900字范文 > 平顶山煤矿 Pingdingshan mine英语短句 例句大全

平顶山煤矿 Pingdingshan mine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-01 18:14:13


平顶山煤矿 Pingdingshan mine英语短句 例句大全

平顶山煤矿,Pingdingshan mine

1)Pingdingshan mine平顶山煤矿

1.he authors discuss the dissolubility of feldspar, quartz, kaolin and strontium carbonate in the area of No8 pit,Pingdingshan mine by using thermodynamic method.应用热力学原理对平顶山煤矿八矿地层中的长石、石英、高岭土及碳酸锶在该区热力学条件下溶解的可能性进行了计算。

2)No.4 Mine of Pingdingshan Coal Mine平顶山四煤矿

3)Pingdingshan coalfield平顶山煤田

1.Based on the elemental, maceral, micro-fracture, coal facies, liquid nitrogen adsorption/desorption and mercury injection analyses, the coalbed methane (CBM) geological characteristics, coal reservoir physical characteristics, CBM resources and its exploration and exploitation prospect inPingdingshan coalfield were systematically studied.通过对平顶山煤田采集煤样的煤质、煤岩显微组分、煤相、煤岩显微裂隙分析,低温氮比表面及孔隙结构和压汞孔隙结构测试,研究了该区的煤层气赋存地质条件、煤层气生气地质条件和煤储层物性特征。

2.it is discovered that Guodishan fault inPingdingshan coalfield is a syndepositional inheritable coal-control fault- It was active during coal-forming period.研究表明,平顶山煤田锅底山断层是1个同沉积、继承性控煤断层。

4)Pingdingshan mining area平顶山矿区

1.Prediction and control of coal and gas outburst in Pingdingshan Mining Area;平顶山矿区煤与瓦斯突出的预测及防治

2.At first,the main affection of coal mining to environment was expounded inPingdingshan mining area,and then,the process of the land use development and the situation of all the categories of the land use transformation inPingdingshan mining area from 1994 to 2002 are quantitatively analyzed with the technique of RS.首先阐述了煤炭开采对平顶山矿区生态环境的主要影响,然后利用RS技术定量分析了平顶山矿区1994~2002年土地利用动态变化过程,并求得研究区土地利用变化的转移矩阵,据此分析平顶山矿区1994~2002年间土地利用变化的空间过程。


1.Study of Dynamic Change of Land Use in Pingdingshan Mining Area Based on RS;基于RS的平顶山矿区土地利用动态变化研究

2.Study on Mining Technology of Protective Layer Under Long Distance in Pingdingshan Mining Area平顶山矿区远程下保护层开采技术研究

3.Partition of Coal Measures and Contrast Between Coal Seams of Taiyuan Formation and Shanxi Formation in Pingdingshan Coal District平顶山矿区太原组、山西组的煤组划分及煤层对比

4.Discussion on higher nitrogen gas content in CBM cooperation well in Pingdingshan mine field平顶山矿区煤层气合作井中氮气含量偏高问题探讨

5.Application Study on Methane Predicting Technology for Fully Mechanized Winning Faces of Pingdingshan Coal Mining District;综掘工作面瓦斯预测技术在平顶山矿区的应用研究

6.Quantitative Evaluation of Sustainable Development of Environmental Resources and Forest Ecological Benefits of Pingdingshan Coal Mine;平顶山矿区森林环境资源可持续发展及森林生态经济效益定量研究

7.Discussion on the Exploration and Exploitation of Mazhuang Mine of Pingdingshan Brine Pan谈平顶山盐田马庄矿区的勘探与开发

8.Research on Land Reclamation Influential Factors of Mining Area of Pingdingshan City;平顶山市矿区土地复垦的影响因素研究

9.Physical and chemical properties of the reclaimed soil in subsidence area of Pingdingshan city coal mine平顶山市煤矿塌陷区复垦土壤理化性质研究


11.Theory and practices on coordinated development between resources exploitation and ecological environment in mining area of Pingdingshan city平顶山市资源开采与矿区生态协调发展的理论与实践

12.Heavy Metals Distribution and Pollution of the Reclaimed Soil in Subsidence Area of Pingdingshan City Coal Mine平顶山市煤矿塌陷区复垦土壤重金属分布及污染分析

13.Stability Analysis of Coal Gangue Dumping Site Slope in One of the Pingdingshan Coal Mines平顶山某煤矿排矸场边坡稳定性分析

14.Geologic Characteristics of the Jinjishan Lead-zinc Deposit in Youqi County,Fujian Province福建尤溪金鸡山矿区牛角顶矿段铅锌矿床地质特征

15.Research On The Sustainable Develop ment Anel utilization of pingDingshan city salt Resources;平顶山市盐矿资源可持续开发利用研究

16.Research on PinaDingShan Mining City Sustainable Development;关于平顶山矿业城市可持续发展的研究

17.Study on the Sustainable Development of the Mineral Ecomomics of Pin Ding Shan City;试论平顶山市矿业经济的可持续发展问题

18.Primary Impniry into Continuous Utilization of Pingdingshan s Wollastonite Mine;平顶山市硅灰石矿的可持续开发利用研究


No.4 Mine of Pingdingshan Coal Mine平顶山四煤矿

3)Pingdingshan coalfield平顶山煤田

1.Based on the elemental, maceral, micro-fracture, coal facies, liquid nitrogen adsorption/desorption and mercury injection analyses, the coalbed methane (CBM) geological characteristics, coal reservoir physical characteristics, CBM resources and its exploration and exploitation prospect inPingdingshan coalfield were systematically studied.通过对平顶山煤田采集煤样的煤质、煤岩显微组分、煤相、煤岩显微裂隙分析,低温氮比表面及孔隙结构和压汞孔隙结构测试,研究了该区的煤层气赋存地质条件、煤层气生气地质条件和煤储层物性特征。

2.it is discovered that Guodishan fault inPingdingshan coalfield is a syndepositional inheritable coal-control fault- It was active during coal-forming period.研究表明,平顶山煤田锅底山断层是1个同沉积、继承性控煤断层。

4)Pingdingshan mining area平顶山矿区

1.Prediction and control of coal and gas outburst in Pingdingshan Mining Area;平顶山矿区煤与瓦斯突出的预测及防治

2.At first,the main affection of coal mining to environment was expounded inPingdingshan mining area,and then,the process of the land use development and the situation of all the categories of the land use transformation inPingdingshan mining area from 1994 to 2002 are quantitatively analyzed with the technique of RS.首先阐述了煤炭开采对平顶山矿区生态环境的主要影响,然后利用RS技术定量分析了平顶山矿区1994~2002年土地利用动态变化过程,并求得研究区土地利用变化的转移矩阵,据此分析平顶山矿区1994~2002年间土地利用变化的空间过程。

5)Pingdingshan Mine Area平顶山矿区

1.A study of geothermal information management system forPingdingshan Mine Area;平顶山矿区地温信息管理系统研究

6)the eight coal mine in Pingdingshan平顶山八矿


