900字范文 > 信号注入法 signal injection method英语短句 例句大全

信号注入法 signal injection method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-24 21:59:38


信号注入法 signal injection method英语短句 例句大全

信号注入法,signal injection method

1)signal injection method信号注入法

1.The principles of usingsignal injection method to detect single-phase earth fault of distribution network at present are compared and analyzed.对目前配网采用信号注入法检测单相接地故障的原理进行比较分析。

2.Thesignal injection method based on the information of the signal to choose the fault line and the fault location is applicable to the non-effectively earthed neutral systems of different structures.在众多的接地系统单相接地故障选线与定位的方法中,信号注入法由于利用了信号自身的信息进行选线和定位,其性能与接地电流的大小和方向无关,适合于不同结构的小电流接地系统,获得了广泛的应用。


1.Grounding through High Speed Arc Suppression Coil Technology Based on Signal Injection基于信号注入法的快速消弧线圈接地技术

2.Arc suppression coil with thyristor series capacitors based on injecting current基于信号注入法的可控硅投切电容式消弧线圈

3.Research on Earth Current Measurement Based on Signal Injection in Power Network;基于信号注入法的电网接地电流检测技术研究

4.An Application of Kalman Filter in the Method of High-frequency Signal Injection;卡尔曼滤波器在高频信号注入法中的应用

5.Research on Sensorless PMSM Control System with Fluctuating High Frequency Signal Injection基于脉振高频信号注入法的PMSM无传感器控制

6.The Research of Capacitance Current Automatic Measuring and Tuning Method Based on the Approach of Signal Injection;基于信号注入法的电容电流自动检测与调谐方法的研究

7.Study on Measure Device for Capacitive Phase-to-earth Current in Distribution Network by Injecting Signals;基于信号注入法的电网对地电容电流测量装置的研究

8.The Study of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Control System That Checks Position Using High Frequency Voltage Signal Injection;采用高频电压信号注入法检测位置的PMSM控制系统研究

9.Study on Fault-Locating Methods Based on Wavelet and Injecting Signal for Single-Phase Fault in the Neutral Indirectly Ground Power System;小波及信号注入法定位小电流接地系统单相接地故障

10.Study of Sensorless Drive for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on High Frequency Signal Injection;基于高频信号注入法的永磁同步电机无传感器控制

11.Fault Location Based on Pulse Signal Injection Method for Distribution Networks With Single Grounding Phase基于脉冲信号注入法的配电网单相接地故障定位的研究

12.Study on Fault Line Selection Instruments of Small Current Grounding Network Based on Signal Injection and Transient Signal信号注入与暂态信号方法结合的小电流接地选线装置

13.Measurement System of Auto-Tuning ARC Based on Injecting Current Signal基于注入信号的消弧线圈电容检测方法

14.Sensorless control of PMSM based on fluctuating high frequency voltage signal injection基于信号注入的永磁同步电机控制方法

15.In this method, the information signal and error from an adaptive controller are injected into transmitting system.在该方法中,注入到发射系统的信号是信息信号与一个自适应控制器的误差。

16.Analyzing and Research Based on Signal Injection Method of Selection on Single-phase to Ground Fault Line in Distribution Network;配电系统接地故障的信号注入检测法的分析与研究

17.Study of the Fault Distance Measurement Method for Small Current Grouding System by Injecting Signal & Design of the Signal Source;信号注入式小电流接地故障测距的研究及信号源的设计

18.Research on Signal Generator for Single-phase Ground Fault Line Selection Protection Based on Additional Diagnosis Signal应用于外加诊断信号接地选线保护的注入信号发生器研究


signal injection method注入信号法

1.Automatic fault locating algorithm based onsignal injection method for distribution system;基于注入信号法的配电网单相接地故障自动定位算法

2.Thesignal injection method is widely used for automatic selecting fault line in indirectly earthed power system,which has great effect in the system of single-phase ground fault.注入信号法是一种效果较好的选线方法,其原理广泛应用于小电流接地系统单相接地故障的自动选线。

3.Thesignal injection method is widely used for selecting fault line in small-current grounded power system.注入信号法是广泛应用于小电流接地系统单相接地故障的选线方法,实际应用中由于接地故障电阻大,容易发生选线失败的现象。

3)single-frequency signal injected method单频信号注入法

4)high-frequency signal injection高频信号注入法

1.A detail analysis of the model of BLDC defined by the method ofhigh-frequency signal injection was presented,and the applicability of this method to BLDC was discussed.高频信号注入法已被证明是正弦波永磁同步电机(PMSM)转子位置无传感器检测的一种行之有效的方法,但是该方法对无刷直流电机(BLDC)是否同样适用,迄今还没有清晰的答案。

5)high frequency signal injection高频信号注入法

1.A hybrid rotor position self-sensing approach was investigated in this paper by combining thehigh frequency signal injection method and model reference adaptive system(MRAS) method.基于对高频信号注入法和模型参考自适应法转子位置自检测原理和特性的讨论,提出了一种包含零速在内的全速度范围内均能实现转子位置/速度准确检测和控制的复合方法。

6)Low frequency signal injection method低频信号注入法


