900字范文 > 一维非恒定水沙数学模型 1-D unsteady non-uniform sedimentation mathematical model英语短句 例句大全

一维非恒定水沙数学模型 1-D unsteady non-uniform sedimentation mathematical model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-02 17:51:17


一维非恒定水沙数学模型 1-D unsteady non-uniform sedimentation mathematical model英语短句 例句大全

一维非恒定水沙数学模型,1-D unsteady non-uniform sedimentation mathematical model

1)1-D unsteady non-uniform sedimentation mathematical model一维非恒定水沙数学模型


1.Preliminary Study on 1-D Numerical Simulation of Unsteady flow and Sediment Transport in Mainstream and Tributaries of Three Gorges Reservoir Area三峡水库干支流河道一维非恒定水沙数学模型初步研究

2.Mathematical Model of Non-steady Water-sand Movable Bed of Sedimentation Reservoir多沙水库非恒定水沙动床数学模型研究

3.Numerical Modeling of Unsteady One-Dimensional and Plane Two-Dimensional Folw-Sediment Movement in Continental Sediment-Laden River;内陆性金沙河流非恒定一维和平面二维水沙运动数值模拟

4.Development of Mathematical Model for Unsteady Sediment Transport of the Lower Weihe River;渭河下游非恒定流泥沙数学模型研究

5.Parallel computing numerical model for one-dimensional unsteady flow of plain river network一维河网非恒定流数学模型的并行计算

6.Study on 1-D Water Temperature Model of River Unsteady Flow;河道一维非恒定流水温预测模型研究

7.Numeric Solution to 1D Unsteady Flow Applied in CaoE River;一维非恒定流数值模型在曹娥江的应用

8.Study on One-Dimensional Numerical Model of the River Reservoir;河流型水库一维水沙数学模型研究及应用

9.Two-dimensional Numerical Simulation of Cooling-water Discharged into Unsteady Flow;非恒定流环境水体温排水二维数值模拟

10.Development and application of two-dimensional unsteady flood routing model二维非恒定流洪水演进模拟模型开发及应用

11.Research on a 3D Numerical Flow and Suspended Sediment Model Based on FVM;一种有限体积法三维水流悬沙数学模型研究

12.Two-dimensional numerical model of flow and sediment transport for wandering rivers游荡型河流的平面二维水沙数学模型

13.One Dimensional Model of Reservoir Sedimentation and Its Application in Calculation for Water Intake of a Power Plant白沙水库—维泥沙数学模型及电厂取水方案计算

14.Research and Application of One-dimensional Unsteady Flow Model in Tahu Lake Area一维非恒定流模型在太湖湖滨地区的应用研究

15.The study and the application of two-dimension water flow and sedimentmathematical model in the river;天然河道水沙平面二维数学模型研究

16.Research on Canal Control Models for Long Distance Water Conveyance Systems and Unsteady Flow Simulation;长距离调水工程渠道输水控制数学模型研究及非恒定流仿真模拟系统

17.Eigenvalues of 1-D total sediment model for alluvial rivers冲积河流一维全沙数学模型的特征值

18.Research of Depth-Averaged Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic and Sediment Transport Numerical Model in the General Curvilinear Coordinates;一般曲线坐标系下平面二维水沙数学模型的研究


two-dimensional mathematical model for unsteady sediment transport平面二维非恒定输沙数学模型

3)Two dimensional numerical model of sediment二维非恒定流泥沙数学模型

4)1 D flow and sediment mathematical model一维水沙数学模型

5)one-dimensional steadily saturated flow-sediment mathematic model一维恒定饱和输沙模型

6)numerical model of river network unsteady flow一维河网非恒定流模型


