大城市周边中小城市崛起的条件和机制研究

8.Study on the Particularity of Landscape Design of Road Entrance in Small- medium City中小城市城市道路入口景观设计特殊性的研究

9.Efforts will be made to promote the coordinated development of large, medium-sized and small cities and small towns.今后,要走大中小城市和小城镇协调发展的道路。

10.The Strategies Of The Sustainable Development Of The Medium And Small Cities On The Fringe Of Guangzhou;大城市边缘区中小城市可持续发展战略探讨——以广州增城市为例

11.International Experiences from the Development of Small and Medium-sized Cities and Views on Development of Small and Medium-sized Cities in China;关于中小城市发展的国际经验与中国中小城市发展的思考

12.Special efforts should be made to stress the development of small and medium-sized cities, improve the function of regional central cities, and develop the area surrounding large cities.着重发展小城镇,积极发展中小城市,完善区域性中心城市功能,发挥大城市的辐射带动作用。

13.Medium and small towns.中等城市和小城市。

14.2. Take small and medium cities and extensive rural areas first; take big cities later.(2)先取小城市、中等城市和广大乡村,后取大城市。

15.Take medium and small cities and extensive rural areas first; Take big cities later.先取中、小城市和广大乡村,后取大城市。

16.Causal Analysis on the Village inside Oty in the Middle and Small City;中、小城市城中村现象形成原因分析

17.People live in small towns and in big cities.人们住在小城镇中或大城市里。

18.Allocation of Production Factors in Towns during Urbanization Process;城市化进程中小城镇的生产要素配置


medium and small cities中小城市

1.Research and Development of Social Security Alarm and Response System in Medium and Small Cities;中小城市社会治安预警与反应系统的研究与开发

2.Study on Coordinated Development of the Medium and Small Cities in the Metropolitan Coordinating Region;都市圈内中小城市协调发展研究

3.he characteristics of air environmental planning formedium and small cities in Zhujiang River Delta is analysed.分析中小城市大气环境规划的特点,采用总量控制和总量控制指导下的A-P值法研究广东顺德市大气环境规划问题:用总量控制A值法从宏观上控制区域总允许排放量,再用P值法控制每个单源的排放,通过影响系数研究工业区的布局方案,从而给出顺德市区域大气污染物允许排放量的典型分析和最大允许排放量的合理布局规划,指导未来污染源的选址、排放高度和排放量的确定。

3)small and medium city中小城市

1.Analysis on condom use of men who have sex with men insmall and medium city;中小城市男男性接触者安全套使用状况分析

2.Study on high risk behaviors among MSM insmall and medium city;中小城市男男性接触者HIV感染行为调查

4)small and medium cities中小城市

1.This paper analyzed key traffic characters insmall and medium cities with high-increasing motocycle,and proposed the strategy and countermeasure of motorcycle traffic in future,and provided reference to the urban development planning.本文在分析摩托车高度发展下的中小城市主要交通特征的基础上,确定了未来这些城市的摩托车交通发展战略和应采取的对策,为这些城市今后的发展提供了规划的依据。

pared with the economically developed big cities,adolescent’s pop culture ofsmall and medium cities has its own characteristics in its main performance elements,related expenditure,overall features and functions,etc.相对于经济发达的大城市而言,中小城市青少年流行文化在其主要表现元素、相关花费、总体特征和功能等各个方面都有其自身的特点。

5)medium and small sized cities中小城市

1.Study on traffic problems inmedium and small sized cities and countermeasures;中小城市交通问题的研究及对策

2.Research on traffic management and planning inmedium and small sized cities中小城市交通管理规划研究

3.Formedium and small sized cities,the successful road construction needs to solve so many problems such as investment increase and economic integration of road belts.成功地建设中小城市公路需要解决的矛盾很多 ,如投资增长 ,公路网络经济一体化等 ,要求中小城市公路建设除了承担与高速公路网相连结的任务外 ,还要承担与市内工业区相连结的任务 ,使中小城市工业区与高速公路经济带网的工业区相连结并调整经济结构。

6)middle and small city中小城市

1.Problems of static traffic inmiddle and small city and countermeasures中小城市静态交通的若干问题及对策

2.Urbanization research of themiddle and small city in Jing-JinJi area京津冀地区中小城市的城市化研究


