900字范文 > 科教栏目 science and education columns英语短句 例句大全

科教栏目 science and education columns英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-09 19:09:33


科教栏目 science and education columns英语短句 例句大全

科教栏目,science and education columns

1)science and education columns科教栏目


1.On television forum of the position change--taking Columns to science and education "100 forum" as an case试析讲坛类电视节目的定位转变——以科教栏目《百家讲坛》为例

2.Research on the Columu and the Scientific Cientific Study Ways be Used at the New Compulsory Chemistry Textbook of Senior High School;高中化学新教材栏目设置和科学学习方法运用研究

3.Research on the Design Characteristic and the Utilize Tactic of Columns on Three Sets of the Chemistry Textbook in Senior Middle School under the New Curriculum Standard;新课标三种高中化学教科书栏目设计特点及利用策略的研究

4.A Discussion on the Characteristics of Sci-Tech Communication of Sina"s Popular Science Column新浪网科普栏目的科技传播特征浅析

5.How Can Local Universities Create Columns with Characteristics?;地方高校社科学报如何打造特色栏目

6.Analysis of characteristics of journals of social sciencesedition in science, engineering, agriculture and medical universities;理工农医院校社科学报栏目特色探析

7.Advance with the times and establish feature column: experience from the Guideline Forum of Chinese Journal of Practical Internal Medicine与时俱进 打造特色栏目——《中国实用内科杂志》《指南论坛》栏目的策划

8.a science teacher, textbook, subject理科教师、 教科书、 科目.

9.The Importance of the Construction of the Characteristic Columns of the Journals of Social Science in Colleges and Universities;高校社科学报特色栏目建设的重要意义

10.On the Establishment and Management of Column with Characteristics in Universities Arts Journal;论高校文科学报特色栏目的确立与经营

11.On the Characteristic Column of Universities Journals of Social Science;论高校社科学报特色栏目的策划与建设

12.The Reform of the College Social-science Journals and the Construction of Special Columns高校人文社会科学学报改革与特色栏目建设

13.Meditation on the design of social science journals in agricultural university农业高校社科学报栏目设计的若干思考

14.A survey of key columns with distinguishing features in journals of provincial universities--The interaction between journals and disciplinary construction of universities;省属院校学报重点栏目、特色栏目调查分析——兼谈高校学报与学科建设的互动


16.The Teaching Research for the Forewords and the Mini Question Tables in the Junior Middle School Students Politics Classes;初中思想政治课引言、设问小栏目的教学研究

17.Content Analysis of Educational Technology Journals in China;我国教育技术期刊主要栏目的内容分析

18.the subjects which the teacher is teaching;教师所教授的科目,


Science and Educational TV Column科教电视栏目

1.Analysis on the Scheme ofScience and Educational TV Columns;科教电视栏目的策划分析

3)popular science column科普栏目

1.This article attempts to explore the characteristics of sci-tech communication of the portal website spopular science column(channel).本文试图探究中国门户网站科普栏目(频道)的一些科技传播现状特征。

4)TV programs on humanistic education人文科教电视栏目

5)Educational Column教育栏目

6)television science and technology column电视科技栏目

1.Thetelevision science and technology column is the important strength,which popularizes the technical knowledge,brings honor to the spirit of science.电视科技栏目是普及科技知识、弘扬科学精神的重要力量。


