900字范文 > 共生培养 symbiotic culture英语短句 例句大全

共生培养 symbiotic culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-01 22:10:18


共生培养 symbiotic culture英语短句 例句大全

共生培养,symbiotic culture

1)symbiotic culture共生培养

1.The fungi isolated from Cymbidium goeringii and Doritis pulcherrima Lindl aresymbiotic cultured.为探索兰科菌根真菌对兰科植物的作用,改善兰科植物成活率低、生长缓慢的现状,本研究采用菌根技术与组培技术相结合的手段,以野生春兰和五唇兰为材料,从根系中分离获得真菌,通过建立美花兰组培苗与真菌的共生培养体系,筛选与美花兰有效共生并能明显促进其生物量增长的优良菌株。


1.A new method, Co-culturing, of culturing ectomycorrhizal fungi is reported for the first time.首次报道外生菌根菌的共生培养法。

2.The Co-cultivation of Taxus Cuspidata and Fusarium Mairei by Immobilization;东北红豆杉与美丽镰刀菌的固定化法共生培养

3.Studies on the Bioactivity and Culture of Bacterial Symbiont of Entomopathogenic Nematodes;昆虫病原线虫共生菌培养与活性研究

4.The Professional Quality Training s Practice and Thinking in Public Relations Education;公共关系教育中学生职业素质的培养

5.On Ability Cultivation of Undergraduates in Meeting Sudden Public Crises;大学生应对突发公共危机能力的培养

6.Philosophy Education and Cultivation of College Students Qualities: What Is in Common;哲学教育与大学生素质培养的共通性

7.On the Multi-symbiotic Construction of Vocational Teachers" Training Mode论多元共生职教师资培养模式的建构

8.Exploring Cultivating the Science Literacy of the Vocational School Students through the Common Curriculum in Chemistry化学公共基础课如何培养中职生科学素养

9.The Optimization of Liquid Nutrient Medium for The Mycobiont Isolated from Glypholecia scabra糙聚盘衣共生菌液体培养营养条件的优化

10.Effects of Mannan-oligosaccharide on the Growth of Lactobacillus Pure Culture and Co-culture甘露寡糖对纯培养和共培养的乳酸杆菌体外生长的影响

11.Over one thousand outstanding students are trained in the band majoring in wind performing.十年来,共培养了上千名从事管乐学习的学生。

12.These schools have trained more than 6,000 high- and middle-ranking health workers.这些学校共培养了6000多名高中级卫生人员。

13.Coincubation of Suckling Pig Liver Cells and Kupffer Cells of Influence on Growth and Function;乳猪肝细胞、Kupffer细胞共培养时的生长及功能

14.Establishment of the Co-culture of Dioscorea Zingiberensis Suspension Cells and Endophytic Fungi;盾叶薯蓣悬浮细胞与内生真菌共培养体系建立

15.Study on Mechanism of the Co-culture of Dioscorea Zingiberensis Cell and Endophytic Fungi;盾叶薯蓣细胞及内生真菌共培养机制研究

16.The Study on the Relationship between Public Art Education and the Train of College Students Creative Talents;公共艺术教育与大学生创新能力培养研究

17.The Research on Cultivating Strategies of Undergraduates Public Crisis Response Consciousness;大学生公共危机应对意识的培养策略研究

18.University Communist Youth League Trains the University Student to Innovate the Ability Question Research;高校共青团培养大学生创新能力的问题研究


symbiosis-based culturing method共生培养法

3)microbial co culture微生物共培养

1.General application and research situation ofmicrobial co culture in chemical industry, biology and high effect pool sewage purification is introduced.微生物共培养在污水处理方面具有高效、不污染环境等特点 ,近年来取得了很多重要成果 ,并显示出诱人前景。

4)Co-culture technology共生培养工艺

5)symbiotic mixed culture共生混合培养



