900字范文 > 相似变换 Similarity Transformation英语短句 例句大全

相似变换 Similarity Transformation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-16 14:41:22


相似变换 Similarity Transformation英语短句 例句大全

相似变换,Similarity Transformation

1)Similarity Transformation相似变换

1.Finding maximum eigenvalues of positive matrices by using similarity transformation;用相似变换求正矩阵的最大特征值

2.By means of similarity transformation upon the state matrix,an upper triangular matrix or lower triangular matrix is found.该方法对系统状态矩阵进行相似变换,得到分块上三角或下三角矩阵,使原系统特征值可以通过主对角线上一系列相互独立的低维矩阵求得。

3.This article proposes the applictaion of similarity transformation of matrix for stress analyses,which is available for the formula of stress analyses.提出了矩阵相似变换在应力分析 (特别是三向应力分析 )中的应用 ,使应力分析得以程序化。


1.On the Condition of Reversible Matrices and the Similitude Transformation Matrix关于矩阵相似的条件及其相似变换矩阵

2.Quaternion-based 3D Similarity Transformation Algorithm基于四元数的三维空间相似变换解算

3.Formulation and verification of membrane pressure-deflection formula based on similarity transformation theory基于相似变换理论的膜张力-位移相关公式研究

4.Application of Standard Form of Real Symmetric Matrix under the Orthogonal Similarity Transformation;实对称矩阵正交相似变换标准形的应用

5.The property of companion matrix is studied, and the method of calculating the characteristic polynomial of matrix with similar transformation is explained.研究了友阵的性质,论述了用相似变换计算矩阵特征多项式的方法。

6.To give a general method on how to find the similitude transformation matrix-matrix synthetic division.给出了求相似变换矩阵的一种一般方法?矩阵的综合除法。

7.Self-similar transformation and quasi-unit cell construction of quasi-periodic structure with twelve-fold rotational symmetry十二次对称准周期结构的自相似变换及准晶胞构造

8.The generalized inverse of two idempotent matrices and their product under the similar transformation over a local ring局部环上两个同阶幂等矩阵及其积在同一相似变换下的广义逆

9.Analyzing Similarity of Protein Sequences with Discrete Wavelet Transform;离散小波变换分析蛋白质序列相似性

10.Multiple suppression with optimized semblance-weighted Radon transform最优化相似加权Radon变换压制多次波

11.Algorithms for theses similarity retrieval based on wavelet transform基于小波变换的文档相似性检索方法

12.A Class of Ergodic Transformations of Self-similar Volterra Gaussian Processes一类自相似Volterra Gauss过程的遍历变换

13.Biological Sequence Alignment Based on Fast Walsh Transform;基于快速沃尔什变换的生物序列相似性比对

14.The Commutant and Similarity Invariant of Analytic Toeplitz Operators on Bergman Space;Bergman空间上解析Toeplitz算子的换位和相似不变量

15.Protein Structure Similarity Comparison Using Fast Fourier Transform基于快速傅里叶变换的蛋白质结构相似性比较

16.Efficient Matching of Multivariate Time Series By Wavelets基于小波变换的多元时间序列相似性研究

17.Multi-dimensional correlation test based on the probability integral translation and likelihood ratio基于概率积分变换与似然比的高维相关性检验

18.Wavelet-matrix transforming method for similarity measurement of fault waveform of electronic power devices电力电子装置故障波形相似性度量的小波矩阵变换法


similar transformation相似变换

1.The generalized inverse of two idempotent matrices and their product under thesimilar transformation over a local ring局部环上两个同阶幂等矩阵及其积在同一相似变换下的广义逆

2.Based on the full stress design method, a function relationship between the sectional area and the inertia moment is established usingsimilar transformation.基于满应力设计思想,考虑桁架杆件在压力作用下的局部稳定约束,采用相似变换的方法,找出了惯性矩I与截面面积A的关系,根据压杆的临界应力分别导出大、中、小柔度的迭代公式,设计出压杆的截面积,解决了同时满足应力约束和局部稳定约束的桁架结构截面优化问题。

3.Throughsimilar transformation of matrix,this paper discusses the power of matrix and its related content.相似变换在线性代数中是重要内容之一,研究许多问题都要用到它。

3)similitude transformation相似变换

4)Similar transform相似变换

1.It reveals the natural calculation rules of the system and discusses the similar transform and parameter structure of the system.通过阐述数列集合上的代数运算,建立系统的数学表达式及其拓扑表示,揭示系统自身具有的计算规律,讨论系统的相似变换和参数结构,为系统设计和智能应用提供数理基础。

5)equiform transformation相似变换

6)symplectic similarity transformation辛相似变换

1.This method works withsymplectic similarity transformation in which the structure of .针对有着广泛应用前景的Hamiltonian矩阵特征问题,在Hamiltonian矩阵约化过程中,采用了辛相似变换,利用辛约化法求解了Hamiltonian矩阵特征值问题,其Hamilton结构得到了充分保证,这样从根本上确保了特征值的正确性,该文提供的辛方法具有较强的有效性和可靠性。

2.This method works withsymplectic similarity transformation which reflects the structure of the spectrum of Hamiltonian matrices, and has a higher numerical accuracy than ordinary algorithm.文章基于前人的工作 ,在哈密尔顿矩阵约化过程中 ,采用了辛相似变换 ,使得哈密尔顿矩阵在辛相似变换下仍保持Hamilton结构 ,这样从根本上确保了特征值的正确性和稳定性 ,也能保证特征值成对出现且在每个半平面上都只求得 n个特征值 ,不至于出现特征值在小扰动下跨过虚轴的混乱局


