900字范文 > 区域性暴雨过程 Regional rainstorm process英语短句 例句大全

区域性暴雨过程 Regional rainstorm process英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-05 05:52:40


区域性暴雨过程 Regional rainstorm process英语短句 例句大全

区域性暴雨过程,Regional rainstorm process

1)Regional rainstorm process区域性暴雨过程


1.Character Analysis of Meso-scale Rain Group in a Regional Rainstorm Process一次区域性暴雨过程的中尺度雨团特征分析

2.An Extension Forecast Expreiment for Regional Rainstorm Process of Guangxi in June广西6月区域性暴雨过程的延伸预测试验

3.Analysis on a Regional Heavy Rain Process in East of Gansu Province甘肃河东一次区域性暴雨天气过程分析

4.The Simulation and Analysis of Two Regional Summer Heavy Storm of in the Great Bend of the Yellow River夏季河套地区两次区域性大暴雨过程的模拟分析

5.Study on Storm Event Hydrological Processes in the Three Gorges Reservoir Forest Watershed Based on Modular Modeling System;基于MMS的三峡库区森林流域暴雨水文过程研究

6.Analysis of a Rarely Regional Heavy Rainfall Process in March一场罕见的3月份区域暴雨天气过程分析

7.Preliminary study on medium-range signals of persistent heavy rainfall events over Yangtze River-Huaihe River Valley江淮流域持续性暴雨过程的中期信号初析

8.Analysis of the Preceding Signals of the Persistent Heavy Rainfall Events during Summer in Jiangnan;江南地区夏季持续性暴雨过程的前期信号分析

9.Synoptic Analysis of a Continuous Heavy Rain Process in Huaibei region淮北地区一次连续性暴雨的天气过程分析

10.The Causal Analysis of Regional Rainstorm in Xianyang on August 10, ;咸阳地区“04-08-10”区域性暴雨成因分析

11.Transportation processes and loss fluxes of nitrogen and phosphorous through storm runoff in a typical small watershed in the hilly area of purple soil紫色丘陵区典型小流域暴雨径流氮磷迁移过程与通量

12.Simulation and analysis of precipitation in different areas of Huanan rainstorm一次华南暴雨过程中不同区域降水特征的模拟分析

13.Analysis of Flood-causing Rainstorm over the Wujiang River Basin in June 6月武江流域致洪暴雨过程分析

14.The Relationship between Persistent Heavy Rainfall Events over the Yangtze River Valley and Preceding OLR;长江流域连续性暴雨过程与前期OLR场的相关分析

15.Correlation Analyses between Persistent Heavy Rainfall Events of Yangtze River Valley and Sea Surface Temperature in Preceding Time长江流域持续性暴雨过程与前期全球海温场的相关分析

16.Contrastive analysis of sub-regional big (storm) rain weather in 区域性大(暴)雨天气对比分析

paratively analyse two Synoptic process of torrential rain In Hetao area河套地区两次暴雨天气过程对比分析

18.Case analysis of a heavy rainfall event between Yellow River and Huaihe River area of Henan in 河南黄淮地区暴雨过程个例分析


regional rainstorm区域性暴雨

1.Process analysis and numerical simulation ofregional rainstorm in Ningxia on August 19,;宁夏一次区域性暴雨天气过程分析与数值模拟

2.Analysis of aregional rainstorm taken place in Ningxia on 14th July in ;“-07-14”宁夏区域性暴雨天气分析

3.An analysis is made ofregional rainstorm in Xianyang on August 10, from such perspectives as climatic background, synoptic situation, physical vector field and terrain of Xianyang.对8月10日咸阳区域性暴雨从气候背景、天气形势、物理量场、咸阳地形等方面进行分析,揭示了这次暴雨形成的直接原因和突出的前兆反映,为提高此类区域性暴雨预报准确率提供了参考依据。

3)regional heavy rain区域性暴雨

1.By use of the Doppler weather radar echo data the process of aregional heavy rain occurred in Chengdu area during 28-30 August is analyzed.利用多普勒天气雷达资料结合其它实测资料,分析研究了8月28~31日发生在大成都地区的区域性暴雨过程。

4)Regional heavy rain区域性大暴雨

5)regional heavy rainstorm区域性特大暴雨

1.The general circulation characteristics of fiftyregional heavy rainstorms which are divided into four patterns in the north of China during 1954-1983 period are analysed based on the behavior of the Northwest Pacific subtropical high.对30年(1954—1983)中国北方10省(市、区)50次区域性特大暴雨的天气尺度环流特征进行了分析。

6)regional rainstorm区域暴雨

1.A weather ofregional rainstorm in mid-north part of Northeast China:characteristic analysis of meso-scale convection complex东北地区中北部的一次区域暴雨天气——中尺度对流复合体特征分析


