900字范文 > 人工放流 Artificial release英语短句 例句大全

人工放流 Artificial release英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-26 13:25:11


人工放流 Artificial release英语短句 例句大全

人工放流,Artificial release

1)Artificial release人工放流


1.Effectiveness of releasing artificially-bred Chinese giant salamander(Andrias davidianus) into the wild in Zhangjiajie,Hunan张家界大鲵人工放流效果及其影响因素分析

2.Mollusca resources enhancement in Jiangsu江苏海洋底栖贝类资源状况及人工放流适宜性分析

3.A deported convict.流放犯被流放的犯人

4.Fish stocking program in the Yangtze River长江流域淡水鱼类人工繁殖放流及其生态作用

5.A Clinical Study of Three Kinds of Active IUD Inserted Immediately after Induced Abortion;人工流产术后即时放置三种活性IUD的临床研究

6.stationary source emissions - determination of concentration and mass flow rate of particulate material in gas-carrying ducts - manual gravimetric method固定污染源的排放-气载尘埃颗粒流量和浓度的测定-人工重力法

7.Title: Zhuhai Ocean and Fisheries Bureau Releases 360,000 Fish Fries.市海洋与渔业局11日在东澳人工鱼礁区增殖放流36万尾鱼苗。

8.The Investigation on the Correlations of the Defluxion of Intrauterine Contraceptive Device after Induced Abortion;人工流产术后放置宫内节育器脱落的相关因素研究

9.Availability and Safety of Inserting Gynefix IUD Immediately after Induced Abortion人工流产术后即放置吉妮宫内节育器的有效性和安全性

10.a dissolute man in fashionable society.上流社会的放荡男人。

11.It was a banished offender.这是个被流放的犯人。

12.the dispersion of the Jews from Palestine after the Babylonian exile (358 BC).巴比伦流放后犹太人的流散。

13.Reagan has succeeded more than any president since John.用于支付一流水平的竞争班子工作人员工资、行巡回造势、及制作播放电视广告的钱款绰绰有余。

14.manually initiated power release人工启动的能量释放

15.fuel strainer manual drain燃油过滤器人工放油口

16.Hand-Emplaced Minefield-Marking Set人工置放雷场标志装置

17.The act of banishing or excluding.流放放逐或流放的行为

18.Many people are anti-abortion.很多人反对人工流产.


tagged ranching人工标志放流

3)artificial breeding and releasing人工繁殖放流

1.Theartificial breeding and releasing program in the Yangtze River has been conducted for almost fifty years since the success of artificial breeding of the four major Chinese carps in 50’s of last century.自上世纪50年代四大家鱼人工繁殖成功,我国长江流域鱼类人工繁殖放流工作开展了近50余年,尽管放流物种不断增加、放流规模不断扩大,对长江渔业资源增殖和物种保护起到一定积极作用,但目前长江流域鱼类人工繁殖放流工作在法律法规建设、实施管理机构、放流规范和工作程序、放流效果评估等方面都存在诸多问题,严重影响了放流工作的实际效果,制约了该项工作的科学发展。

4)manual emission人工排放

5)artificial caving人工放顶

6)emission by man-made人工散放


人工受精与人工授精人工受精与人工授精artificial fertilization and artificial insemination我国学者把“人工受精”与“人工授精”两名词区别开来:前者指人工体外受精而言,后者指把精液注入到妇女的阴道或宫颈管、宫腔内,使精、卵在体内相遇。人卵体外受精与胚胎移植后出生的婴儿俗称试管婴儿。
