900字范文 > 公债规模 public bond scale英语短句 例句大全

公债规模 public bond scale英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-24 08:44:39


公债规模 public bond scale英语短句 例句大全

公债规模,public bond scale

1)public bond scale公债规模


1.A Positive Study on the Utilizingand the Scale of Public Bond in China;我国公债资金的使用效益与公债规模的实证研究

2.Open Market Operations, Open Mouth Operations and Quantity of Treasury-Bond;公开市场业务、公告操作与国债规模

3.The scale of an issue of corporate Bonds is determined by the State Council.公司债券的发行规模由国务院确定。

4.The Analysis and Improvement of the Criterions of Bonds Moderate Scale;公债适度规模评判指标的剖析及改进

5.The Excellent Scale of Local Public Bonds Circulation Based on the Control of Risk;基于风险控制的地方公债发行规模模型研究

6.The Research on the Issuing Size of Chinese Listed Companies Based on the Credit Risk;基于信用风险的我国上市公司发债规模研究

7.Empirical Researches for Chinese Lised Companies on the Relationship between Firm Size and Credit Financing;我国上市公司规模与债务融资关系的实证研究

8.An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between Firm Size and Debt Financing in China;中国上市公司规模与债务融资关系的实证研究

9.The Size of National Bonds and the Financial Function of Bond Market;国债规模与国债市场金融功能的发挥

10.Perfect the Market of National Debts and Weaken Risk-taking for the Circulation of the National Debts;完善国债市场 化解国债规模风险

11.Finally, The external condition of the debt"s result of use to judge the public debt"s moderate scale.文章最后提出了从使用效益角度评判公债适度规模的外部条件

12.the proforma balance sheet and profits in the following three years after the business commencement;公司开业后3年的资产负债规模和盈利预测等内容。

13.An Empirical Study on the Correlations Between the Listed CorporationsScale of Liabilities and Business Achievements;上市公司负债规模与经营业绩的相关性实证分析

14.On the Critical Growth Model of National Bonds Scale after the Bonds Internationalization;债务国际化下国债规模临界增长模型研究

15.On the Scale of Public Debt:the Measurement Model in System Transition测量国债规模的模型阐释——基于国债功能的变迁

16.A Study on the Scale of Chinese National Debts in Transitional Period: Functional Perspective;转轨时期我国国债规模研究:国债功能视角

17.Moderate Control of the Scope of National Debt and the Adjustment of Its Investment Oriention;适度控制国债规模,进一步调整国债资金投向

18.A Study of Credit Risk and Issue Volume of Municipal Bonds in China;中国市政债券信用风险与发债规模研究


scale of national debt国债规模

1.The Present Conditions of Scale of National Debt in Our Country and the Research for the Trend;我国国债规模的现状及趋势研究

2.Based on unit root testing,co-integration testing and Granger causality testing,a state space model is used to carry out an empirical study on the relationship between thescale of national debt and money supply in China.在对数据进行单位根检验、协整检验和Granger因果检验的基础上,利用状态空间模型,对中国国债规模与货币供应量的关系进行了实证研究。

3)National bonds scale国债规模

1.The paper suggested the stabilized burden rate condition to assure the reasonable growth of nation bonds scale,and established the critical growth model of national bonds scale after the debts internationalization.本文提出了国债规模合理增长的稳定负担率条件,并建立基于债务国际化下的国债规模临界增长模型,研究表明,国债规模的临界增长速度取决于经济环境的关键变量的综合作用,并对不同经济环境下的国债规模临界增长速度进行了仿真研究。

4)liability scale负债规模

5)national debt scale国债规模

1.This paper firstly investigates thenational debt scale in our country.当前我国国债规模进行现实考察 ,然后利用国债规模与经济增长、财政赤字的动态关系 ,构建了国债规模的稳定发展模型 ,并运用该模型对我国以前年度的国债规模进行了实证分析 ,从而得出我国国债规模可持续发展的稳定条件 ,最后以 2 0 0 1年为初始条件对我国积极财政政策下的国债规模的长远变化进行了预测 ,分析了积极财政政策的潜在的扩张空间。

2.In order to decide the scale of the national debt,the situation of our country should be respected firstly,the general quantitative index should be used for conference to prevent the negative effect of the oversizenational debt scale on the economic development.然而 ,国债规模适度与否将会对经济产生不同的作用。

6)issue volume发债规模

1.When applying the model to Beijing s case and Shanghai s case, we compute the expected default probabilities corresponding to different possibleissue volumes of municipal bonds in Beijing and Shanghai, respectively, both under the assumption of logarithm normal distribution/.本文首先参考美国发行市政债券的概况提出了市政债券违约风险的概念 ;随后利用KMV模型建立了市政债券信用风险模型 ,提出了计算理论违约概率的方法 ;然后利用北京与上海的财政收支数据分析不同发债规模下的信用风险 ,得出理论违约概率 ;为了更接近实际情况又提出了财政收入真实分布的概念 ,计算出基于真实分布的不同债务规模下的违约概率 ,并将信用风险与发债规模相联系 ,提出合理的发债规模。


