900字范文 > 虞山派 Yu Shan poetry school英语短句 例句大全

虞山派 Yu Shan poetry school英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-23 13:49:45


虞山派 Yu Shan poetry school英语短句 例句大全

虞山派,Yu Shan poetry school

1)Yu Shan poetry school虞山派


ments on Major Schools of Ancient Book Collectors;古代私家藏书流派及虞山派、浙东派论析

2.Textual Research of Social Cultural Background of the Formation of Yushan Qin School (I);明代虞山琴派形成的社会文化背景述考

3.Bird Resources in Yushan Mountain National Forest Park of Changshu,Jiangsu Province江苏常熟虞山国家森林公园鸟类资源

4.The Feng Brothers Poetic Principles,Characteristics and Historical Status;虞山二冯诗学的宗尚、特征与历史地位

5.From the Yunjian School to the Yushan Schoolc-On the Transformation of Liu Rushi s Poetics;从云间到虞山——论柳如是的诗学嬗变

6.Issues Relevant to the Belonging of the Academic Schools of Tangyu Principle on Guodian Bamboo Slips;与郭店简《唐虞之道》学派归属相关的几个问题

7.There are 227 species of woody plants, belonging to 61 families and 124 genera.常熟虞山地区共有木本植物61科124属227种(变种)。

8.Study on the Analysis of the Navigational Capacity and Technical Reconstruction of the Yushan Second Line Shiplock;虞山一线船闸通航能力分析与技术改造研究

9.Feasibility study on foundation of Yushan Geopark in Changshu,Jiangsu;建立江苏常熟虞山地质公园的可行性研究

10.An Analysis of the Seven Years Health Condition of High School Students in Yushan Town of Changshu City;常熟市虞山镇中学生七年健康状况分析

11."Image Ambassadors" of Yushan Mountain Scholars──Commenting on a Brief Introduction of Cultural Hometown Written by Cao Peigen;虞山书人的“形象大使”——评曹培根先生的《书乡漫录》

12.A Preliminary Investigation On Medicinal Plant Resources of Yushan (Ⅱ);虞山药用植物资源研究初报(二)──草本植物类

13.From Jinling to Yushan:Psychological Experience in Qian Qianyi"s Weiqi Poems从金陵到虞山:钱谦益围棋诗中的心路历程

14.The northern section centres around Yushan Park where the places worth visiting are Goddess of Mercy Hill, Iron Peak, Reed Flute Rock, etc.北区以虞山公园为中心,有观音山、铁峰山、芦笛岩等景观;

15.deceive each other尔虞(诈)我诈(虞)

16.The southern hardwood calligraphy originated in the Southern Dynasties (420-589) and its representative calligraphers include Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi, Zhi Yong and Yu Shinan.南派始于东晋,继而宋、齐、梁、陈,由王羲之,王献之,智永、虞世南等为代表。

17.The Source and Fate of Theories about the Institution of Shan Rang:an Examination Centered on The Tao of Tang Yu,Zi Gao and Rong Cheng Shi禅让说源流及学派兴衰——以竹书《唐虞之道》、《子羔》、《容成氏》为中心

18.A Report on the Joint Burial Tomb of Lu Runfu Couple of Ming Dynasty in Xushan Changshu常熟市虞山明温州知府陆润夫妇合葬墓发掘简报


Yushan painting school虞山画派

3)Yushan Poetic School虞山诗派

4)Yu-shan School虞山琴派

1.Yu-shan School of Qin was the most important Qin school in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.虞山琴派是明清之际最为重要的古琴流派。

5)landscape of the Yu Shan school虞山派山水

6)Qian Qianyi and Yushan Poetry钱谦益与虞山诗派


