900字范文 > 航电系统 avionics system英语短句 例句大全

航电系统 avionics system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-31 08:12:58


航电系统 avionics system英语短句 例句大全

航电系统,avionics system

1)avionics system航电系统

1.It is difficult to determine weighting coefficients of each parameters when evaluating the effectiveness ofavionics systems.针对现代航电系统评价中参数的权重系数难于确定问题,提出应用粗糙集理论对航电系统数据进行挖掘,求得各项参评航电系统性能因素的属性重要度,并进行权值化处理,将其结果作为其权重系数。

2.With theavionics system relying on electronic system increasingly and miniature of the electronic products,test becomes the bottleneck of solving the reliability and maintenance of avionic system.随着航电系统越来越依赖于复杂的电子系统,以及电子产品的微型化,测试成为解决航电系统可靠性和维修性的关键。

3.Inavionics system fault diagnosis process using probabilistic causal network model, it is difficult to estimate the causal strength between nodes, as the complete fault set in a complex system is unable to obtain.在利用概率因果网络模型进行航电系统故障诊断过程中,由于复杂系统中难以获取全部故障样本,导致节点之间的因果强度求解困难。

2)airborne electrical surveying system航电测量系统

3)electromagnetic navigation system电磁导航系统

1.This paper introduces the operation principle, experimental research and clinical applications of anelectromagnetic navigation system in interventional radiology and looks forward to the prospercts for its clinical application介绍电磁导航系统的工作原理和实验研究及临床应用,并对其临床应用前景进行展望。


1.Use of electromagnetic navigation system combined with Stagnara fluoroscopy in idiopathic scoliosis surgery电磁导航系统结合Stagnara投照法在特发性脊柱侧凸手术中的应用

2.towed bird AEM systems吊舱式航空电磁系统

3.airborne proton magnetometer航空甚低频电磁系统

4.continuous-wave AEM system连续波航空电磁系统

5.passive AEM systems被动式航空电磁系统

6.active AEM system主动源式航空电磁系统

7.inductive AEM system感应式航空电磁系统

8.hyperbolic electronic navigation system双曲线电子导航系统

9.Gee navigation aid“奇异”无线电导航系统

10.navigation and radio homing远程无线电导航系统

11.amplitude radio navigation system振幅无线电导航系统

12.coverage area of radio navigation system无线电导航系统覆盖区

13.Decca radio syste台卡无线电导航系统

14.equal signal system等信号无线电导航系统

15.Global Radio Navigation System全球无线电导航系统

16.ODR (Omni Directional Range)全方向无线电导航系统

17.A Free Hand Navigation System for Brachytherapy手动式电磁定位及图像导航的短径癌症放射治疗系统

18.Design for Integrated Navigation System Based on MEMS SINS and Magnetometer;MEMS SINS/磁强计组合导航系统设计


airborne electrical surveying system航电测量系统

3)electromagnetic navigation system电磁导航系统

1.This paper introduces the operation principle, experimental research and clinical applications of anelectromagnetic navigation system in interventional radiology and looks forward to the prospercts for its clinical application介绍电磁导航系统的工作原理和实验研究及临床应用,并对其临床应用前景进行展望。

4)integrated avionics system综合航电系统

1.In the new generation of theintegrated avionics system,the 1553B bus cannot meet the requirement of data transmission because of the traditional transmission"bottleneck".在新一代综合航电系统中,由于传统总线传输上的"瓶颈"问题,使得1553B总线远远满足不了系统信息传输的要求,可变规模相干接口(SC I)的出现,弥补了传统总线技术的不足,大大提高了信息交互的效率和带宽,满足了系统中和系统间的互连要求,成为先进互连技术的代表,其低延迟高带宽的特点完全可胜任各种关键应用领域。

2.This paper presents characteristics and advantages of the fiber-optic channels application tointegrated avionics systems.介绍了光纤通道在综合航电系统中的应用特点及优势,强调在综合航电系统中使用光纤通道必须突破的关键技术。


1.Application of Deterministic Real-Time Ethernet to Avionics System;确定性实时以太网在航空电子系统中的应用

2.Research on the reliability model ofavionics SCI network;航空电子系统SCI网络可靠性建模研究

3.For the need of theavionics,the shortest average paths of some scalable coherent interface(SCI)network structures are studied in this paper.从航空电子系统的需求出发,对可扩展一致性接口(SCI)网络的拓扑结构进行了最短路径(跳数)研究。

6)avionic system航空电子系统

1.Target attribute estimation by multi-sensor data fusion ofavionic system;航空电子系统多传感器数据融合的目标属性评估

2.To solve the multi-path problem in fault source searching,a new method for designing BIT fault diagnosis strategy for complexavionic systems,considering reliability and testing costs,is proposed based on fault tree model.为解决故障搜索时的多径问题,以故障树模型为基础,综合考虑可靠性和测试费用等因素提出了一种航空电子系统BIT诊断策略设计新方法;引入费用诊断重要度(CDIF)来衡量测试费用对BIT故障诊断的影响,利用二元决策图对故障树进行定性和定量分析,据此构建出基于最小割集和CDIF的BIT诊断决策树;在某型机载INS/GPS组合导航系统BIT设计中的应用验证了该方法的有效性与实用性,与基于AO*搜索和基于贪婪算法的两种诊断策略设计方法比较可知该方法的计算复杂度更小。

3.Additionally the article describes integrated design foravionic system and electronic warfare system and combat ability of the above integrated electronic warfare system.对未来战斗机电子战系统的综合特点和基本功能进行了比较详细的分析和描述,最后叙述了未来战斗机的航空电子系统将设计成为一体化共平台,电子战系统与一体化的航空电子系统融合成为一个功能系统,并描述了这种先进的电子战系统的作战能力。


