900字范文 > 老年体育学 physical education theory for the senior英语短句 例句大全

老年体育学 physical education theory for the senior英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-10 19:42:35


老年体育学 physical education theory for the senior英语短句 例句大全

老年体育学,physical education theory for the senior

1)physical education theory for the senior老年体育学


1.The Creation of Chinese Physical Education Theory for the Senior and Its Disciplinary Construction创建中国特色的老年体育学及其学科体系研究

2.Conditions of and Thoughts on Educational System of Gerontology in China中国老年学教育体系的现状与思考

3.Social Analysis on Old People Sport Comsumptive Market in China;我国老年体育消费市场的社会学分析

4.Study on Elder People s Physical Exercise in Aged University in Guangdong Province;访广东顺德凤岭老年大学老年人体育生活的研究

5.Analysis on the Effect of Exercise Psychology of the Elderly Population;锻炼心理学对老年人体育锻炼的身心影响

6.Study on the Sport Lifestyle of the Elder People from the Aspect of Sociology in Zhejiang Urban Areas;浙江省城市老年人体育生活方式的社会学分析

7.Physiological elements influencing community sports for aged and guiding principles;影响社区老年体育的生理学因素及指导原则

8.Research on the Present Condition of the Aged Sport Activity in Nanjing City Area;南京市城区老年人体育生活现状的社会学分析

9.A sociological analysis of croquet becoming the first choice of the old aged;门球成为老年人体育首选项目的社会学分析

10.Sociological Factors That Influence Old People s Exercise;对影响老年人体育锻炼动机的社会学分析

11.Enlarging the Elderly Sports--Some Consideration for Developing the Elder Sports;放大老年人体育——发展老年人体育的若干思考

12.Chinese Aging Problem and the Strategy of Sports for the Old;我国人口老龄化与老年体育发展对策

13.Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience.--Francis Bacon, British Philosopher旅游对年轻人是一种教育,对老年人是一种体验。英国哲学家培根

14.Metrology Analysis on Researh Status of the Near Ten Year Old Age Sports in China;对近十年我国老年体育文献研究现状的计量学分析

15.The Current survey of physical training among the Adults and the Elderly in Shaoyang city;邵阳市成年、老年人体育锻炼现状调查

16.Present circumstances analysis of the aged people in the rural area and promotion countermeasures of the aged people s sports;农村老年人现状分析及老年体育发展对策

17.Running Old People Education Establishing Lifelong Educational System;开展老年教育 建立终身教育体制

18.Research into Assessment of Sports Service for the Old in Rural Communities;城市社区老年体育服务测评体系研究


sports for the aged老年体育

1.By employing the method of literature study, the paper analyses the features and develop-ment tendency of thesports for the aged.主要采用文献资料研究等方法,在剖析老年体育的特点及其发展趋势的基础上,对21世纪我国老年体育的社会化管理原则进行理论探索。

3)geriatric education老年教育学

4)the elderly"s hot pursuit of sports老年体育热

5)quinquagenarian sports中老年体育

1.Through using the documents,questionnaire,field survey,experts\"interview and statistics,this article studies thequinquagenarian sports lifestyle in rural area of Henan province,analyzes their influence factors,predicts their developing trend and proposes some suggestions of scientific development.运用文献资料、问卷调查、实地考察、专家访谈、数理统计等方法,对河南省农村中老年体育生活方式进行研究,分析其影响因素,预测其发展趋势并提出科学发展的建议。

6)sports for elder people老年人体育

1.The research onsports for elder people has gone through three stages of resuming,initiation and in-depth development since the reform and opening up of China.改革开放以来,我国老年人体育研究经历了恢复、初步、深入发展3个阶段。


