900字范文 > 社会服务机构 agency for social service英语短句 例句大全

社会服务机构 agency for social service英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-17 17:58:52


社会服务机构 agency for social service英语短句 例句大全

社会服务机构,agency for social service

1)agency for social service社会服务机构


1.Predicament and Outlet for Introduction of Marketing Ideas into the Agencies of Social Service;社会服务机构引入市场营销理念的困境及出路

2.The Conflicts and Coordination between Professional Social Work Education and Social Service Agencies社会工作专业教育与社会服务机构的冲突与调试

3.Social agencies haven"t learned much about curbing violence among young women.社会服务机构还没有很好地学会如何控制女青年中的暴力行为。

4.Agency Heads Meeting [Hong Kong Council of Social Service]机构负责人会议〔香港社会服务联会〕

mittee on Agency Finance and Administration [Hong Kong Council of Social Service]机构财务与行政委员会〔香港社会服务联会〕

6.There should be a lot more interaction between the social services and local doctors.社会公益服务机构和当地医生应该加强协作。

7.A Tentative Analysis of the Inner Motivational Mechanism of Social Service of Local College and Universities;地方高校社会服务内部动力机制构建问题初探

8.Study on the Construction of Driving Force Mechanism of Ordinary Local Universities Social Service;一般地方高校社会服务动力机制构建问题初探

9.Social Service is the Only Way for the Industrialization of Testing and Enrollment Organizations;社会化服务是招考机构产业化的必由之路

10.On the Service Role of Public Security Organization under the Circumstances of Constructing Harmonious Society;论构建和谐社会条件下公安机关的服务职能

11.Investigation of the Cooperative Mode of the Civilian-run Colleges and Universities with the Social Employment Service Organizations;民办高校与社会就业服务机构合作模式探讨

12.The Construction of Social Service Mechanism of Prefectural and Municipal Colleges and Universities;构建科学的地市高校社会服务机制框架体系

13.Analysis to the Working Environment of Society-oriented Expert Identification Institutions;社会服务型司法鉴定机构执业环境透析

14.Characteristic and Functional Analysis of Civil Social Work Service Agency民间社会工作服务机构的特点与功能分析

15.Education,Serving to Build a Socialist Harmonious Society;教育要服务于构建社会主义和谐社会

16.Association of Data Processing Service Organizations [ADAPSO]资料处理服务机构协会

17.Research on the Situation and Provision of Community Health Service in Ji"nan济南市社区卫生服务机构现状及服务提供研究

18.Several organisations help the CSD provide services to help inmates reintegrate into the community.多个机构协助惩教署提供服务,帮助释囚重新融入社会。


socialized service of agricultural machinery农机社会化服务

3)serving the society服务社会

1.Universities will become a center of society and an important force influencing the economic development in time of knowledge economy in which three social functions of the university, such as training qualified personnel, developing science andserving the society, will make some essential changes.大学的三项社会职能———培养人才、发展科学、服务社会将在知识经济时代发生某些实质性的变化。

4)Social service社会服务

1.The implementation of American universities social service function and its practical inspiration;美国高校社会服务实施及启示

2.Atentative study of universities and the social services in modern China;近代中国大学社会服务探析

3.The Development,Main Forms and Characteristics of the Social Service Function of American Universities;美国高校社会服务的历史发展、主要形式与基本特征

5)social services社会服务

1.Seeing from adult education itself, the adult education of higher teachers college exsits some problems insocial services including incorrect service idea,poor organization and coordination,old speciality provision,short speciality type, lower level of science study and the transform of the scientific results, etc.从成人教育自身来看,高师成人教育存在着服务观念偏差、组织协调不力、专业设置陈旧、专业类型少、科学研究总体实力差、科研成果转化率低、社会服务的物质技术基础薄弱等问题;从社会方面看,成人教育存在着宏观政策的制约、与区域政府"关系"的偏离、企业对成人教育的认识不足、需求偏低等问题。

2.The function ofsocial services at regional colleges and universities has experienced two stages: a unitary one in the planned econom y period and a diversified one in the commodity economy period.我国区域高校社会服务职能的发展经历了二个阶段:计划经济时代区域高校社会服务的单一化阶段和商品经济时代区域高校社会服务的多样化阶段。

3.This paper surveys all the services in the society of China and calls them "social services"according to their common characteristics: convenience for the people and serving the society.本文对近年来我国社会上出现的各类服务活动进行了较为详细的考察 ,并根据其“方便民众 ,服务社会”的共同特征将它们界定、统称为“社会服务”。

6)serving society服务社会

1.The lab plays the important functions in training students,science research,andserving society.本文结合南通大学生产过程控制实验室的建立,介绍了高校与企业联合创建高水平实验室的做法,并阐述了该实验室在人才培养、科学研究、服务社会方面所发挥的作用。

2.The author attempts to discuss on this problem from people-orientation,serving society and mutual development.笔者试从以人为本、服务社会、共同发展三个方面进行初步地探讨。

3.Measures were taken to realize the promise of creating high quality andserving society so as to adapt to the high standard and strict requirement of urban construction.本文从事关企业发展的重要环节入手,力争在更高层次上不断提升企业综合实力,提高发展质量,实现"创造精品、服务社会"的承诺,以适应城市建设的高标准和严要求,实现企业又好又快发展。


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
