900字范文 > 轨道松动 rails of loosening英语短句 例句大全

轨道松动 rails of loosening英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-05 06:35:58


轨道松动 rails of loosening英语短句 例句大全

轨道松动,rails of loosening

1)rails of loosening轨道松动

2)orbital maneuver轨道机动

1.Research on Method and Policy of Large Scale Orbital Maneuver of Spacecraft;航天器大范围轨道机动方法与策略研究

2.With the development of space mobile platform application,theorbital maneuver technology has been becoming the focus research.随着空间平台相关应用的推进,其轨道机动技术已经成为研究的重点。


1.Study on Satellite On-board Orbit Prediction Algorithm and Orbital Maneuver Simulation;星载轨道预报算法和轨道机动仿真研究

2.Simulation Analysis of Tracking Area and Opportune Area of the Orbital Maneuvering轨道机动的追踪区与机遇区仿真分析

3.Assessment of Fuel Mass for Orbit Manoeuvre of Satellites in Navigation Confrontation导航战中卫星轨道机动燃料初步估计

4.The Research of Visual Simulation Technology for Orbit Maneuver Based on STK基于STK的轨道机动视景仿真技术研究

5.Research on Algorithm and Simulation of the Integrated Navigation for Remote Orbit Maneuvering Vehicle;远程轨道机动飞行器组合导航算法与仿真研究

6.Research on Method and Policy of Large Scale Orbital Maneuver of Spacecraft;航天器大范围轨道机动方法与策略研究

7.rail - lifter起轨[道]机, 升轨器

8.gantry ,signaling, mechanical (incl. electromechanical), railway or tramway traffic-controlling机械(包括电动机械)跨轨信号困,用于铁道或有轨电轨道交通管理

9.handbrake for railway or tramway locomotives or rolling-stock手制动闸,铁道或有轨电车轨道机车或车辆用

10.continuous brake[for railway o tramway locomotives or rolling stock]连续制动闸[铁道或有轨电车轨道机车或车辆用]

11.cylinder ,brake, for railway or tramway locomotives or rollingstock制动气缸,铁道或有轨电车、轨道机车或车辆用

12.disc ,signaling, mechanical (incl. electromechanical), railway or tramway traffic controlling机械(包括电动机械)信号盘,铁道或有轨电车轨道交通管理用

13.brake (and parts thereof) [for railway or tramway locomotives or rolling stock]制动器(及制动器零件)[铁道或有轨电车轨道机车或车辆用]

14.Research of automatic tracing on tr ack type sphere welding machine轨道式球罐焊机自动跟踪方法的研究

15.The Research on Dynamic Orbital Weighing Apparatus on Basis of Windows;基于WINDOWS下的微机动态轨道衡的研究

16.Design of 290HP Mechanical Reversal Transfer Case for Railway Car;290马力轨道车机械换向分动箱设计

17.derailer ,mechanical, for railwarys or tramways机械脱轨器,铁道或有轨电车轨道用

18.lever brake for railway or tramway locomotives or rolling-stock制动器分离杆,铁道或有轨电车轨道机车或车辆和


orbital maneuver轨道机动

1.Research on Method and Policy of Large Scale Orbital Maneuver of Spacecraft;航天器大范围轨道机动方法与策略研究

2.With the development of space mobile platform application,theorbital maneuver technology has been becoming the focus research.随着空间平台相关应用的推进,其轨道机动技术已经成为研究的重点。

3)track vibration轨道振动

1.Effects of abrupt changes in track foundation stiffness ontrack vibration under moving loads;移动荷载作用下轨道基础刚度突变对轨道振动的影响

2.Influences of the train ontrack vibration when passing through the railway with irregularities and rigidity abrupt change;列车通过轨道不平顺和刚度突变时对轨道振动的影响

3.Research methods:By means of establishing the continuous elastic 3 layer beam model for track structure with random irregularity of track vertical profile,method of analyzingtrack vibration by Fourier transform technique is presented.研究目的:分析客货混运铁路专线客车及货车引起轨道振动的规律。

4)orbital transfer轨道机动

1.Quick algorithm for designing emergencyorbital transfer scheme;应急轨道机动变轨方案快速设计算法

2.By using STK/X module to link VC++ and STK seamlessly,digital platform was built which integrated design,correction,simulation,and visualization capability oforbital transfer scheme.利用STK/X模块,进行VC++和STK的无缝连接,通过使用STK/Astrogator模块的轨道机动仿真功能和STK地图窗口、三维窗口的演示功能,实现集远程导引变轨方案的设计、修正、仿真、演示于一体的数字化平台。

5)electric orbital type电动轨道

6)Orbit perturbation轨道摄动

1.To the ground resolution performance for two typical bi-and multi-static spaceborne SAR orbit configuration:"tandem orbits "and "parallel orbits" , based on satellite state, considering earth ablatness and rotation, orbit perturbation, attitude errors, the geometrical model of bi-static spaceborne SAR was estabilshed.针对两种典型的双/多站SAR轨道配置;“顺行”与“并行”的地面分辨特性,本文根据卫星运动状态,考虑了地球扁率和自转、卫星姿态和轨道摄动三大因素,建立了星载双站SAR的空间几何模型;基于矢量与梯度概念,给出了地面分辨单元的通用数学模型;分析比较了地球扁率和自转、卫星姿态和轨道摄动三大因素对于两种轨道配置地面分辨特性的影响。

2.This paper analyses space geometrics of spaceborne synthetic aperture radar and equation of orbit perturbation, and brings forward a method of simulation of spaceborne SAR echo based on stop-and-go model.分析了星载合成孔径雷达空间几何关系和卫星轨道摄动方程,提出了一种基于Stop and go模型的星载SAR回波信号仿真方法。


轨道机动发动机航天器在空间机动飞行用的液体火箭发动机,为航天器的入轨、变轨,空间交会和对接等提供动力。轨道机动发动机的燃烧室压力较低,一般采用可贮存推进剂和挤压式推进剂供应系统。这种发动机具有多次起动和大幅度调节推力的能力,能在高真空、辐射和失重等空间环境中可靠工作。"哥伦比亚"号航天飞机的轨道机动发动机用四氧化二氮和一甲基肼为推进剂,采用挤压式供应系统和再生冷却式推力室,喷管延伸段用铌合金单壁结构,辐射冷却。发动机真空推力2.7千牛(275公斤力),真空比冲为310 秒,能重复使用100次, 在一次飞行任务中可起动不少于10次,累积工作寿命达15小时。
