900字范文 > 施氮肥 nitrogen fertilization英语短句 例句大全

施氮肥 nitrogen fertilization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-21 02:51:04


施氮肥 nitrogen fertilization英语短句 例句大全

施氮肥,nitrogen fertilization

1)nitrogen fertilization施氮肥

1.Effects ofnitrogen fertilization on fine root biomass and morphology of Fraxinus mandshurica and Larix gmelinii:A study with in-growth core approach内生长法研究施氮肥对水曲柳和落叶松细根生物量和形态的影响


1.The nitrogen utilization efficiency were downtrend with the amount of topdressing increased.随著施氮量增加,追施氮肥的利用率明显下降。

2.Effects of Topdressed N-Fertilizer on Translocation and Distribution in Soybean Plants追施氮肥对大豆体内氮素运转与分配的影响

3.high-clearance liquid nitrogen applicator高地隙液体氮肥注施机

4.Wheat fertilization mainly in basal, all organic manure, P and K and half of N fertilizers are applied at plowing, the rest N fertilizer dressed in jointing stage along with irrigation.小麦施肥主要为基肥,全部有机肥、、和一半氮肥翻地时施入,其余氮肥在拔节期随灌水追施。

5.Effects of Nitrogen Application Time on Carbon Assimilate and Nitrogen Translocation and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Summer Maize施氮时期对夏玉米碳氮运转及氮肥利用的影响

6.A Study on Effects of N-fixing Bacteria Fertilizer under Different Soil Nitrogen Level;不同施氮水平下固氮菌肥施用效果的研究

7.Studies on the Effect of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium and Formulated Fertilizer Application of Blueberry;越橘氮磷钾的施肥效应及配方施肥的研究

8.Study on the Application Effects of N,P and K Fertilizers on Rice and the Recommended Fertilizer Amount in Eastern Hubei鄂东水稻氮磷钾肥施用效果及推荐施肥量研究

9.The Effect of Formula Application on Yield of Zunyu 3 and Its Application Parameters氮磷钾肥配施对遵玉3号产量、施肥参数的影响

10.Experimental Study on Fertilization and the Different Proportion Nitrogen Fertilizer of Jing-9428 Wheat京9428小麦施肥量和氮素化肥不同施肥比例试验研究

11.Mechanism of Soil N Supply in Paddy Soil and Reaching Optimal N Application for Rice;稻田土壤供氮机理及水稻氮肥优化施用研究

12.Effects and Mechanism on Nitrogen Output in Farmland with Nitrogen Fertilization;氮肥施用对农田氮素径流输出的影响及其机理

13.Study on the N-element Nutrient of Red Globe Grape and Its Nitrogen Fertilization全球红葡萄氮素营养及氮肥施用效果研究

14.Nitrate-N Leaching in 23-Year Winter Wheat Field Combined with Application of Nitrogen and Phosphorus小麦氮磷肥长期配施对土壤硝态氮淋溶的影响

15.Study of Nitrogen Fertilization on Summer Maize Based on Soil Nitrate Nitrogen Test基于土壤硝态氮测试的夏玉米氮肥施用研究

16.Where they do use chemical fertilizer, they tend to use nitrogen only, thereby mining the soils.使用化肥时,只施用氮肥,从而其它养分逐渐耗竭。

17.Characteristic of Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Central Food Crops under Long-term Fertilization;长期施肥下我国粮食作物氮肥利用率变化特征

18.Effects of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Fertilizers on Tobacco Internal Quality and Its Fertilization Model;氮磷钾肥对烤烟内在品质的影响及其施肥模型


Nitrogen application氮肥施用

3)Spraying nitrogen喷施氮肥

4)N-dressed shallow氮肥表施

5)nitrogenous fertilizer apply氮肥配施

6)N and P fertilizer-applied施氮磷肥


