900字范文 > 抗冲击阈值 anti-shock threshold英语短句 例句大全

抗冲击阈值 anti-shock threshold英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-25 00:05:03


抗冲击阈值 anti-shock threshold英语短句 例句大全

抗冲击阈值,anti-shock threshold

1)anti-shock threshold抗冲击阈值

1.Based on the theory for coupled vibrations of master-slave systems,by choosing shipboard supercharged boilers and gear cases as research objects,the numerical statistical characteristics of numerical experiments for ship hull and equipment integrated analysis were discussed to determine theanti-shock threshold values of shipboard equipments.为了确定设备抗冲击阈值,基于主从系统耦合振动理论,以船用增压锅炉、齿轮箱为研究对象,将船体与设备的一体化抗冲击数值实验的数值统计特征进行分析。


1.Anti-shock threshold values of shipboard equipments based on ship hull and equipment integrated analysis基于船体与设备一体化的设备抗冲击阈值

2.pulse improvement threshold脉冲信噪比改善阈值

3.Acoustic impedance changes and hearing threshold shifts after exposure to impulse noise or air-blasts were studied in guinea pigs.本文利用豚鼠研究了脉冲噪声和空气冲击波暴露后中耳声阻抗的变化和听阈偏移。

4.resistance to impact抗冲击性;耐冲击性;耐碰击性;冲击阻力;碰撞阻力

5.Fluctuating Threshold Circuit Based on Constant Fraction Discrimination for Pulse Laser Fuze脉冲激光引信恒比定时浮动阈值电路

6.Numerical Simulation on Transient Latchup Threshold of CMOS Circuitswith Different Pulse Widths不同γ脉冲宽度下CMOS电路闩锁阈值的数值模拟

7.This kind of steel is an excellent shock aBsorBer.这种钢材抗冲击强度高。

8.Numerical Simulation of Concrete Dynamic Compressive Strength Under Impact Loading Based on Mesomechanics冲击荷载作用下混凝土抗压强度的细观力学数值模拟

9.virtual time to half-value假设到半值时间 -冲击波

10.Above-threshold-ionization of atom under intense laser field with realistic pulse shape真实脉冲激光作用下的原子超阈值离化

11.The Above Threshold Dissociation Dynamics of HD+ in Ultrashort Pulse Laser Fields;HD~+在超短脉冲激光场中超阈值解离动力学

12.The Distribution Choice for the Threshold of Solid State Relay固态继电器电磁脉冲损伤阈值概率分布的选取

13.Effects of Projects in Different Geometrical Shape on Impact Initiation Threshold Velocity不同几何形状弹丸对撞击起爆阈值速度的影响

14.Studies on Shock Environment for Equipments on Surface Ship and Anti-Shock Characteristics of Structures;水面舰船设备冲击环境与结构抗冲击性能研究

15.Studies of FEM Impact Simulation and Its Deformation Resistance Analysis Against Shock on CFRP Strengthening Beams;CFRP增强梁的冲击过程模拟及其抗冲击性能研究

16.Applications of Shock Spectrum on Shock Resistance Design of Shipborne Equipment冲击谱在舰载设备抗冲击设计中的应用

17.Experimental Research on Anti-impact, Anti-tear Performance of Conveyer Belt;输送带抗冲击、抗撕裂性能试验研究

18.The Toughening Modification for PVC Pipe and Properties of High Impact PVC PipePVC-U管抗冲击改性和高抗冲PVC-U管性能


value of shock resistance抗冲击值

1.This paper was analysed inspection results of beer bottles around thirteen provinces and areas that were based on 《detailed rules of nationwide unitive inspection of beer bottles》,it was raised that thevalue of shock resistance of beer bottles is about equal to 0.根据《啤酒瓶统检细则》对13个省区啤酒瓶的检验结果进行了分折,提出了啤酒瓶抗冲击值在0。

3)initiation threshold for slapper detonator冲击片起爆阈值

4)resistance to internal pressure抗冲击力值

5)breakdown threshold击穿阈值

1.Dependence of atmosphericbreakdown threshold induced bylaser beams on the laser wavelengths;高功率激光表面大气击穿阈值的波长关系

2.In terms of chan- ging the microwave frequency and pulse width,the relationship between the airbreakdown threshold and altitude above sea level is analyzed,then the relation is simulated numerically and data shown.计算结果表明,存在某一击穿阈值为最小值的海拔临界高度,当脉冲传播到此高度以上时,击穿现象不再发生。

3.Thus a method is obtained to compute thebreakdown threshold in liquids.发现激光能量与声信号强度之间存在着对数线性关系;并根据液体中光声信号的连续性,得到了一种求取液体光击穿阈值的新方

6)breakdown threshold value击穿阈值

1.The effects of air s absorption of heat, scatter, turbulent and thermal blooming on the laser beam transmitting under the airbreakdown threshold value are analysed when laser transmit in the air and the result can be used designing of the laser system.系统分析了激光在大气中传输时在击穿阈值以内 ,由于大气汽溶胶的吸收、散射、大气湍流、大气热晕等线性非线性问题对光束控制系统的影响 ,为激光系统提供指导。


