900字范文 > 利益导向机制 Benefits Mechanism英语短句 例句大全

利益导向机制 Benefits Mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-15 18:43:34


利益导向机制 Benefits Mechanism英语短句 例句大全

利益导向机制,Benefits Mechanism

1)Benefits Mechanism利益导向机制

1.Probing into Intensify the Establishment of FPBenefits Mechanism in Wenzhou City;温州市加强计划生育利益导向机制建设的探讨

2.Study on Hydropower Project Resettler’s benefits mechanism and its construction水利水电工程移民利益导向机制及其建构初探


1.Utilize Social Resources Comprehensively to Build Interest-oriented Mechanism;综合利用社会资源 建立利益导向机制

2.Research on Family Planning Benefit-oriented Mechanism for Floating Population;流动人口计划生育利益导向机制研究

3.Study on Hydropower Project Resettler’s benefits mechanism and its construction水利水电工程移民利益导向机制及其建构初探

4.Establishing and improving the interest-oriented mechanism related to population and family planning.41、建立和完善人口与计划生育的利益导向机制。

5.Probing into Intensify the Establishment of FP Benefits Mechanism in Wenzhou City温州市加强计划生育利益导向机制建设的探讨

6.Fulfilling the Family Planning Interest-oriented Mechanism, Serving People Better;落实计划生育利益导向机制,做好为民服务工作

7.Setting up and Perfecting FP Benefitoriented Mechanisms;建立和完善计划生育利益导向机制刍议

8.Research on Interest-Oriented Mechanism of Family Planning in China我国计划生育工作中的利益导向机制研究

9.Analyzing the influence of perfect benefit trend system to Henan provincial stabilizing low fertility in economics;论完善利益导向机制对稳定我省低生育水平的重要性

10.1. Establishing a benefit-oriented mechanism and social security system that facilitate the population and family planning work.一、建立完善有利于人口与计划生育工作的利益导向机制和社会保障制度。

11.The construction of the mechanism in rural family planning interests of our country--Analysis on the basis of children s cost and utility;我国农村计划生育利益导向机制的构建——基于子女成本和效用的分析

12.Study on the Legal Mechanisms of the Direction of Guiding for the Modality of Privately-owned Enterprises and the Effective Protection for Creditors;私营企业形态导向与有效保护债权人利益法律机制研究

13.The Multi-interests Securities Regulation and Protection of Investors;多元利益导向的证券监管制度与投资者保护

14.The Study on the Influence of the Defect of Interest System for the Risk-Oriented Auditing;利益制度缺陷对风险导向审计影响的研究

15.System Logic Constructed in an Interest-oriented Mechanism in the Processof Developing the West;西部开发利益诱导机制建立的制度逻辑

16.Induced by economic benefit, rural labor in the Western region has been transferring to urban areas and to the more developed Eastern region.在经济利益诱导机制的作用下,西部地区农村劳动力向西部城镇地区和东部发达地区迁移。

17.An Exploration on Mechanism for Implementation of Urban Design Guidelines and Balance for Civil Benefits;市民利益平衡下的城市设计导则的运作机制

18.Analyses on the Protection System of the Cultivated Land;建立耕地保护利益引导机制必要性的探讨


Improve Interest-Oriented Mechanism完善利益导向机制

3)Benefit-oriented Family Planning Mechanism计划生育利益导向机制

4)interest orientation利益导向

1.The paper researchesinterest orientation system and status of system practice of ‘Caring for Girls Action—a case study of County J’ based on three basic concepts(system text,system practice,system deviation) and a survey of investigating region.文章从制度文本、制度实践、制度偏差这三个基本概念与调查区域的概况入手,分别阐述了J县"关爱女孩"行动利益导向制度文本要求与制度实践状况,指出制度实践偏差的表现,分析出现偏差的原因,提出要使利益导向机制得到有效落实,至少制度文本要做二个方面的改进。

5)benefit mechanism利益机制

1.The Research on the Benefit Mechanism of the Company+Peasant Household Pattern;“公司+农户”模式下的利益机制研究

2.Only when the global socialbenefit mechanism is transformed,can the society enterinto the harmonious and sustainable development state.要通过全球社会利益机制的变革,使社会进入可持续发展的和谐状态。

3.This article analyses the subject element,object element and cognate element whichinfluences thebenefit mechanism and the construction of the cooperation between industyand academica.本文对影响产学研合作利益机制的因素作了扼要说明,对合作的利益机制框架进行了构建。

6)interests mechanism利益机制

1.The agriculture subsidy system can not run effectively without the function ofinterests mechanism because the essence of the agriculture subsidy is the subsidi.农业补贴的本质是利益的补贴,其有效运行离不开相关利益机制的作用。

2.Therefore,in deepening the industrialized operation of agriculture, we should take the market as the top,give play to market-orientedinterests mechanisms, change th.面对我国加入WTO和全面建设小康社会的新阶段 ,农业产业化经营面临诸多如 :制度创新问题、体制问题、土地制度问题、市场问题、投资问题等 ,为此 ,深化农业产业化经营的对策选择是 :农业产业化经营要以市场为龙头 ,充分发挥企业家的骨干作用 ,逐步形成以市场为导向的利益机制 ,转变政府职能 ,改革管理机制和体


