900字范文 > 生态位结构 niche struture英语短句 例句大全

生态位结构 niche struture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-15 15:34:39


生态位结构 niche struture英语短句 例句大全

生态位结构,niche struture

1)niche struture生态位结构

2)ecological structure生态结构

1.Similarities and differences ofecological structure of stems and leaves between Ficus microcarpa and Sapium sebiferum living in karst environment in southwest of Guangxi;桂西南石灰岩小叶榕和乌桕的茎、叶生态结构比较

2.Ecological structure and physiological characters of tea rice intercropping system.;茶稻间作系统的生态结构特征及生理特性研究

3.Theecological structure of the lakeside zone in the east part of Chaohu Lake has been destroyed seriously,resulting in biological diversity declining,water quality deteriorating,and the functions of the lakeside zone degrading,therefore it is urgent to carry out ecological restoration.巢湖东端湖滨带目前生态结构破坏严重,生物多样性下降,水质恶化,湖滨带功能退化,生态修复迫在眉睫。


1.The Ecological Structure of Man s Multilayer Existence and the Aesthetic Experience of Literature and Arts and Ecology;人多重存在的生态结构与文艺生态审美体验

2.Research into ecological structure and financial benefits on Qionglai Boer Goat Farm邛崃波尔山羊场生态结构与效益研究

3.An Outline of Net and Chain Structure System of Industry Mutually Restricting and Coupling and Ecological Civilization;产业耦联生态文明网链结构系统构想

4.Construction of Organizational Structure of Media Enterprise from Ecological View生态视角下的传媒企业组织结构构建

5.Anatomical structure and ecological adaptability of two kinds of halophytes(Haloxylon ammondendron Chenopodiaceae and Tamarix ramosissima Amaranthaceae)两种盐生植物解剖结构的生态适应性

6.Research on the Structure Model of the Eco-Industrial Chain in the Eco-Industrial Parks;生态工业园中的生态产业链结构模型研究

7.The structure of water consumption should be rationalized with more water available for ecological purpose.用水结构趋于合理,生态用水逐步增加。

8.the branch of morphology that deals with the structure of animals.生物形态学中研究动物结构的分支。

9.Study on Structure Pattern of Eco-city Physical Spatial System生态城市物质空间系统结构模式研究


11.Structure and function of Luonan county field agro-ecosystem洛南县农田生态系统结构、功能分析

12.Study on Ecological Space Network Structure of Urban Residential Community;城市居住社区生态空间网络结构研究

13.Recearch on the Ecological Effect of "1 Ton Sucrose Per 667M~2 Field" Ecosystem of Different Planting Structure;不同结构的“吨糖田”蔗园生态效应研究

14.Studies on Canopy and Ecological Factors of Super Wheat;超级小麦冠层结构与生态因子的研究

15.Study on the Structural Design and Evaluation of the Agricultural Eco-economic System;农业生态经济系统的结构设计与评价

16.Simulation and Analysis on the Structural Evolution of the Eco-Industrial System;生态工业系统结构演化的模拟与分析

17.Ecological forewarning of industrial structure--A case of Gansu Province;产业结构生态预警研究——以甘肃省为例

18.The Western Area Industrial Structure Ecology Adjustment and upgrade;西部地区产业结构生态化调整与升级


ecological structure生态结构

1.Similarities and differences ofecological structure of stems and leaves between Ficus microcarpa and Sapium sebiferum living in karst environment in southwest of Guangxi;桂西南石灰岩小叶榕和乌桕的茎、叶生态结构比较

2.Ecological structure and physiological characters of tea rice intercropping system.;茶稻间作系统的生态结构特征及生理特性研究

3.Theecological structure of the lakeside zone in the east part of Chaohu Lake has been destroyed seriously,resulting in biological diversity declining,water quality deteriorating,and the functions of the lakeside zone degrading,therefore it is urgent to carry out ecological restoration.巢湖东端湖滨带目前生态结构破坏严重,生物多样性下降,水质恶化,湖滨带功能退化,生态修复迫在眉睫。

3)niche construction生态位构建

1.Effect ofniche construction on metapopulation dynamics by modifying destroyed habitat;生态位构建通过修复破坏生境对集合种群动态的影响(英文)

2.Dynamical analysis ofniche construction in n-population metapopulation;基于生态位构建的n-种群集合种群动态分析

3.The evolutionary implication ofniche construction and its ecological or behavioral responses;生态位构建的进化意义及其生态与行为响应(英文)

4)niche structure生态位构成

5)water ecological structure水生态结构

6)structural ecology结构生态学

1.he concepts of ecological structure, ecostructure in short, andstructural ecology were developed in thispaper.在此基础上提出了结构生态学。


生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。
