900字范文 > 林木种苗 seedling英语短句 例句大全

林木种苗 seedling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-28 12:19:58


林木种苗 seedling英语短句 例句大全



1.Construction and Development on Seedling in Datong;大通县林木种苗建设及发展

2.SCP Model for Analyzing Organization and Policy of Seedling Industry in Gansu;甘肃省林木种苗产业组织SCP分析法与研究

3.Based on the analysis of present situation and problems of the treeseedling production base in china,the solution of the development of the treeseedling production base in China was discussed.对我国林木种苗基地现状和存在问题分析的基础上,探讨我国林木种苗业基地的发展对策。


1.The Application of the Factory Nursery in the Production of Tree Seedlings;工厂化育苗在林木种苗生产中的应用

2.Study on the Industrial Organization and Policy of Seedling Industry in Beijing China;北京市林木种苗产业组织与政策研究

3.Present Status and Developing Suggestions of Seedling Industry in Guizhou Province;贵州省林木种苗产业现状及发展思路

4.The Development Status,Problems and Strategies of Forest Tree Seeds and Seedlings in Guangdong Province;广东省林木种苗发展现状、问题及对策

5.Accelerate the Industrialization Pace of Forest Seedlings in Taiyuan;加快太原市林木种苗产业化发展步伐


7.A Study on the Industrialization of Forest Seedling Science and Technology in Jiangsu;江苏林木种苗科技产业化发展与对策

8.The competent forestry authorities shall be responsible for stipulating the quarantine range of forest tree seedlings, delimit the epidemic area and the protection area and conduct quarantine of forest tree seedlings.林业主管部门负责规定林木种苗的检疫对象,划定疫区和保护区,对林木种苗进行检疫。

9.Researches on Construction Question and Countermeasure of Forest Seedling Industry in Fujian Province;福建省林木种苗产业建设问题与对策研究

10.Jiangsu Province Tree Seedlings Enterprise Performance Evaluation System Research;江苏省林木种苗企业效绩评价体系的研究

11.The Current Situation and Development Countermeasure for Engineering Project of Tree Seed and Seedling in Guangdong Province;广东省林木种苗工程建设现状与发展对策

12.A Study of the Present Situation of Forest-tree Seed and Seedling Industries and their Development Strategies;四川省林木种苗产业现状及其对策研究

13.China Seedling Industry: Status, Trend and Countermeasures;中国林木种苗业现状及发展趋势与对策

14.Construct Social Service Systems of Technical Industrialization for the Forest Seeds in Jiangsu Province;江苏林木种苗科技产业化服务体系的建立

15.Development status, trend and management strategies of forest tree seeds and seedlings in Hebei province;河北省林木种苗发展现状、趋势与管理对策

16.Some Issues on Planning and Design of the Tree Seedling Production Bases;林木种苗基地规划设计若干问题的探讨

17.Practice and Understanding in Prototype Design for Tree Seed and Seedling Demonstration Base;林木种苗示范基地初步设计的实践与体会

18.On Scientific and Technological Development of Forestry Seedling Industry in Jiangsu Province;江苏省林木种苗产业科技化的现状与问题分析


Forest seedling林木种苗

1.Abstract: The paper analyses development level and some problems existed of forest seedlingfacilization production technology in our country, put forward proposal for development directionand development idea of its plantization production facility.对我国的设施化林木种苗生产技术的发展水平及其存在的一些问题进行了分析,并对其工厂化生产设施的发展方向和发展思路提出了建议。

2.With the face of the province-wide implementation of the strategy of maintaining the province by relying on ecological conservation,ecological civilization construction and building harmony society,it is urgent to work fur-ther on forest seedling,speed up reforestation,promote the rapid fore.林木种苗是林业建设的基础和前提。

3.Forest seedling is the foundation of forestry sustainable development, and is also the key to guarantee the afforestation quality.林木种苗是林业可持续发展的基础,是确保造林绿化质量的关键。

