900字范文 > 台湾公共电视台 Chinese Taiwan Public Television Service英语短句 例句大全

台湾公共电视台 Chinese Taiwan Public Television Service英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-21 20:59:27


台湾公共电视台 Chinese Taiwan Public Television Service英语短句 例句大全

台湾公共电视台,Chinese Taiwan Public Television Service

1)Chinese Taiwan Public Television Service台湾公共电视台

1.It\"s really a great honor for me to have the chance being invited to The Chinese Culture University in Chinese Taiwan for academic affairs in the winter of , and I also made an internship in PTS (Chinese Taiwan Public Television Service) then.实施“制作人中心制”的台湾公共电视台,在电视节目生产方面表现出较大的独立性、较高的生产率和资源整合利用率,“制作人中心制”带给节目生产的经验值得大陆电视业思考。

2)TV program in Taiwan台湾电视


1.Of the central concern of this paper is the capital formation in Taiwan"s television in the1960 s.本文分析威权主义下台湾电视资本形成的过程。

2.A Research on the Post-modernism in Taiwan s Entertainment TV Shows;台湾电视娱乐节目的后现代主义倾向研究

3.Influence of Mass Culture of Taiwan Television Entertainment Program on the Values of the Youth;试论台湾电视娱乐节目对青少年价值观的影响

4.A Research on the Development Strategies of the TV Media Industry Collectivisation in Taiwan;台湾电视传媒产业集团化、多角化发展战略之研究

5.Discussing the Reality and Development of Taiwan TV Entertainment Program from the Perspective of Feminism;从女性主义角度探讨台湾电视娱乐节目的现状及发展

6.On the Chinese-English Codeswitching in the Taiwan TV Program Kang and Xi Come;台湾电视节目“康熙来了”中汉—英语码转换现象探析

7.Analysis on the Motivation of the Political Entertainment in TV Variety Shows of Taiwan台湾电视综艺节目中政治娱乐化现象之动因分析

8.the launching of Taiwan"s third television station台湾第三家电视台之开办

9.Glory and Silence--Brand and TaiWan Movie;辉煌与沉寂——从品牌视角看台湾电影

10.Discussing the Publicity Toward Taiwan in the TV Field from the Perspective of Taiwan s Audiences;从台湾受众的角度探索电视领域的对台宣传工作

11.Taiwan"s public television network unexpectedly outbid commercial channels for the right to broadcast Yankees games this summer.台湾的公共电视今夏出乎预料高价击败商业电视台抢下洋基转播权。

12.A Study of the Relationship between Professional Baseball Spectators" Attitudes and Intentions to Watch Televised Games in Taiwan;台湾职业棒球现场观众的态度与收看电视转播意愿关系之研究

13.I"d like to make an oerseas call to Taibei, Taiwan by collect call.我要打对方付费的电话到台湾的台北。

14.Horizon [Wharf Cable]新知台〔有线电视〕

15.Learning [Wharf Cable]进修台〔有线电视〕

16.Entertainment [Wharf Cable]壹级台〔有线电视〕

17.Women [Wharf Cable]妇女台〔有线电视〕

18.Music [Wharf Cable]音乐台〔有线电视〕


TV program in Taiwan台湾电视

3)Taiwanese public works台湾公共工程

4)Taiwan TV media台湾电视媒介

5)Taiwan Power Company台湾电力公司


1.FAPA, one of the most famous interest groups focusing on lobbying Taiwan-related issues in the States, was founded in 1980s by some Taiwanese Americans who tend to advocate Taiwan Independence.20世纪80年代,部分旅美台湾人成立了台湾人公共事务协会,宣传“台独”思想、推动“台湾独立”,成为了台湾人在美国最具影响力的利益集团之一,在美国对台决策中发挥了十分消极的作用。


