900字范文 > 天然林区 Natural forest region英语短句 例句大全

天然林区 Natural forest region英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-01 03:35:23


天然林区 Natural forest region英语短句 例句大全

天然林区,Natural forest region

1)Natural forest region天然林区

1.Through the dynamic changes analysis of forest resourees and volume of timber forest for five times continual forest inventory of natural forest region in Gansu province, the conclusion is drawn as follows: the volume increased from the year 1979~1988, and decreased from 1988~1996, but later regained it s increase from 1996~2001.通过对甘肃省天然林区5次森林资源连续清查蓄积量及用材林蓄积量变化的分析,初步得出结论:1979~1988年甘肃省天然林区蓄积量为增长阶段,1988~1996年蓄积量属减少阶段,1996~2001年为增长阶段。


1.A Study on Forest Landscape Classification and Planning for the Natural Forest Areas in the Northeast of China;东北天然林区森林景观分类及规划的研究

2.A forest or wooded area in its natural state.天然林,原始林天然状态的树林或林区

munity Forestry and the Sustainable Development of NFPP Communities;社区林业与天然林保护社区的可持续发展

4.The Evaluation of the Oak Natural Secondary Forest in Baotianman National-level Nature Reserve;宝天曼自然保护区栎类天然次生林林分质量评价

5.Study on Policies of Natural Forest Conservation in the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River长江上游地区天然林保护的政策研究

6.Study on Regeneration Pattern in Secondary Forest in Maoershan Region;帽儿山地区天然次生林更新格局研究

7.Policy Target of Protect Natural Forest in the Upper Reaches of the Changjiang River;长江上游地区天然林保护的政策目标

8.Study on Renewal Potential of Oak Forests in Baotianman Nature Reserve宝天曼自然保护区栎林更新潜力研究

9.Analysis the Pinus Tabulaeformis Natural Forest Spatial Structure北京山区油松天然林的空间结构分析

10.Natural Regeneration of Armand Pine Forest in Qinling Mountain Forest Region秦岭林区华山松林天然更新的初步研究

11.Individual Tree Growth Models of Natural Mixed Forest in Northern China;东北林区天然混交林单木生长模型的研究

12.Analysis on Natural Regeneration of Spruce-Fir Mixed Stands and Seedlings Characteristics of Changbai Mountains;长白山林区天然云冷杉林更新及幼树特征分析

munity Participation in Forest Management and Its Enlightenment for Natural Forest Protection Program in China;社区参与森林管理及对天然林保护工程的启示

14.Condition and Strategy of Natural Forests Conservation Project in National Forest;国有林区实施天然林保护工程的条件及对策

15.Carbon Balance in Natural Secondary Pinus Tabulaeformis Forest at Huoditang Forest Zone in the Qinling Mountains秦岭火地塘林区天然次生油松林碳平衡研究

16.Optimal Growing Space for Juglans mandshurica in Second Growth Forests in Changbai Mountains长白山林区天然次生林胡桃楸的适宜生长空间

17.State-owned forest areas of natural secondary forest operations to be improved to save对提高国有林区天然次生林经营水平的探讨

18.Variable Relationship between Tree Age and Diameter at Breast Height for Natural Forests in Changbai Mountains长白山地区天然林林木年龄与胸径的变动关系


Largest natural forest region最大天然林区

3)the natural forest protection region天然林保护地区

4)Natural forest reserve天然林保护区

5)collective natural forest areas集体天然林区

6)primitive area天然森林保护区


