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语文学刊 Journal of Language and Literature Studies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-08 10:58:57


语文学刊 Journal of Language and Literature Studies英语短句 例句大全

语文学刊,Journal of Language and Literature Studies

1)Journal of Language and Literature Studies语文学刊

1.Besides,magazines likeJournal of Language and Literature Studies offering a column that published articles of Research on Dragon Study made important contributions to the cause of Research on Dragon Study in Inner Mongolia Area.此外,以特辟专栏发表"龙学"研究文章的《语文学刊》等刊物为代表,对内蒙古地区的"龙学"研究做出了重要贡献。

2)literary periodicals in Chinese language汉语文学期刊


1.A Study on the Contemporary Literature of the Chinese Minority Nationality under Influences of Literary Periodicals in Chinese Language;论汉语文学期刊影响下的中国当代少数民族文学

2.Analysis on Move Structure of Discussion Sections in English and Chinese Linguistic Research Articles英汉语言学期刊论文讨论部分的语步结构分析

3.A Genre-Based Study of Chinese Book Reviews in Academic Linguistics Journals;汉语语言学学术期刊书评的体裁分析

4.Generic Structure of English and Chinese Linguistic Journal Abstracts:A Comparative Study;英汉语言学类学术期刊论文摘要体裁结构的对比研究

5.The Contrast between Chinese Titles and Its English Translation in Linguistic Periodicals;语言类学术期刊论文标题的汉英对比与翻译研究

6.Literature Periodical Research of Chinese Cultural Environment in Contemporary;当代中国文化语境中的文学期刊研究

7.On the Translation of Chinese Culture-specific Items in U.S. Newsmagazines;美国新闻期刊中的汉语文化项翻译的处理

8.Cohesion in English and Chinese Academic Journal Abstracts;英汉学术期刊论文摘要衔接手段的对比研究

9.English Research Article Titles in Chinese and International Journals: Structural and Informational Perspectives中英文期刊英语学术论文标题的对比研究

10.Learning Strategies for Reading English Journal Papers: A Case Study;英语期刊论文阅读中学习策略个案研究

11.A Comparative Study on the Use of First Personal Pronouns in Journal Research Articles;中外英语期刊学术论文第一人称使用对比研究

12.An Introduction of Websites for British and American Language and Literature Journals;常用英美语言文学期刊网址及内容简介

13.Memetics on Titles in Linguistic Periodicals语言类学术期刊论文标题的模因论研究

14.Studies on Shadow Play Scripts in Southern Fujian Dialect--Thoughts on "Occasional Papers, European Association of Chinese Studies Vol.2 ";关于闽南语皮(纸)影戏本的研究——读《欧洲汉学研究会不定期刊》第2辑

15.A Study of Language Sense in the Teaching of Chinese Newspaper Reading to Foreign Students;汉语报刊阅读教学中的语感问题研究

16.Transliterating rules of Chinese phonetic-Alphabet on titles for books and periodicals in ChineseGB/T3259-1992中文书刊名称汉语拼音拼写法

17.Genre Intertextuality and E-C Translation of Newspaper News Reporting英语报刊消息中的具体互文及其汉译

18.A Corpus-based Study of Four-word Lexical Bundles in Linguistic Journal Articles;基于语料库的语言学期刊文章中的四字词串的研究


literary periodicals in Chinese language汉语文学期刊

3)literary journals文学期刊

1.Faced with commercialization, the changes of state policies concerning literature, diversity of modern mass media and publication, and shift of fashion and reader s interest, and perhaps more importantly, the lack of sensational effect that the works they carry can produce,literary journals are on the verge of distinction.而最为关键的因素还在于文学期刊本身所承载的主体文学逐渐失去了轰动效应。

2.Based on the description of the development of the literature in the new century, this paper analyse the current situation ofliterary journals and points out thatliterary journals should have their awareness of both subject and market.本文在叙述新世纪文学发展的基础上,对文学期刊现状进行了分析,提出文学期刊要有明确的主体意识和市场意识。

3.Contemporaryliterary journals can not only timely carry new works of writers but also well administer literary creation and literary critics nationwide so as to establish a unified literary setup.文学期刊在20世纪中国文学发展过程中,具有重要地位。

4)literary journal文学期刊

1.The contradiction between the reform requirement of theliterary journal and trend of the time cann t be in harmony .文学期刊与改革要求和市场大趋势难以谐调的矛盾日益突出;文学期刊面临生死挑战;文学期刊改革大势所趋,势在必行。

2.From 1976 to1979 was the peak of resumed publication ofliterary journals.1976-1979年是文学期刊复刊的一个高峰期,以文革结束为界,"复刊"的形式存在"创刊"、"复刊"的差别,这暗示了政治权利的转移和期刊领导权的易手,它们所刊发的内容也折射出文艺政策的转折、文学环境的变迁。

5)literature periodical文学期刊

1.On the Literature Periodicals Published during Gudao(1937-1941);“孤岛”时期文学期刊研究

2.In its developing process,the function and significance ofliterature periodicals have changed more or less.文学期刊虽然在其发展过程中 ,在功能意义等方面的表达方式上或多或少地发生了变化 ,但其与作品、作者、读者三者之间的关系依旧举足轻重。

3.At the turn of the century, the rising of the visual culture gives theliterature periodical the strategy and the apocalypse which faced existence predicament.视觉文化的风生水起给面临生存困境的文学期刊以启示和借鉴。

6)literary periodicals文学期刊

1.The development of market economy in China in the past ten years has fundamentally changed the nature of China sliterary periodicals, and made them turn to commercialization and popularization.近一二十年来市场经济的发展,使文学期刊衍生出两种新的诉求,即商业化和大众化,并从根本上改变着我国文学期刊的传统性质。


