900字范文 > 复数现代性 plural modernity英语短句 例句大全

复数现代性 plural modernity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-12 20:48:26


复数现代性 plural modernity英语短句 例句大全

复数现代性,plural modernity

1)plural modernity复数现代性

2)mathematics dominated by modernity现代性数学

1.It should be pointed out that most understanding of postmodernists about mathematics is still in the limit of bound ofmathematics dominated by modernity.应该看到后现代主义对数学的认识大多仍停留在现代性数学的视域之内,并且其认识的片面性也是需要指出的。

3)modern algebra现代代数

4)modern mathematics现代数学

1.Electromagnetic measuring technology,from its appearance to today s rapid development,is nearly related with the advancement and application of mathematics,especiallymodern mathematics.特别是现代数学对于现代电磁测量技术的作用更不容忽视。

2.Themodern mathematics has interpenetrated with the other fields, and it has become more and more highly abstract as well.现代数学与其他领域互相渗透,同时也越来越高度抽象化;社会实践与社会管理是人类最基本的社会活动,运用现代数学思维来解决社会问题,即数学思想的社会化,是数学教学的必要训练。

3.According to the problems that the modern science and technology put before mechanics, we have briefly reviewed the domain of themodern mathematics and methods related to the modern mechanics.根据当代科学技术向力学提出的问题,简要综述了现代力学所涉及的现代数学领域和方法。


1.Look at the Basic Problem of Mathematical Philosophy from the Variable Mathematics to the Modern Mathematics;从变量数学到现代数学看数学哲学的基本问题

2.The View of Modern Maths Teaching and the Maths Curriculum Reform in Middle School and Primary Schools;现代数学教学观与中小学数学课程改革

3.Evaluation Mode on Modern Math Classroom Teaching;现代数学课堂教学评价构成模式探讨

4.On the Development of Modern Mathematics and Its Significance in Education;论现代数学哲学的发展及其教育意义

5.The Book of Changes and the Three Theories in Modern Mathematics and Physics;《周易》与现代数学、物理学中的“三论”

6.The Teaching of Modern Mathematics Should Not Neglect the Training of the Mathematics Reading Ability;现代数学教育不应忽视数学阅读能力的培养

7.An Analysis of the Relation Between Traditional and Modern Mathematics in the Reform of Mathematical Teaching;中学数学教育改革中传统数学与现代数学关系析述

8.Pioneer of Chinese Modern Mathematical Education;傅种孙——中国现代数学教育的先驱

9.The Modern Mathematics Thoughts in Elementary Geometry--Geometry Transformation;初等几何中的现代数学思想——几何变换

10.Advanced Mathematics (Including Linear Algebra)高等数学含现性代数

11.Modernity of Chinese Minorities′ Literature;略论中国现代少数民族文学的现代性

12.Study on the Development of Mathematics in Tang Dynasty and the Inspiration to Us in Modern Society;论唐代数学的发展及其对现代的启示

13.Modern information technology influence upon students′ study on mathematics;现代信息技术对学生数学学习的影响

14.Modern encryption is a mathematical science.现代加密技术属数学学科。

15.Mathematization:an Inevitable way to Modernize China’s Economy数学化,中国经济学现代化的必由之路

16.The Theoretical Seeking Source and the Modern Background of Inqutring Learning of Uathematics of Mathematics;数学探究学习的理论探源与现代背景

17.See the Reform of Math Teaching Through Modem Information Processing Techknowlogy;从现代信息处理技术看数学教学改革

18.From the Chinese ancient mathematics thought to present condition of the mathematica mechanization;从中国古代数学思想到数学机械化现状


mathematics dominated by modernity现代性数学

1.It should be pointed out that most understanding of postmodernists about mathematics is still in the limit of bound ofmathematics dominated by modernity.应该看到后现代主义对数学的认识大多仍停留在现代性数学的视域之内,并且其认识的片面性也是需要指出的。

3)modern algebra现代代数

4)modern mathematics现代数学

1.Electromagnetic measuring technology,from its appearance to today s rapid development,is nearly related with the advancement and application of mathematics,especiallymodern mathematics.特别是现代数学对于现代电磁测量技术的作用更不容忽视。

2.Themodern mathematics has interpenetrated with the other fields, and it has become more and more highly abstract as well.现代数学与其他领域互相渗透,同时也越来越高度抽象化;社会实践与社会管理是人类最基本的社会活动,运用现代数学思维来解决社会问题,即数学思想的社会化,是数学教学的必要训练。

3.According to the problems that the modern science and technology put before mechanics, we have briefly reviewed the domain of themodern mathematics and methods related to the modern mechanics.根据当代科学技术向力学提出的问题,简要综述了现代力学所涉及的现代数学领域和方法。

5)reproductibility index复现指数

6)modernity show现代性展现


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