3)forest tree seed and seedling林木种苗

1.In order to develop the production offorest tree seed and seedling in Guangdong Province,analysis its current situation and problems based on the investigation.本文概述了广东省林木种苗生产的现状和特点,分析其存在问题,并提出解决问题的对策和发展策略。

4)Tree seeds and seedlings林木种苗

1.This paper summarized and analyzed the present situation and existing problems of financial utility and management of engineering project of tree seeds and seedlings in Guangdong Province.概述了广东省林木种苗工程项目资金使用与管理现状,分析了其存在的主要问题,并提出解决问题的相关建议。

5)tree seedling林木种苗

1.Thetree seedling production in Cangzhou city is developing fast these years.沧州市的林木种苗事业迅猛发展,全市现有各类苗圃307处,育苗总面积0 29万hm2,产苗量达2 4亿株。

2.According to the production practice of the experimental nursery of Shanxi Provincial Forestry Administration,this paper expounds the problems in the application of the factory nursery in the production oftree seedlings,and advances some corresponding suggestions.根据山西省林业厅实验苗圃开展工厂化育苗的生产实践,就工厂化育苗技术在林木种苗生产中应用的有关问题进行了论述,并提出了相关建议。

6)tree seedling production base林木种苗基地

1.Based on the analysis of some issues on product scheme,scope of production,and product technology and zoning in the planning and design of thetree seedling production bases, the paper presents some basic guidelines which should be followed in designing and planning of thetree seedling production bases.通过对林木种苗基地规划设计中产品方案设计、生产规模设计、生产工艺设计、基地区划设计四个方面的研究探讨,总结出林木种苗基地规划设计中应遵循的最基本的设计思路。


茶树品种种苗标准茶树品种种苗标准seedling standards of tea varities茶树品种种苗标准(seedling standardsof tea var垮ties)衡量茶树良种‘种子和种苗)质量的具体指标。包括良种的真实性、纯度、种子和苗木的质量。‘良种的真实性,是指是否属于该种的种苗。良种种苗的纯度,是指同一品种种苗内混杂与否及混杂程度。茶树良种种苗繁殖,分有性和无性两种,由于它们存在着生物学上的差异,品种纯度的标准应有不同;原种和生产用种,它们的来源和用途也不同,纯度的标准,亦应有所差别。无性繁殖系良种的标准应该从严.有性繁殖系良种可适当放宽;原种要求标准应高,生产用种适当降低。无性萦殖系良种的原种,纯度应为10()%,生产用种的纯度可为95%。茶籽标准种子的大小常因品种不同也不完全一致。一般灌木型和小乔木型良种的种子质t,通常采取以下标准:①茶籽直径不小于12毫米;②千粒重不低于1 o0()克(或每500克种子不多于500粒);③茶籽含水量不低于咒%,不高于38%;④发芽率不低于85%;⑤茶籽无空壳、霉变、虫蛀和破裂;⑥夹杂物不高于2%。由于茶籽子粒间的自然差异,茶籽不尽一致,还可按茶籽大小分成若干等级,其分级标准如表lo茶苗标准一般灌木型和小乔木型茶树良种,一年生茶苗质量通常采用以下标准:①茶苗高度不低于20厘米;②主茎粗度离地面3厘米,直径不小于3毫米;③根系生长正常;④主茎离地面10厘米以下已木质化;⑤无病虫害寄生。表1茶籽分级标准┌──┬────────┬───────────┐│等级│茶籽直径(奄米〕 │500克茶籽粒数 ││││(茶籽含水量在30%左右) │├──┼────────┼───────────┤│l级 │16以上 │300以下││2级 │14一16 │300~400││3级 │12~14│400~500││4级 │12以下 │500以上│└──┴────────┴───────────┘一般灌木型和小乔木型的茶树良种茶苗分级标准如表2。不符合质量标准的茶苗,作为后备苗,在苗.中继续培育。表2茶苗分级标准┌──┬─────┐│等级│茶苗高度 │││(厦米)│├──┼─────┤│1级 │30以上││2级 │25~30 ││3级 │20~25 ││后备│20以下│└──┴─────┘(陈文怀)
