900字范文 > 降调 flat英语短句 例句大全

降调 flat英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-05 06:24:56


降调 flat英语短句 例句大全




1.a regular and monotonous rising and falling intonation.一种单调而有规则的升调和降调。

2.You should use the rising / falling tone at the end of this sentence.在这句话的结尾你应该用升调/降调。

3.The governor must have provision for adjusting speed( generator frequency) and speed droop( no load to full load).调速器必须具备转速调整(电机频率)降速降调整(负荷到满负荷)能。

4.Use the rising tone when you come to the word"~". Use the falling tone when you come to the end of the sentence.读到"~"这个词时用升调;读到句末时用降调。

5.the key of C major, E flat major, etc C大调、 降E大调.

6.A falling inflection of the voice, as at the end of a sentence.声音降落,降句调发音时下降的音调

7.The Clinical Study of the Impacts of "Tang Zhi Xiao" in Adjusting Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure and Lipid Content;“糖脂消”降糖调脂降压作用的临床研究

8.These air conditioners should come down in winter.冬天这些空调器应降价

9.transposing the song down to D minor把这首歌曲降为D小调.

10.This is a song written in the key of B flat.这是一首降B调的曲子。

11.dancer roll, dance roller, dancing roller松紧调节辊,张力调节辊,升降[导]辊

12.Now she "s singing G flat .现在她正以G调降半音的音调演唱。

13.This song"s too high for my voice; could you please transpose it down into E flat?这支歌调子太高,你能把它降到E调吗?

14.The Measures of Adjusting Work State of Air-conditioning System to Save Energy and Reduce Consumption调整空调系统工作状态的节能降耗措施

15.The survey shows that there is a decrease in the number of young people out of work.调查表明,年轻人的失业率下降了。

16.Concerto in Eb for Bassoon and Piano.巴哈:降E大调大管协奏曲(钢琴伴奏版).

17.Quality seem leveling off ascertain what cause.质量似在下降,请调查为何因。

18.The temperature in the room was brought down by the air conditioner.空调使房间的温度降低下来。


chopping peak and filling valley降峰调谷

1.In orde to guarantee the normal operation of the company,a measure called"chopping peak and filling valley"is adopted.为保证生产正常进行,在限电压负荷期间,采取“降峰调谷”用电方式,合理保持电解工艺技术条件稳定,提高工作质量,取得了较好的技术经济效果。


1.Value of proper pituitary down-regulation in treatment of IVF-ET适当的降调节在体外受精-胚胎移植长方案治疗中的价值

2.Now, the general protocol of COH often is down-regulation treatment with GnRH agonist during mid-luteal phase which suppress the endogenous LH secretion so as to a.我们知道发育中的卵泡如果暴露在过量的LH环境中可能会导致卵泡闭锁和正常发育的停止及并且常常提前出现LH峰导致卵子的异常成熟,目前的生殖技术控制性超排卵(controlled ovarian hyperstimulation, COH)中常规应用促性腺激素释放激素激动剂(gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist, GnRHa)垂体降调节方案就是抑制内源性LH分泌,防止过早的LH峰。

4)Dual suppression双降调

5)Down regulation降调节

1.Down regulation in older women undergoing IVF-ET;高龄不育妇女在体外受精-胚胎移植中的降调节

2.The Application of Different Doses of Decapeptyl Down Regulation Protocol in IVF-ET;不同剂量的曲普瑞林降调节方案在IVF-ET中的应用

6)apply both cold and hot herbs升降平调


