900字范文 > 全球史研究的评价 evaluation of global history research英语短句 例句大全

全球史研究的评价 evaluation of global history research英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-25 05:22:47


全球史研究的评价 evaluation of global history research英语短句 例句大全

全球史研究的评价,evaluation of global history research

1)evaluation of global history research全球史研究的评价

2)Evaluation studies评价研究

1.Evaluation Studies of MELD to Asses the Prognosis of Patients with Severe Hepatitis;终末期肝病模型(MELD)对重型肝炎预后评价研究

2.The Evaluation Studies on Macro-economic Effects in Qinghai Province青海省宏观经济效益评价研究


1.Implicit and Explicit Evaluation: A Perspective of Textual Metafunction隐性评价与显性评价:语篇功能的评价研究

2.Study on Risk Assessment of Strategic Environmental Assessment;规划环境影响评价中的风险评价研究

3.Study on FGRD for software quality基于FGRD评价方法的软件质量评价研究

4.Consumer Price Evaluation Research Based on Reference Price;基于参考价格的消费者价格评价研究

5.Monitoring and Assessment Research Centre监测和评价研究中心

6.Atmospheric Transport Model Evaluation Study大气输运模式评价研究

7.Assessing of Chemi-CAI Courseware;Chemi-CAI课件的评价研究

8.The Research on the Excellent Performance Assessment System and Mature Grade;卓越绩效测评体系与成熟度评价研究

9.Study on The Differences of Appraisal Results by Self and Appraisal Results by Line-manager in Performance Appraisal绩效评价中主管评价与自我评价的差异性研究

10.Research on Engineering Quality Risk Evaluation & Evaluation Model;工程质量风险评价及评价模型的研究

11.A Research about the Ability Evaluation of Auditing Organization and a Evaluation Software;认证机构能力评价及评价软件的研究

12.Study on Supply Chain Performance Evaluation System and Evaluation Model;供应链绩效评价体系和评价模型研究

13.The Appraisal of Foreign Researches on Customer Lifetime Value Evaluation Model;国外客户终生价值评价模型研究述评

14.The System of indivators Used Evaluation and The Research on The Method of Webquest;Webquest评价体系建构及评价方法研究

15.TV Drama Criticism before and after Showtime;电视剧播前评价与播后评价差异研究

16.A Theoretical Study of Evaluation of Curriculum and Learning Evaluation of Physical Education;课程评价与体育学习评价的理论研究

17.On Quality Evaluation Content and Methods of Kindergarten幼儿园质量评价内容及评价方式研究

18.Study Enterprise Value Appraisal Index Based on Value Chain;基于价值链的企业价值评价指标研究


Evaluation studies评价研究

1.Evaluation Studies of MELD to Asses the Prognosis of Patients with Severe Hepatitis;终末期肝病模型(MELD)对重型肝炎预后评价研究

2.The Evaluation Studies on Macro-economic Effects in Qinghai Province青海省宏观经济效益评价研究

3)Evaluation study评价研究

1.Evaluation Study on Qinghai Health Service Project (Health Ⅷ) Supported by the World Bank Loans;青海省世界银行贷款基本卫生服务(卫生Ⅷ)项目评价研究

2.Firstly,it introduced the concept of evaluation study from definition,factor and model.从定义、要素、模式三方面介绍了评价研究的概念;阐述了CAI软件评价工作中存在的重点和难点问题;简要说明正确处理好研究质量评价方法中的三种关系。


1.Study on nutrition evaluation of Chinese lakes;中国湖泊的富营养化评价研究

2.Educational evaluation scientifically and effectively is an important element of the teaching activity.通过对收集的材料和数据进行归因分析,发现现行课堂教学评价研究中已经取得的成绩和存在的问题,从而提出有利于构建科学评价课堂教学的若干建议和设想。

5)Evaluation research评价研究

1.The evaluation research for the water resources sustained using in the oasis of Xinjiang corps;新疆兵团绿洲水资源可持续利用评价研究

2.By means of the analysis on economic and environmental coordinated development in environmental economics, combined with coordination theorey, this article carries out evaluation research on land use coordinated development, so as to coordinate and adjust the relationship between land use social and economic development and land use the ecological environment.本文借助环境经济学中对经济和环境的协调发展分析,结合协同理论进行研究区域的土地利用协调发展评价研究,以协调和调整区域土地利用社会经济发展与土地利用生态环境状况的关系。

6)Evaluations studies评价研究


